Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 420 - Besties Time

Chapter 420 – Besties Time

"Mothers-in-law are the loveliest set of people and that's why it is not a surprise that Jasmine mum liked you. While mothers-in-law are lovely the fathers-in-law are stubborn beings who will not easily give their daughters away without putting on a strong fight….,"

"Haha… I can see you are talking about this from experience. You haven't forgotten how Cat's father dealt with you," Evelyn laughed at Jeff.

"So are you trying to say fathers-in-law are not lovely because they aren't easily charmed?" Alfred asked in a playful tone.

"You can put it that way," Jeff said in a carefree tone.

"Jack isn't only handsome but surprisingly he developed a lovely character after he met Jasmine so I am not surprised that Jasmine mother liked him," Steve commented resisting the urge to laugh seeing Jackson's frowning face after he finished speaking.

"Are you trying to say I didn't have a lovely character before I met Jasmine?" Jackson asked pretending to be upset.

"You don't need me to begin telling you how you were before Jasmine came into the picture right? And Jasmine too can be a witness to what I am saying since she saw who you truly were before….,"

"What do you know? Acting how I did with her in the past was my way to make her get attracted to me," Jackson blurted out without thinking. He turned to face Jasmine when he realised what he had said.

"Jasmine, have you seen now that your man isn't all that innocent at all. He has confessed," Evelyn's words were accompanied by loud laughter.

Jackson was so glad to see that Jasmine wasn't angry by what he said.

"Guys, this not the time to laugh and make jokes of me but this is the time I need your collective ideas and suggestions…,"

"Idea and suggestions about what?" Alfred the first person to stop laughing asked.

Everyone gradually stopped laughing after Alfred's question. They listened to hear what Jackson had to say.

"Ideas and suggestions about how to please my future father-in-law. You know getting married to Jasmine will be impossible for me without getting her parents permission…,"

"Hey Jack, this isn't time for this discussion too. We are here to have fun and bond. Let's talk about this topic some other days. I am sure by then your buddies will have lots of crazy suggestions to offer," Catherine said in a playful tone.

"I agree too," Steve supported.

"Same here," Jeff, Evelyn and Elizabeth said at the same time.

"So where are we going to after here?" Jasmine asked curiously as she stare at their faces. Because this is the first time seeing them in a long time she wasn't aware of the plans they made.

"We are gonna first go sightseeing, shopping, going to the gaming house, watching movies and so many more," Evelyn said with excitement.

"Wow, as long as it's about fun and enjoying myself then I am ready for it," Jasmine said with smiles.

"If that's the case then we need to finish here so we can leave," Jeff said.

They all continued eating and talking. About fifteen minutes later, they left the cafe in which they had booked.

The next place they went to was the boutique. In the boutique, only the ladies seems to be eager about shopping but their boyfriends were not left alone. The ladies pulled the men along with them wherever they entered.

"I want that, that and those," These words were the most frequent words the ladies said as they went around shopping.

With their wealth, they didn't care about the prices of goods they bought. As long as the clothes and shoes caught their attention they didn't mind buying them.

"Cat, how about buying that sexy red lingerie. I am sure Pretty boy will fall deeper in love with you if he sets eyes…,"

"Hey, stop that Jasmine. Don't forget the men are barely some distance away," Catherine said nudging Jasmine gently by the side.

"So what if they heard us talking? They indeed go crazy when they see their women wearing such stuff, am I right Lyn?" Jasmine said loudly winking at Evelyn to support her.

"Yeah, you are right about that. Our men are the beasts…,"

"You ladies are well suited together. You both are extremely shameless," Elizabeth said before she hurried away from them. Catherine also followed.

"I find teasing them fun or what do you think?" Evelyn asked her gaze following the two ladies walking to another section.

"You are right about that," Jasmine said beaming.

"Hey, where are the two of you going. Wait for us," Jasmine shouted after Elizabeth and Catherine. She and Evelyn hurried to meet up with the other ladies.

The guys all turned to stare at the ladies hearing their sweet laughter.

"Guys, what do you think about our ladies? Don't you agree with me that they are lovely?" Jeff asked as he momentarily shift his gaze to stare at the men.

"They are the most beautiful set of ladies the world can ever offer," Alfred said his gaze glued on his laughing wife. Just like the other men, he couldn't take his eyes off his woman.

"Their beautiful laughter don't only brighten up our worlds but they are priceless," Jackson said while staring at Jasmine who was playing and laughing with the other ladies.

"Why don't we join in the fun? I believe teasing them just like they had always done to us will be fun, or what do you guys say?" Jeff asked. He stares at them for replies.

"I am in," Steve and Jackson chorused. Since Alfred did not refuse, the four men went to meet their women.

They all kept on shopping while playing in the boutique where only a few customers were present.

After they finished shopping in the boutique they went to the jewellery store and bought for themselves quality jewellery.

Everyone rested in a cafe when they were done shopping. After about twenty minutes rest they went sightseeing.

With the ladies around, they were no dull moments. All of them enjoyed themselves throughout the day.


Happy last day of January 2022🎇🎇🎇

Hello darling readers, I want to use this opportunity to thank all of you for being here for me. I know this year has barely started but I can already feel your love and support. I can already feel that this year will be more than awesome.

To all the readers who went out of their ways to buy the privileged chapters this month, I want to say thank you. A big thank you to all of you for showing me so much love and support. Don't worry this month I won't only say thank you for buying the privileged chapters but I will show it by giving a mass release of four chapters on the 1st of February. We are not supposed to get a mass release this month since we didn't reach any of the goals of the month I set up but I want to use this way to appreciate you for your love and earnest support.

Lovely readers I know you must be curious to know who are our TOP THREE FANS this month right.

Readers who came out as top fans this month are;

1) DaoistTzoOew

2) Bat_Snake_Octopus

3) LorenaMur

I want to say a big thank you to the three of you for supporting my book from all angles.

Readers who want their names to be here next month should try a bit harder. I am sure you are almost there.

I love you all ❤❤❤.

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