Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 65 - What Type Of Men Would You Never Date?

"Hahaha..... I was just kidding," Jasmine said laughing hysterically. Her laughter was evident that she loved the reaction she got from them.

"Guys, I am not a machine that could handle having sex with a thousand men," Jasmine said as she tried to suppress her laughter.

"Although she is right about that this was such an expensive joke. I almost had a heart attack on JK's behalf," Jeff said in low tones holding his panting chest.

"You gave me such a fright earlier," Eli said sounding so relieved.

"What type of men would you never date?" Jeff beat Eli to asked the question first.

"I am the kind of lady who loves partying and clubbing so I would never date any boring man since he would not be able to keep up with my pace," Jasmine said bluntly.

"And one more thing I hate pompous men. Anytime I see a man who thinks he is high above everyone I always feel the urge to subdue them and make them realise that they are nothing before me," Jasmine said in a serious tone. From her tone and expression, they could tell that her reply was her honest answer.

"Has any man left you heartbroken before?" Steve asked firmly.

"Why are these two idiots not giving me the chance to ask her questions. They are all so annoying?" Eli mumbled gritting his teeth.

Jasmine who usually gives quick answers kept quiet. Catherine quickly turned to look at her. Seeing her clench her fist tightly, she felt like giving Steve a tight slap across his face for asking Jasmine such a question.

"You don't have to answer...,"

"Heartbreak? What is that?" Jasmine asked? She tried her best to mask her inner feeling. Her fake smile worked the magic of deceiving everyone except Catherine.

"Are you saying you have never been heartbroken?" Jeff asked throwing her a suspicious glance.

"Guys, let's start the game?" Jasmine said acting as if she did not hear Jeff's questions.

"Jasmine always likes giving straightforward answers but that is different this time. It looks like she is trying to evade this topic by changing the topic or what do you guys think?" Jeff asked as he stares at their faces for answers.

"You are right about. The moment Steve asked her that question, she suddenly looked uneasy. Even her usual play attitude temporarily disappeared," Jackson supported, his attention focused on Jasmine's face.

"I wonder why she acted that way," Steve said. None of his two friends could give him answers to his question since they also were looking for someone to answer their questions.

"What is our next game about. I will make sure I win," Eli said with so much confidence.

"Every woman wants a man who can protect her in time of danger so this last round will be a test of your strength. I want to see whether you can protect me from danger," Jasmine said grinning. From the way she smiles, they could tell that whatever game this little demon had in mind was not as simple as she made it sound.

"Does this mean you want them to fight each other to demonstrate their strength?" Steve asked anxiously.

"Yeah they will have to fight themselves but not by exchanging punches," Jasmine said her smile broadening even more.

"How can they fight without exchanging punches?" Jeff asked in confusion.

"Through arm wrestling," Jasmine announced the next game with smiles on.

"arm wrestling?" Jeff and Steve remarked. Their faces lit up in delight.

"JK this is one of your best games. No matter what, don't let us down," Jeff said in a low tone.

"You can only win ok?" Steve whispered.

"Haha... arm wrestling happens to be my favourite game in times of showing strength so I guess I should thank you in advance for choosing this game. It is in my favour," Eli said smiling.

"JK has never lost an arm-wrestling before so I advise that you save your happiness for later," Jeff replied sharply like he was the one Eli was talking to.

While the guys were busy bickering at each other, Jasmine signal a waiter to clean up their table.

After the waiter was through Jasmine raised her gaze to stare in the direction of Jackson. She was surprised when she saw that he was staring at her. What looks even more surprising was the affection in his eyes. His affectionate gaze that disappeared almost immediately puzzled Jasmine.

Maybe I saw it wrongly.

Jasmine finally concluded before she moved to do what she had in mind.

"I am rooting for you," Jasmine scribbled this on the now empty table. The others were too preoccupied bickering to see the message Jasmine wrote to Jackson.

Jackson whose eyes were following her moving fingers smiled inwardly when he read the message.

"Are you really rooting for him? I thought you did not want any of them to win?" Catherine said inaudibly.

"Since it has come to this it means I have lost so that is why I want him to win. He is the one I am interested in. Moreover, Eli is useless to me so why would I want him to win?" Jasmine replied before she turned to face everyone.

"Are you guys ready?" Jasmine asked excitedly.

"Very ready," Eli said with so much confidence. To give space to Eli, Jasmine switched seats with him. The two competitors both placed their hands on the table afterwards.

"Ready..... and then go,"- Jasmine replied beaming. Jackson's grip around Eli's right hand tightened the moment Jasmine announced the beginning of the game. Jeff and Steve's constant cheers attracted the attention of people. Seeing that something fun was going on here, people gathered around them to watch.

"Wow! Look that at this well-toned biceps," Jasmine said as she placed her hand on Jackson's right hand he was using to play the game. Her sudden touch sent a signal to all parts of his body. He threw a murderous glare at her when she traced it with her index finger.

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