Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 80 - What Was I Expecting?

He was so surprised when he realised that she had dozed off.

"Just when I had decided to confess everything to her, she happens to be asleep. I guess I am just so unlucky. I failed to get her love and I also failed to confess everything to her," Jackson thought as he raised his hand and caress her face.

"Jasmine I love you very much, why can't you see my heart? Why haven't you noticed the intense love that this indifferent man has for you?" Jackson said in a painful tone as he touched her eyebrows. He could not resist touching her on seeing how soundly she sleeps.

"Why won't you look my way just once? I promise to cherish you if you just give me the chance so will you give me a chance to show you just how I love you?" Jackson asked as he caressed her lips. He removed his hand from her face when she did not make any movements.

"What was I expecting?" Jackson asked as he looked out of the window. A few minutes later the car halted in front of the hotel but Jasmine was still not awake. Jackson tried to wake her up but she still didn't show any sign of opening her eyes. He had no choice but to carry her to his bedroom.

After gently placing her on the bed, Jackson sat on the bed and remove her shoes. He tucks her in bed before he sat beside her staring at her beautiful face. He stares at her until he had imprinted the image of her face in his heart. He went to the bathroom and shower after he was done staring at her. He changed into his pyjamas and slept on the couch in the sitting room. The thought of Jasmine pouncing on him scared him more than anything else which is why he left the bed for her.

Around 3:30 am the sleeping Jackson heard a knock on the door. Afraid that the noise will wake Jasmine up, he went to check on who it was. Seeing Catherine try to enter his room Jackson quickly obstruct her path.

"Why are you stopping me? I want to take my best friend with me," Catherine said drunkenly. Jackson examines her from head to toe. He did not need to be a sorcerer to realise that the young lady in front of him was drunk.

"She is sleeping. You can come back for her when she is awake," Jackson said firmly.

"I don't want to. I want to take her with me right now...,"

"Behave yourself or you are gonna wake her up. Even though you are her friend just know that I won't spare you if she wakes up because of you," Jackson threatened coldly.

"You have always been treating her coldly so why do you care so much about her now? Don't tell me you are planning to take advantage of her?" Catherine asked suspiciously. The wall she rests on prevented her from staggering.

"Miss, just go while I am being nice because it won't end well if you keep on provoking me. And just know that I won't help you to your room if you dare faint here. I will let you freeze to death," Jackson threatened sternly. The drunk Catherine blinks her eyes twice before she resumed talking.

"Jeff and Steve kept on telling me how much of a gentleman you are so I will believe their words this once and leave Jasmine in your custody. Anyways what choice do I have if I can't stand properly? I will make sure to scold those guys when I am sober tomorrow," Catherine reluctantly said.

"I guess those two friends of mine are not entirely useless. They were able to make you drop your guard around us," Jackson said inaudibly.

"What did you say?" Catherine who didn't hear a word he said asked him to repeat his words.

"I said you can go now. I was dreaming about my engagement party with the one I love before you interrupted me so leave now before I lose my cool," Jackson said coldly.

"I will leave but make sure you don't lay a finger on her. Her mum and dad will skin you alive if you dare do anything stupid to her," Catherine threatened.

"As long as she doesn't pounce on me first I promise not to do anything to her but if she does pounce on me I can't promise that I won't go with the flow. I am a man with blood running through my veins so how could I dare to reject a treasure like her," Jackson said an evil grin appearing on his face.

"You...," Jackson shut the door at her face before she could even complete her sentence. Jackson walked to the couch he previously laid on and sat down.

I am happy that my beloved has a friend like her but she sure nags a lot and I get so irritated each time she nags me. This is the second time she has nagged me and I am already this furious. I wonder how I will react if she nags me just one more time.

Jackson thought as he lied down on the couch after staring at the bedroom door. Soon he drifted to sleep.

The same day Jasmine who woke up and realised that she did not shower the previous night before she went to sleep immediately searched for the bathroom after getting familiar with her environment.

After she finally found the bathroom she dashed into it. She turned on the shower and stood under the running water without even removing her clothes. It was after she had gotten wet to her last piece of clothing that she started taking off her clothes.

Was it when she was four years, her elder sister had poured raw egg mixture and flour all over her and afterwards locked her in their storage room for an entire day. With their mum and dad not around, none of the servants listens to her plead no matter how many times she shouted.

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