Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 109: A beating heart of stone.

Case 109: A beating heart of stone.

Once set in stone, the details of the deal go by quite smoothly.

Or, rather, Kaiser forces out the points so quickly I can swear he has prepared this beforehand. In response, I let him be. It isn't as though they are putting me in a disadvantaged position.

If they were, I would've cut him off.

Now, there are quite a few things to remember, but it can be roughly summarized as this—

In exchange for my service in dealing with demons or cultists, the imperial family will provide me with the resources necessary to maintain it. Of course, it is only within a reasonable threshold.

In a sense, it is quite a simple deal. However, it is effective enough, and it will only last until the next heir is decided anyway.

''I'm glad we can reach an agreement, little miss.'' 


It's really interesting that he's not dealing with me the way he deals with the others. Usually, monarchs of this caliber would've stomped in rage as they demanded me to kneel a long time ago.

I wouldn't do it, though.

When he and I share a handshake, the man's eyes suddenly flash a curious light.

''Right. If you are here, then why don't you try it?'' He points to the Moon Devourer.

''It was my objective in the first place,'' I reply.

''Is that so? I thought you were going to steal our relics for a moment. How unsightly of me.''


Although I did think of that...


Taking a deep breath, I slowly extend my hand toward the Moon Devourer. The moment my gloved palm touches the hilt, I feel as though a faint current is running through my whole existence. 

It's... a murky feeling. Quite uncomfortable.




No reaction.

In the game, it is described that when Claire gets her hand on the sword for the first time, an intense light engulfs the whole building...

''It is quite unfortunate.'' Kaire shakes his head in genuine disappointment. ''I really thought it was going to be you.''

''Expectedly,'' I reply calmly, retreating my hand.

Considering the backstory of Claire and the sword...


The backstory... of Claire...?

Wait, I thought Chloe told me that the game didn't mention the past of Claire in the slightest? How come... how come I know it right now?

Let's organize the information.

The 'priestess' demon.

Imitated memories.

Lost family.

Unconsciously, my eyes are drawn to the Moon Devourer. Maybe...


''Wait a minute.''

Ignoring the confused Kaiser and Graham, I pull out a piece of paper and quickly jot down a phrase in English.

[Question the integrity of the heroine's lack of a backstory. If can't reach a conclusion, search for the holy sword again.]

Then, I throw it into the Backrooms, or, more precisely, my room inside the Backrooms. Feeling obligated to give the two men in front of me an answer, I open my mouth.

''It was nothing,'' I say. ''Moreover, I have a request.''

''This quickly?''


Shrugging as if he has expected it, Kaiser urges me to continue with his eyes.

''...I have a few dragon scales left. I want the Obsidian Blacksmith to make my armor.''

''Hoh~ So you know about him. As expected...'' 

Well, that man's existence is supposed to be a secret. But not for me.

After a bit of pondering, the emperor eventually agrees to let me meet the Obsidian Blacksmith with the condition that Graham accompany me throughout the trip.

Of course, I nod right away.

Saying goodbye to the Moon Devourer and the precious relics that might have been mine if not for Kaiser's timely intervention, we depart to a room deep inside the palace.

At the door, Kaiser cites work reasons and summons more subordinates to escort him back.

''Wait.'' I call.

''Is there anything else?'' The emperor seems puzzled.

''A present.'' I grab the doorknob. ''Claire, the light element bearer. She is the owner of the holy sword.''

''How did you... well, I guess that isn't important. Thank you. That will save us lots of trouble.''

Chuckling, the old man goes away for certain, leaving Graham to stare at me as if wanting to burst a hole through my head. Ignoring that, I open the door and step inside.

A messy study.

On the couch, a middle-aged man with slick hair and an unkempt beard lies sleeping peacefully, his forearm covering his eyes. 

As I gaze at Graham, the grandmaster goes over and wakes the sleeping man up.

''Huh...? Why are you here?''

With an annoyed expression, the middle-aged man slowly gets up while shoving Graham away. Once sober, his obsidian-like black eyes immediately turn to me.

This is Damien, the imperial blacksmith. 

Damien's eyes stay on me as I casually sit on the couch opposite him. 

''What business do you have here?'' Damien asks, his voice low and dense. ''Big-breasted lady.''


I forgot that he was a pervert.

''Call me Silaerob.'' I sigh. ''You have a commission. Make me a set of light armor. Focus on mobility.''

At this, the Obsidian Blacksmith furrows his brows, his eyes filled with annoyance.

''Listen, young lady. Do I seem like a third-rate blacksmith to you—''

''It's the emperor's order.'' Graham intervenes.

''Of course, I would. A set of light armor is nothing hard.''

In an instant, his face changes 180 degrees. What scary loyalty.

''So, what's the material you prefer? Depending on the budget, I might be able to make stuff with special effects.''

''Use these.''


As it is, Damien's eyes widen when I pull out a golden scale the size of half a table. 

''Holy shit...! Ain't this a dragon's scale?!''

Dragons are incredibly rare in this world, so encountering such a material, even for someone like Damien, is nothing short of a miracle.

''Now that I think about it, that mask... aren't you the infamous monster shepherd?''

''...I just told you my name.''

''Oh, crap. Sorry 'bout that, hahah!'' Damien smacks his cheek a few times. ''In any case, I've been wanting to work with these for a long time. You can expect a set of top-tier armor, my lady.''

''Do you need measurements?''

Of course, I'm talking about my chest. I think he might need my size to make the breastplate.

However, these grown men... why are you blushing?

''Ahem... it is rude to ask such information from a lady.'' Damien shakes his head. ''Worry not; I have already gauged yours from the moment I laid my eyes on them.''

And you consider that not rude?

Though, this is the first time I've encountered such a big pervert besides Chloe.

''Hah... right. Just in case, make me a pair of swords as well.'' I pull out the Blackstar. ''Make them similar to this one.''

''Hoh... that's some decent smithworks. And this material... is it a Zircon Serpent's scales?''


''Hm, it shouldn't be too hard. Also, even with two more swords, there should be leftovers. Do you want anything else?''

''You can keep them.''

''Sincerely, thank you, madam.''


What a weirdo.



No, why are you staring at my chest again?

As if reading my mind, the next second, Damien speaks up in an intrigued tone.

''Y'know. I have talents in working with stones and hard materials.'' He chuckles. ''That gives me the power to see more things than your average Joe.''


''Your heart. It's like a stone. A beating heart of stone.''


That might be true.

I'm not so stupid that I won't acknowledge my state of emotions. I know I am apathetic. I know I might be slightly crazy in the head. But that's precisely why...

I'm trying.

To learn love. To learn humanity.

Even if my heart is like a stone... at least it's beating.

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