Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 115: South Zircon Conquest – Gobble it up.

Case 115: South Zircon Conquest – Gobble it up.

Once again, I drag my legs through the damp earth, passing by the tall bamboo trees. However, this time, the former owner of the forest itself is with me.

''What level is the enemy?'' I ask, already looking forward to claiming the experience for myself.

''Sixty-four.'' Kyomu says. ''Although the lich itself isn't exactly strong, its army is.''

Considering his mere aura is enough to attract and corrupt so many souls, I can certainly imagine that. Still, I'm even more impressed at Kyomu's sword arts, which can easily cut things that are normally impossible to cut.

Most of all, it is unironically cool.

Wielding a blade that can cut fate? That is everybody's dream manifesting.

Thinking that I will be able to learn it after this, my steps become lighter. Though, the putrid aura of the lich is already extending all the way here... I'm not even grazing the center area, where the old temple is, so this is quite concerning.

''We should hurry.''

Nodding at Kyomu's words, I slightly tense up my calves and dash forward. This sensation of one's body becoming so light is honestly addicting. It feels like I'm flying, even though I can actually fly.

Nevertheless, when traveling at this speed where not even the passing sights remain intact, we arrive at our destination within a few minutes.

Here, the smell of death has gotten so bad that my face cringes on its own. I admire Kyomu for enduring this for so long. 

Without saying a word, both of us enter the temple again. Ignoring the exterior, I push the old door open, revealing a scene that would certainly make anybody frown.

In the middle of the room, there is a crooked skeleton covered in a nasty black substance, struggling to break through the rusty chains. The clacking noises, both from the bones and the metal, fill the area.

Just faintly, I can make out the... remains of what looks to be exorcism talismans. They are so badly damaged that I'm sure their effects have been lost, though.

''Only this one?'' I turn to Kyomu.


Seeing Kyomu nod so affirmatively, my excitement rises. A brief inspection tells me that this guy is indeed at level sixty-four and that his status says 'Bound.' He also has shiny eyes, albeit of different colors, like Skely. What a coincidence.

''Well, here we go.''


With a snap of my fingers, an ominous-looking portal spawns right where the skeleton is, teleporting him and the surrounding goo into the Backrooms.

Really, the Backrooms is too broken against unmovable targets like this.

''...Your ability is quite ludicrous, Miss.''

I don't want to hear that from a guy who can slice through reality.

Afterward, Kyomu and I enter through another portal and arrive at a certain corner of the Backrooms. This is the part right next to where I teleported the guy in.

''I'll let you look.''

According to my will, the wall becomes see-through, and the skeletal figure can be clearly seen inside a small, confined space.

''Indeed... if we kill it here, we can prevent leakage.''

Anyway, Kyomu seems fascinated with my base. But that's not all. As I gesture to him to look forward, he seems a bit puzzled but complies. 

Slowly, the walls surrounding the creature close in without making a noise, and there is no audio either. After a bit, the thing is cornered in every direction, and the goo begins to mesh with his bony body.

For a moment, a true expression of fear flashes on his face.



Once again, there is no noise. However, one can easily imagine the crisp sounds of breaking bones inside that room. Eventually, the... mess of bones and unknown substances is crushed into a small cube the size of a lunchbox, with its appearance undiscernible.

[You have defeated a Lv.64 Half-lich]

[Proficiency achieved a certain level]

[Being: Aurora Lv.56 has become Lv.58]

[2 skill points acquired]

It doesn't have a name...?

Either way, the experience is... quite pathetic. I feel as though the higher I am in level, the harder it is to level up. I wonder how those grandmasters achieve such a high level.

''What... a unique way of killing.''

''I know.''

''Why didn't you use this against me?''

''I felt like I wouldn't be able to impress you that way.''

''...I appreciate it.''

It's a sudden thought, but I wonder if the Sword of Nihility can cut through the walls of the Backrooms.

''Minamoto, can you try cutting that wall?''

''Why suddenly?''

''An experiment.''


Quietly, Kyomu unsheathes his katana again. Within just a short moment, a hazy white aura descends on his blade. Seeing it again still sends a chill down my spine.

Casually—very casually, he swings his sword at the nearby wall and—


It... leaves a mark. A very obvious mark.

I'd expected it from the beginning, but isn't this too much...?

After loitering around the infinite office space for a bit, we reunite with our usual members. As the night is about to conclude, I decide to learn the sword art from Kyomu tomorrow. I'm quite tired, anyway.

He says that learning it will depend purely on my talent, so I'm not exactly sure if I can acquire it, though.

''East Zircon?''

As I put out a question relating to the remaining region, Skely falls into contemplation.

According to normal developments, this should be when we ride on the momentum and invade East Zircon altogether, especially since we have acquired Kyomu. However...

''The Witch of Calamity...''

When he was alive, Skely held the title of archmage, which means he was a grandmaster. Yet, the Witch of Calamity, in the memory I saw, was able to overwhelm both him and the then saintess, Ariel.

If the current witch is as strong as her senior, going in right away will be a risky move.

''To begin with, there is too little information about the current Witch of Calamity.'' Skely shakes his head, making clacking noises. ''I suppose we can still win even if she is a grandmaster, but will it be risky... I'm not too sure.''

Level, abilities, appearance, military... we know nothing about her. This generation's Witch of Calamity hasn't appeared anywhere yet, so no information is available.

However, as Skely says, I can't imagine us losing against her with our overwhelming force. I wish I had executed this South Zircon Conquest earlier, honestly. With Kyomu, we could have won against Valstein.

''Either way, we need to make the decision within the next ten days.'' I declare. ''I will consult Chloe about this as well.''

''Why ten days?''


Instinctively, my mouth forms a curve as I stare at the system window in front of me.

[Horror Lord: Summon horror the way you want. CD: 240 hours. (4/5)] [Unique]

[Cooldown: 237:35:08]

Somehow, the thing got stingy and only gave me one more entity, but I am totally fine with it. It's better than nothing.

After all... I finally have a chance to meet a new horror.

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