Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 120: The Third Star – A chaotic exam season.

Case 120: The Third Star – A chaotic exam season.

''Ngah... I hate it!''

Sprawling onto the table, the girl with pale blonde hair and emerald-like green eyes wails as if given up on life. It is currently the beginning of February, which is also when Astra Academy holds its major exam for the first semester.

Surprisingly, even after so many unfortunate incidents, the curriculum is only delayed by a week or two.

''You can do it, Claire. I believe in you.''

''Hic... hic... you're my light!''

''Ahahah... wasn't your light Silaerob...?''

Since I can't be the one sprouting such cliché lines, it has to be Nydia instead. The raven-kin, whose social standing is rapidly rising even at this moment, maintains her original attitude as a maid.

Thanks to Nydia's stubborn effort to protect her working ethic, many people have experienced the infamous stomach pain from dealing with ticking bombs.

When she greets nobles respectfully by bowing, she finds those people kneeling on the floor the next second so as not to place their heads higher than the imperial princess's. When she greets commoners casually, many faint on the spot while others tremble so much that bypassers think an earthquake has hit them.

Right now, Nydia is more popular than ever. Reputable news outlets have also taken notice of this commotion inside the academy, and the identity of the third star has pretty much been confirmed in the public's eyes.

If there is something that hasn't changed... I suppose the way our usual circle's members don't appear to care that much. Chloe, Luxia, and I are on the same page about not making Nydia uncomfortable. Scarlett literally doesn't care about princesses or whatnot since she is something of a princess herself, and Claire is... well, the heroine.

Ever since receiving the Moon Devourer, Claire has shown the world her immense potential as a heroine. With her signature light element, she has participated in numerous raids to gain experience.

If nothing goes wrong, she should be moved to B class soon.

She can theoretically go even further and join A class, as shown in the original game, but...

''I don't wanna study...''

Different from the in-game Claire, who values her academic score and future prospects more than anything, this Claire is apparently just a typical student. She whines about studying, and she whines about her busy schedule.

''...Now that I think about it, did you ever meet Her Highness Sierra, Nydia?'' Claire says lazily. ''Meeting your separated cousin at this age is something I've never considered.''

''She actually came to me yesterday. We talked... about things.''

Seeing the reluctance on Nydia's face, Claire quickly glosses over the topic. As we continue our small talk while eating our lunch, the matter of names suddenly pops up.

''Do I want to use my current name...?'' Nydia rubs her chin, seriously pondering over Claire's question. ''Nydia... Nydia Alaina Astra. That doesn't sound too bad. There are lots of 'a,' though.''

''You could go with something cool. Like... er... Nydia Lilith Vanderblood or something?''

''That's not... how it works, alright?''

''What do you think, Aurora?''

Facing Claire's question, I continue to stare at her while chewing the mouthful of bread I've just bit off. The silence lasts a bit longer than usual, leading to both Nydia and Claire appearing a bit... bothered. Not in the sense that they are irritated.

''Alaina Astra is good.''

Eventually, I manage to give out an answer. I honestly don't care much about her middle and last name as long as she stays Nydia.

After finishing our lunch, we spend a bit more time talking before the bell finally rings, signaling the start of the afternoon classes. In this case, however, it is the first-year students' written exam instead—one of them.


''Good luck.''

''Good luck, Claire.''


With ominous steps as if she is walking into the gate of hell, Claire drags herself into the hall to get ready for the exam. She did get encouragement from Silaerob, so I reckon she will succeed. 

''Well, then... shall we go down to the town?''


Even though Chloe has already brought in a new chef from Luminous Duchy, Nydia is still, temporarily, our cook. 

''Hm... what should we eat today...''


Looking at her with such an ordinary smile, I suddenly feel a bit... sad. Soon enough, the Imperial Intelligence Department will come knocking on the door, and Nydia will have to go through a process to verify her bloodline. That is when she will have to stop being a maid.

The closer we get to that day, the more anxiety I see in Nydia's actions. She is now, more than ever, obsessed with her work as a maid. She cleans Chloe's room more meticulously, cooks more frequently and elaborately, and keeps her uniform spotless as if cherishing it.

It seems she doesn't want this life to end... at all.

Have I made the right choice by bringing her past to light?

What if I'm ruining her happiness?

These questions have been bothering me for a bit.



''Do you really want to become a princess?''

Catching her hand, I lean closer to her shoulder. By now, I have become accustomed to her scent, a... slightly woody, floral one.

In response, Nydia gives me a bitter look.

''It would be a lie if I say I want to.'' She shakes her head. ''However... I have found what I want to do with it, so don't worry.''


...I'm a bit scared to know what she wants to do with so much power in her hands.

February 4th, 1835. Evone Hall.

''Er... let's go over it once more. Just to be sure.''


In the spacious arena-like space, dozens of academy staff members can be seen busy moving around and inspecting the magical hologram devices designed to emulate recorded entities.

This time, it is especially important since we will be holding class 1-A's practical exam. These devices, which are shaped similarly to a stand, are to be treated with utmost care simply because of their rarity.

Each of them can only hold one type of hologram, and they have different specs like range, immersion rate, etc.

''Zircon's Basilisk, Wyvern, Zircon's Flying Whale, and... Balnok the Crucifier.''

''Are we really going to include this one, chief...?''

''The head professor says so. It's probably for the Lady of Luminous.''

''Ah... right. She's so ridiculously strong. Are we witnessing the birth of a new grandmaster, perhaps?''


Hearing this conversation between two staff members, I can't help but notice the changes we've brought to this world. In the game, 'Zircon's Flying Whale' and Balnok the Crucifier are never introduced as holograms in this exam. 

The former is quite clearly a hologram of Nova's right hand or left hand, while the latter... I suppose they are including it in for Chloe, who has broken the limit to be as strong, if not stronger, than most students present.

''Oh, Aurora~!''


After working here as a supervisor for a semester, I naturally became acquainted with some staff members. One of them is this bubbly-looking lady who always seems excited.

''Have you eaten yet?''

''I have.''

''That's good. We'll need to focus this time, after all.''

''...Are you saying you don't focus the other times?''


Light banters like this have become the norm. Maybe I can actually make friends.

''Oh, right. Have you heard of this rumor, Aurora?''


''Apparently, there will be a student transferring into class 1-A next semester...!''


A... transfer student?

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