Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 63: A strange cult at the academy.

Case 63: A strange cult at the academy.

Recently, I have found myself wandering around the academy quite a lot.

I don't need to serve Chloe properly in the first place, as she always tells me to go do whatever I want, and classes have been quite mild lately for some reason. Maybe they expect the students to be distracted by the upcoming school trip, so they just give up altogether. I'm not quite sure.

But I suppose this is a good thing for me.

Although we have already established the main plan for the next scenario and some precautionary measures for unexpected variables, I still want to be more ready for it.

The biggest of them all is still the heart of the scenario herself, Luxia. With the appearance of me and just how much the original story has changed, no one can be sure how she would act during the trip.

Now, we are not scared of her strength or anything, not at all, but she has some... Let's say, connections to the ones we need to defeat. The more she knows, the more our enemies know. That is why I didn't want her to learn about Ariel.

That crazy girl...


Remembering the scene of an overly excited and probably somewhat aroused Luxia yesterday, I can't help but feel weird about myself. It was certainly ugly—not Luxia, but her obsession—yet I thought she was rather charming.

Thinking back, I found Chloe cuter whenever she was drowning in jealousy as well, whether that would be seeing someone she didn't know talk to me or something similar.

Am I... Attracted to crazy girls?

The cold wind blows.

I am standing in the middle of the road, thinking about women. The onlookers stare at me intently with their mouths covered as if mocking my current state.


This is not right. Let's think about the scenario.

Having shrugged off the strange thoughts, I continue my way down the street with a small lollipop in my mouth. The crown princess suddenly gave me this earlier. I don't know why, either.

Well, at least it tastes decent—


I stop at my track.

My enhanced hearing is picking up a strange noise in the distance. It is quite small compared to everything else, but the way it sounds makes it stand out.

Turning to the direction of it, my eyes eventually stumble upon a large building. If I remember correctly, this is Sylph Hall, where the club rooms are.

Curious, I follow the sound into the front yard of the buildings. As I pass through several parked cars to the alley connecting to the back of the building, the noise gets clearer and clearer.

It sounds like a low incarnation of sorts, with a bunch of different voices mixed in. I can't quite make out what exactly they're chanting either, but this... I hope it's not the cult performing a dark magic ritual or something.

So I activate [Stealth] just in case and head further in.

Upon peeking out of the corner, I see a backyard filled with tall pine trees—generally unkept, it seems. Under one such tree, a group of five people are meditating in a circle, and that is precisely where the noise is coming from. They all wear the academy's uniform. Two men, three women.

Inspecting their status screens doesn't give me any abnormal information. All in all, they're just normal students.

Are they just using some obscure cultivation method or something?

Well, whatever.

As I'm about to turn back and be on my way, my eyes suddenly land on a picture, likely a portrait of someone lying on the ground, surrounded by the group. I squint my eyes, trying to identify the person in the image.

Is that... Me...??

That can't be. It has to be my imagination.

Nevertheless, I quickly blink behind the tree and poke my head out.


On the ground is indeed a picture of me cut from a newspaper. What is happening...?

Soon, the group starts to amplify their chanting speed, and when they finally reach a certain point, they cease it altogether. A woman stands up and wipes the sweat on her forehead.

''Good job, comrades!'' She excitedly says. ''With this, the spirit of the divine owl maid will be on our side!''

'''' Hurray! ''''

Ugh... What kind of idiotic cult is this??

I'm baffled. Is this some kind of prank on me? Do they know that I'm here?

When the group walks to the building's backdoor, I hurriedly follow them while maintaining my skill. They go up to the second floor and then enter the room of the gardening club.


Swallowing a mouthful of air, I peek into the window and through the little gap between the curtains.


A giant picture of me is hanging on the wall. Not only that, numerous more are displayed everywhere in the room as well. They even have a model of me on the desk...?!

How did this happen? How did this cursed club even come to be?

While thinking about that, the group of students has already settled down. One of them opens his mouth.

''When will the others come again?''

There are more?!?

Just how many people are involved in this??

In the first place, how did this even get past inspection? Surely, a club like this would be a violation of the rules since they clearly don't do gardening at all.

Right then, I see a man with the student council's sleeve getting out of the room besides this one. He lifts his glasses once and walks inside the room of the 'gardening club.'

Okay, surely this would get them to at least stop doing this—

''Oh, you're here, comrade. How was your day?''

''It was fantastic indeed, fellow maid enjoyer.''

Hearing them converse like old friends, I gradually feel like I'm about to abandon humanity altogether. The student council guy then sits down casually, and they start to discuss... Me.

Corrupt. This school is corrupt.

Even a member of the student council is indulging himself in a shady club like this. I have to make a complaint to the school later.

''Oh, by the way.'' A woman inside speaks up, looking at the student council guy. ''Did you catch anything today?''

''The other club? No, unfortunately.'' The guy replies. ''They hide it quite well, I'm afraid.''

Hm? Are they fighting another club or something?

The woman then grumbles with a dissatisfied expression. ''Tch, those idiots... Dare to claim Miss G or whatever is superior to our Aurora, blasphemous!''


What in the world did I just hear?? Are you telling me there is a separate club worshipping Miss G now??

This... This can't be right.

Shocked to my very core, I limp back to Chloe's room slowly, like a broken doll.

''Aurora? What's wrong with you?''

The blonde beauty, who is lying alone on her bed with a bunch of books, turns around and asks.

''...There is a cult worshipping me.'' I reply.

''Ah, that? It's your fan club.'' Chloe casually states. ''I'm a member of it as well, obviously.''


You... Traitor...

''I'm surprised you only noticed it now after it got so big.'' She chuckles.

''H-How big...?''

''One-third of the clubs are now converted, I think?''


''You should just leave them alone.'' Chloe adds. ''It's a huge pain to shut them down, and as you know, they don't do anything that crosses the line anyway.''

That... Makes sense, yes. I have not heard of anything from them after all, let alone bad stuff.

But still, what on earth is wrong with people...

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