Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 65: The holy country of Neveah – Games to play with your lovers.

Case 65: The holy country of Neveah – Games to play with your lovers.




Afternoon of the departure day.

It has been close to seven hours of just traveling. Conversations gradually die down, and desserts gradually deplete. Soon, we will be left with nothing in particular to do.

We need to endure this for another three days. Let that sink in.

At times like these, we are truly able to appreciate modern entertainment options. I want a mobile device to watch something, preferably a horror clip or a SCP file.

Nevertheless, this is what I have to get through.

Now, I can just sleep through all of this, similar to what Chloe is doing, and, well, I did indeed close my eyes to pass the time. Let me explain.

The crew would stop by a certain part of the Empire once it was lunch or dinner. We would get about an hour for each opportunity to eat and do other things, except for the latter one. Night breaks and breakfasts followed dinner breaks.

Either way, we just stopped in another city this midday.

The three of us went out to eat some delicious hotdogs and crepes. After that, we continued the journey like usual, and I hatched a genius plan. While waiting for food, why wouldn't I come back to my main body and sleep through the wait time?

So that was what I did, and Peln just sent me the signal, letting me safely return to her body. As soon as I took control of this body's senses, I noticed Chloe sleeping on my lap, while Nydia's eyes at that time had hints of confusion and jealousy.

Fast forward about ten minutes, and we reach the present.

Soon, the head of the group announces through the magical speakers that we're about to stop for dinner. Excitedly, I begin to tap Chloe's cheek.

''Please wake up, my lady.''


''...Wake up.''

Oh, wait, that was out of line. But it doesn't seem she will wake up anytime soon...


Plagued by morbid curiosity, I get closer to the sleeping beauty's ear and whisper. ''Please wake up, my lady.''

'''' !!! ''''

Immediately, Chloe springs up with incredible vigor, staring at me with her eyes widening. On the side, I see Nydia covering her mouth in absolute shock, cheeks flushed.

For a while, an uncomfortable silence flows in the car. The driver looks back in confusion, but she soon turns back ahead in fear of crashing.

After a while, the car stops.

Getting out one by one, the three of us walk awkwardly toward the designated restaurant. No exchange, no nothing. It is as though the relatively merry group from a while ago is now being replaced by clueless aliens.

Let's not do this anymore. Um.

Somehow, all three of us recover perfectly after the buffet at the restaurant. We then head right to sleep, and now comes the next day.

Sitting in the SUV as usual, Chloe suddenly pulls something out of her pocket.

''Let's play cards. I bought this yesterday.'' She says proudly.

''Um, my lady?'' The driver interjects. ''We already have a deck of cards in here...''


''I had to put it inside the drawer at the top because the lower ones were occupied with your requested desserts, so...''

Chloe facepalms.

''O-Okay, I assume there are others as well, right?''

''Ah, yes. There are many games you can play with your friends or lovers.''

Wait, 'lovers'...?

At the same time, we all freeze in place for a second. I recover much quicker than the other two, though. In the end, we play a bit of cards after deciding that we will invite another person or two to play those games in the top drawer later.

When it is time for lunch, the three of us swiftly run to class C's bus and grab Claire. Because the restaurant we are stopping by this time doesn't have seats, the students are to be dispersed and sit freely inside a certain supervised area, bringing their food.

So our group, following Chloe's directions, finds a nice table beside a massive lake. The scenery here is indeed breathtaking, just...

''...Why are there seven people...?'' Chloe cringes.

Along the way, Luxia somehow flies into our group from nowhere. When we get to the table, Scarlett is already there as well. And when we finally settle the seats, Sierra sits down naturally, too.

'''' ... ''''

''Eh, whatever.'' Chloe shrugs and opens her lunch box. Seeing this, everyone starts to do the same.

Oh, mine is grilled fish. This is pretty nostalgic. I haven't eaten anything like this since I met Chloe.

''So.'' Chloe continues. ''What do we do about the game?''

''What game?'' Scarlett chimes in.

After briefly explaining our original plan, Chloe once again raises the question.

''The only game available for this many people to play...'' Nydia ponders. ''I think there is only that happy marriage thing, my lady.''

Chloe cringes again. ''I thought we left that in the car?''

''Well, I brought it just in case...''

Nydia pulls out a set of games, which has a ton of heart designs, out of nowhere and places it on the table.

'''' ... ''''

At this point, not playing anymore would not be an option due to just how awkward it could become, and we can't just exclude someone from playing to do something else, either.

So, with a few shy members, a few nonchalant ones, and a giggling Luxia, we officially begin the game.

Okay, so I don't know how to play.

Oh... So, each has a die, and we use that to traverse the map. Got it. Hm? Each person has a number on their character as well. Mine is three. The starting point for everyone is different, too...

''I'm going first.'' Sierra declares.

With no one opposing the crown princess, Sierra proudly rolls one.

[Minus a quarter of capital.]

'''' ... ''''

''...Next one. You.''

Pointing to Claire on her right, Sierra clicks her tongue and shoves a spoon of rice into her mouth.

Claire, meanwhile, rolls a six.

[Have a fateful encounter with number four. You two become a couple!]

''Congratulations on finally getting a girlfriend, my lady.'' I pat Chloe's back, holding my laughter. ''You too, Claire.''

Two blondes stare at each other blankly.

''Nyahahahahah~!'' Luxia bursts out laughing. ''Hahah... Too funny...! M-My turn, right?''

Luxia soon rolls a four.

[You get lucky with an investment. Double the capital!]

''Oh~! I'm rich now!''

While Luxia is rubbing it into Sierra's face, Scarlett grabs her die and rolls it casually—a five.

[You save number three while she is being harassed. Number three cannot become a couple with anyone other than you.]

''Oh.'' I exclaim. ''I'm a damsel in distress now.''

'''' ... ''''

...Let's hope I'll not become Scarlett's mate. The atmosphere is too chilly already.

Amidst the murderous lunch party, Nydia rolls her die—a six.

[Come back to the starting square!]


Ah, Nydia is dead inside.

Chloe, with her lifeless and dull blue eyes, rolls a four.

[Marry whoever you are dating! Congratulations!]

'''' ... ''''

''Nyahahah...!! T-This is too hilarious...!!'' Luxia hugs her belly. ''Congrats on your marriage, Ame and Claire... Pfft—''

Okay, don't start making fun of them just because it is funny, alright? It is funny, though.

Nevertheless, it is now my turn.

As I grab the die and throw it onto the table with a piece of fish in my mouth, I can feel everyone's gaze on it. A few clacks later, and it is a two.

[You and your crush get together. Bonus! Move forward two squares!]

Okay, so now I'm Scarlett's girlfriend. Now, two squares...

[With the power of love, you and your partner have a baby together. Marriage is destined!]

'''' ... ''''

Morbid curiosity once again pokes at my brain. I look in the direction of Scarlett and—


'''' !!! ''''

Ah, this is true horror.

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