Mistress Of The Evil Forest

Case 95: Creating horror at school – Setting up the scene.

Case 95: Creating horror at school – Setting up the scene.

''Heh... Are there really such things...?''

''Apparently, yes.''


Recently, around the vicinity of the academy, there have been an unusual amount of—unknown reason—suicide cases. The victims all have no records of mental illness before the act, yet when they discover their bodies, they unanimously show signs of immense mental trauma.

Or at least, that's what I'm trying to convey to Claire.

''Hm... But why didn't I hear this if the cases are that prominent?'' Claire continues, taking a huge bite out of the chicken drum. ''I'm a media peep, too, you know?''

''It's a leaked piece of news. I got it from Lady Luminous herself.''


''Mhm. Here.''

As I hand her the fabricated newspaper containing the article, one that has the brand of Luminous's media company—Lustrious News—only then does her expression become serious. The more her eyes scan through the text, the more astonished she turns to be.

''This is...'' She mutters. ''If you're handing me this information specifically, then there must be a reason, right?''

''Of course.'' I nod in affirmation. ''I thought you might be interested in the mystery.''

As confirmed before, Claire's personality does match with that of the in-game Claire if the player chooses the 'relatively good' options. So, she naturally will be interested in solving mysteries and helping people in general. Moreover, I have also noticed her tendency to look up to heroic figures, which will also influence her decision here.

''If you ever decide to investigate this, I recommend seeking help from your teachers.'' I add. ''Also, as you might have predicted, the government will likely get involved in this instance as soon as tomorrow, so the window of action is limited to today.''

This might be too blatant, but I am convinced she will take the bait. Even if she is suspicious, she has no way to cross-examine this matter.

''...Won't you and Lady Amelia be investigating it as well?''

''No. We need to prepare for the Hero Selection Period.''

''Ah, I see...''

After finishing my meal, I graciously leave the newspaper with Claire and return to my temporary base—Chloe's room—not before throwing another bait that Silaerob might be appearing tonight.


''So, did it work?''

''Most likely.''


Seemingly disinterested, Chloe turns back to her novel. By this point, Nydia has allegedly been evicted from the room. I'm not quite sure why, but I reckon I can talk to her later. 


Knowing Claire, I think she will go straight to a teacher after this, so I need to hurry. Pulling out multiple images of a certain woman, I then lay them all on the table.

''Peln, are you there?''

Yes, master.

''Can you transform your body into this woman's?''


Rapidly, a feeling as though every cell in my body is under an invisible yet inevitable force, moving them wildly can be felt. Soon enough, my vision lowers itself as my height miraculously decreases, while multiple parts of my body change their shape to fit another image that is not 'Aurora.'

Staring into the mirror, what greets me is not the white-haired, winged maid but instead a woman seemingly in her late twenties who has long, flowing green hair and curious yellow eyes. By normal standards, she is not considered 'gorgeous.' Yet, she still carries 'cute' charms, be it from her manners or facial expressions, making her no less desirable as a romantic partner—this is what the game has to say about the character, at least.

It's the first time I've been without my wings, and I already feel uneasy. Nevertheless, I suppose I'll manage.


January 11th, 1835.

Wallowing in the reddish late sunlight, Claire strides across the hallway. This time, she has the courage to step into the academy's headquarters, hand holding tightly a certain piece of paper.

Soon, she reaches a room at the end of the hallway.


knock—! knock—!

''Come in.''

Hearing a stern voice, Claire carefully opens the door and enters the room. Amidst the piles of books and magical equipment, two women can be seen sitting close to each other, and from the two teacups lining on the table, it appears as though they are having a conversation.

''Greetings, Professor Heisenberg, Professor Florence.''

''Mhm.'' The red-haired professor nods.

''My, Claire? What's the matter?'' 

The other woman—Hailey Florence, who is the homeroom teacher of class 1-C, assertively replies. Known for her caring personality, she is a popular professor in the academy.


A bit hesitant yet still determined, Claire begins to present the newspaper alongside her willingness to investigate the case. Rightfully, it is met with utter confusion and rejection.

''Even if this is true, why would you, of all people, be the one handling it?'' Claudia sighs. ''Let the police do their job, won't you?''

''It was handed to me by none other than Aurora, professor. That Aurora.'' Claire shakes her head. ''Moreover, in cases such as these, where lots of people are having their lives threatened, I think there is a chance she will appear.''

Hearing the heroine's explanation, Claudia immediately squints her eyes. If she were to believe this student, whose background has been repeatedly checked due to her being the light element holder, Aurora, Amelia Luminous's trusted maid, revealed it herself.

She knows Claire won't lie, especially for such a serious matter. Her character is practically guaranteed.

As for the latter half...


Claudia can't help but be reminded of that day's battlefield.

The borderline unhinged actions, the unbelievable prowess, and the sheer pressure coming from that slender figure leave an unforgettable impression on Claudia. It is the first time in a long while that she feels a flash of fear.

For a moment, she feels as though a competitive spirit has just been born inside her head.

Aside from Silaerob herself, Amelia Luminous of that day also gives her a surprise. While being under level forty, she has somehow found a way to clash head-on with that blazing husk of a woman.

As Claudia is immersed in her thoughts, Hailey speaks up instead.

''Well? Are you absolutely sure about this decision, Claire?'' She gently asks. ''Even if it might be dangerous?''

''Yes, professor. With your help, I am sure we can prevent such tragedies from happening again!''

Seeing the unshakable light in her dear student's eyes, Hailey lets out a helpless sigh.

''Say, Claudia.'' She taps the red-haired woman's hand. ''Won't you help my little heroine a bit?''

''Of course, I will accompany her as well.'' She adds.

Hearing the word 'heroine,' Claire can't help but squeal in embarrassment, yet her face can't hide the excitement.

On the other hand, Claudia, after contemplating her colleague's request for a while, reluctantly agrees on the condition that they should retreat immediately when facing danger.

Afterward, she meets the rest of the hero party, whom Claire informed beforehand. They all seem excited to participate, which only fuels her headache. At this point, she is convinced that, left alone, they would immediately plunge into danger.

''This is an investigation, not a criminal catching operation.'' She says sternly. ''Got it?''

'''' Yes, ma'am! ''''


'Hah... Why am I doing this?'

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