Mistress Of The Evil Forest

L-N 1: Super detective Luxia arrives!

L-N 1: Super detective Luxia arrives!

'The saintess has lost hope in humanity.'

This is the conclusion that the majority of Neveah Church people have come to realize.

And it's absolutely true! Humans are disgusting, like insects!

How do I know that? Because I can read their minds! Except for Father and the majority of the people at the church, everybody else's minds are exceptionally disgusting. Well, the adults' are, most of the time.

When I see those nobles walking around the church, making 'donations', they are either wanting to bribe us or keeping their image as a 'clean' and 'kind-hearted' house.

In reality? They're planning the next fraud, the next human trafficking, the next assassination, the next heinous act they will do, as they pretend to pray to god. Some creeps even tried to bed me and other priestesses. Blasphemous.

Those people need to be jailed...!

So I jailed them, in the name of the goddess, and on the way, tortured them as well! Know the pain of the victims, you disgusting worms!

People call me crazy, and they are objectively wrong. What's wrong with punishing those trash? I'm sure the goddess would approve of this as well, or why would she give me this ability, right?

[AEN-088: Enable the user to gain a deeper insight into other entities] [Unique]

I was able to properly clean up a lot of trash for the last decade because of this! Thank you, my goddess Neveah!

But also, I hate you, my goddess! Why did you give me this and not something else? Why do I have to constantly hear people's disgusting inner thoughts? Why can't I turn it off? Why me? Why not anyone else? Tell me why. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?—

—Oops. I got a little excited there.

There might be something slightly wrong in Luxia's head, but I can assure you, she is a smart girl!

Realizing that it was too tiring dealing with rotten nobles all the time, I decided to enroll in the academy to, well, not have to deal with them for a while. And sure enough, the young sprouts at the academy, most of them, only think about romantic ambitions and finding love. It's super relaxing here! Though I don't exactly appreciate lewd thoughts about me!

It's sad to think that these innocent ones would grow up to be those garbage. How disappointing.

''Hm~ Hm~!''

Anyway, it was not a mistake coming here, now I know for sure. After all, I finally found something that invoked my interest!

Amelia Luminous and Aurora.

For some reason, I can't read anything from this couple. I was legitimately stunned when I saw the maid Aurora through the car window back in the opening ceremony. Among the sea of contorted chaos thoughts, only she was silent.

Based on her status screen, there should be no reason for my skill to not work. That can only mean one thing—

There is something suspicious about her! And her master as well!

It's finally time to awaken the Luxia Neveah's inner detective spirit! For the first time in eighteen years, I will be able to solve a mystery! By my own hands!

Ah, the moon tonight is so bright!

As I'm getting closer and closer to the Luminous Dorm, my steps become lighter and lighter. It feels like I'm walking on clouds! Excitement!

Why I'm here in the middle of the night, you might ask?

I didn't get much information out of questioning the two suspects, so I am here to directly investigate their house! Trespassing? No, no, no. It's a righteous infiltration!


Their room is on the highest floor, right? And I probably can't use the elevator... 


So I lighten my body with wind magic and jump with all my strength. My twin tails flutter in the wind as I rapidly gain altitude, and ten seconds later, I land safely on the rooftop of the building.

Easy, easy!

Oh, the door leading below is not locked as well, how lucky~


Silently descending the stairs, I can't help but be a little excited. Will I be able to uncover their secret like this? What kind of secret are they hiding? Will they notice my presence and report me to the academy? In the first place, do they know about my ability beforehand and prepare something to block it? If so, how? And what kind of thing could block my [Unique] skill?

Before I know it, the door to Amelia Luminous's room is in front of me.

A lock? That's nothing for this super detective! Lock Picking skill: Activate!

Oh, before that, let's use wind magic to block the sound. It would be quite bad if Ame or Aurora woke up with this.


My lock-picking skill is so good~! I should aim to be a lawyer with this.

''Pardon the intrusion~'' 

I open the door very gently. 

Okay, so it seems Ame is still sleeping. That shiny blonde hair is too recognizable. And then—


Sitting on a chair right near the window with hands neatly on her thighs is none other than Aurora the sassy maid. She stares at me calmly, almost too calmly with her piercing, and a little bit glowing slit eyes. The moonlight pouring in from the window makes her face look darker than normal, intensifying the orange hue of those pupils.

And above all, silence. As usual, I can't peer through this girl at all.

Well, it does look like she caught me though. But hey, stealth is not a detective's strength, isn't it?

''Hi, Miss Maid.'' I cast a barrier of wind magic around Ame's bed to isolate the sound and walk toward the girl near the window. ''Still awake at this hour?''

''...Saintess.'' She replies. ''If I may ask, what are you doing here at this hour?''

''Hm... Maybe a little investigation?'' I stand beside her, looking out the window.


''Yup. You know what it is, right?''

''I'm afraid not.''

''Are you sure?''

''I am, and I am also sure that whatever it is, you would know more than me?''

''How so?''

''Well, isn't this your investigation?''

''But I think you of all people should know about it?''

''You think so?''

''Pfft- Nyahahahah...!''

Look at her throwing sarcasm at me! This girl totally knows my ability!

Well? I'd already know this. Now, the real question is— 

Who is this Aurora? Is she the 'normal' one buying potato chips and pampering Ame the other day? Or is she the 'slightly off' one in the other maid's mind?

Talk about the 'slightly off' one, wasn't her change matching too well with the woman who killed Balnok? I couldn't read that woman's mind either...

This is just too interesting. Only God knows how much I want to kidnap this maid and tie her up so I can slowly enjoy interrogating doing my detective work!

But you have to endure it, Luxia! Sometimes doing it the vanilla way is more exciting!

Now that I've decided on that, let's check out right away a clue! I've been suspecting those rings on their hands for a while now. They wouldn't happen to be named items or anything, right?

''Aurora. Mind giving me your hand?''

''May I ask the purpose?''

''I want to hold hands with you.''


Aurora closes her eyes and extends her hand toward me.

Oh? What's this? Surrendering this quickly?

''Hm... Your hand is smooth.'' I stroke her palm lightly.

''Thank you.'' Aurora replies, still with her eyes closed.

''It's not a compliment, you know? Doesn't this mean you're not doing your work as a maid well?''

''Well? Maybe I just take good care of my skin. I think you of all people should know about it.''

Another sarcasm... Take this!


Without any warning, I take off the silver ring on the maid's hand. And...




Was I wrong about this...?

''Boo~! That wasn't it, huh.'' I let out a sigh and put the ring back.

Oh, wait, I'm putting the ring on her fourth finger. Is this considered a proposal?

Whatever. I should probably stop at this for today.

''Did you have fun, Saintess?''

''...I certainly did, Aurora.'' I smile brightly at her one more time. ''Playing with you guys is really fun. So we will, by the name of god, play again soon.''


I fling the window open and promptly jump outside.

Today's investigation was pretty much fruitless, but it doesn't matter because I had fun! Just wait, cheeky suspects! Super Detective Luxia will come back!

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