Mistress Of The Evil Forest

S-A 1: A sprout of love for horror.

S-A 1: A sprout of love for horror.

Passing the entrance and back to the academy, everybody collapses onto the ground, panting. They all look horrified, especially the knight carrying the unconscious captain.

''Hah... Hah... What the hell...''

Soon, people rush in.

''Another one?!''

''The captain is wounded!''

''Medic, call medic!''

What chaos.

Looking around, it seems the other teams also came back here. The condition of some is normal, but there are ones similar to ours. I suppose there are other 'things' besides the tall man we just encountered.


Ah... How delightful.

Since when?

Since when did this forest become such an exciting place? Why did nobody tell me about this? Such an eerie yet fine-looking creature, without a fault in its entrapment, without regard for its opponents... Such power—what a wonder.

''Your Highness, are you alright?!''

Tch, the annoying bunch is here. Even the commander...

''I'm fine. Get away.'' I reply with a frown.

''...We cannot, Your Highness. We are the Imperial Guards, and it is our duty to ensure your safety. Please let us guide you to our medical team.''

The same ones who were cornering this soul to death just a year ago are now acting as though my life is worth more than theirs.

Disgusting. Simply disgusting.

I should have stopped being lazy and replaced these pigs with my followers since the admission—big mistake.

''I said get away.''

'''' !!! ''''

I don't want to use [Domination] in such a place, but it is what it is.

''P-Pardon us!''

Scram, trash. And be grateful to that old geezer. If it weren't for him begging me, I would have killed you all a long time ago.


Hearing a distressed scream, I turn around to see another team also having its members wheezing like their souls have escaped their bodies. That one... The light element holder, right. I especially want her to be a part of my army, but that Luminous girl already took her. What a disappointment, unless... I can get the whole Luminous Duchy under me. Worth considering.

While thinking that, people rush toward her team, and someone begins to question the light element holder.

''What happened?!''

''N-No more... Dog...!''

''Dog...?! What did you meet??''

''Some white owls, and d-dog... Ugeh...!''

A dog, hm. Doesn't sound as impressive as the tall man. And white owls... White... Owls...


I'm imagining things. And considering the state of my stomach, it is time for lunch, I suppose.

Having decided so, I quietly slip away from the chaos and head to the cafeteria. It has come to my mind that I never tried the food there—a good opportunity.

Soon, I arrive at the cafeteria in a rather elated mood. Scanning the shops in search of appetizing food for my lunch, my eyes suddenly stumble on a whitehead in front of the snack store. Those fluffy wings... There is no mistake; it's the owl maid.

She buys a pack of potato chips and walks off in the direction of the park.

A free comforter. How fortunate I am today. 

So I quickly grab a relatively appetizing-looking lunch box before following the owl maid. Not long after, I see her sitting on a bench at Green Pond Park. I walk up to her normally.

''Can I sit?''

Aurora, who is about to eat the potato chip with her mouth open, looks at me blankly.

''...Of course, Your Highness.''

I sit down beside her and open my lunch box.

There is a variety of food, which is good. The taste... Average. It is serviceable, I suppose.

While eating, I naturally open my mouth.


''Yes, Your Highness.''

''Can I touch your wing?''


Reluctantly, she pokes one of her wings out and puts it on top of my lap next to the lunch box. Hand comforter acquired. This instantly bumps the lunch experience from average to fantastic. Maybe I should get a maid like her, or perhaps I should steal her. Worth considering.

These white feathers...

''Aurora, do you know?''


''There are white owls in the Zircon forest.''

''Is that so?''

''Mhm. Are you one of them?''

''I'm afraid not.''

''I see.''

The conversation dies immediately. At least she doesn't seem as uncomfortable as the previous instance of me touching her, I suppose.

We keep eating in silence. As I feel up her wing, I gradually fall into deep thoughts.

The Zircon Forest.

It has been a long time since I found something so interesting. At that moment, the tall man didn't have the intention of actually disposing of us. It seems there was some kind of mental attack applied to his tactics, but I have a resistance skill to those, so I could see it.

Considering he didn't chase us and there was no casualty I noticed, it should be safe to assume his motive was merely to chase us out.

If so, why? What kind of reason prompted him to do that?

In the first place, what is he? There is no reason the ancient basilisk would have left him alone if he had that kind of strength. What happened to the ancient basilisk, then?

Ah... This... This is thrilling.

I have to visit that place again, even if it means I have to fight for my life. Battling ordinary monsters and the former crown prince's assassins is too boring now.

No good, my excitement is getting out of control...

''Your Highness, did something happy happen?''

When I turn to the side, I see the owl maid tilting her head.

''Yes, Aurora, very much so.''

Finishing my lunch soon after, I break up with Aurora and return to my room. Flopping down my bed, I stare blankly at the ceiling.

I think... I just found a new fascination.


Following my call, a person emerges from my shadow on the ground.

''Your Highness.''

A woman in black, inconspicuous attire bows toward me.

''Prepare for an outing tonight.'' I order.

''May I ask the destination?''

''West Zircon.''

''It might be dangerous, Your Highness.''

''I know.''

''...Roger. I will notify Marigold and Myosotis regarding your order.''

''Mhm. Good work.''

With that, she sinks into my shadow. Left alone in my room, I hold my hand up.


Ah, Zircon Forest... Here I come.

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