Mistress Of The Evil Forest

S-A 2: Maker of Miracles.

S-A 2: Maker of Miracles.



A suffocating silence hangs in the strategy room. Military officers look at the hologram screen, which shows the current state of the battlefield with bleak faces.

This is indeed a problem.

Not only has a large-scale attack been initiated against the capital of the empire—unknowing to all of us—but the timing can't be worse. Right now, before the Hero Selection Period, if we let this incident damage us meaningfully, our reputation will plummet.

''...Is Graham arriving soon?''

Tapping his temple while furrowing his brows, His Majesty the Emperor speaks up. Immediately, an officer steps up behind him and reports nervously.

''Grandmaster Graham is expected to return within fifteen minutes, Your Majesty.''

''Fifteen minutes... How is the evacuation proceeding?''

''With Astra's enormous population, I'm afraid it will take several hours to get them out completely.'' The officer says. ''Moreover, there have been reports citing formidable monsters appearing across the city.''

''Will any of the three masters be available for this battle, then?''

''That... I'm afraid not, Your Majesty.''

''Those cult bastards...''

The emperor curses, increasing the tension in the room. Immediately after recognizing the danger of this calamity, the imperial family—we, allocated almost all of the military force to tackle this attack, only leaving a few to protect the palace. As the scale of it surpasses everything Astra's history has seen, even more force is being called from outside to help us sufficiently proceed with the task.

Worse, Grandmaster Graham, who is the core of the imperial army and is typically stationed in the palace, has just gone to a nearby region to suppress a sudden monster outburst. Suspicion is rightfully on the cult since they have shown the ability to control monsters before. In other words, they have successfully distracted us.

It has been judged that the unidentified man can only be defeated by Graham or another grandmaster, which, at the moment, none are realistically available. A grandmaster is essentially a strategic weapon—scarce, powerful, and reliable. Thus, they are stationed in crucial strongholds for defensive and offensive purposes. The moment they leave their position, chaos will ensue.

The real problem right at the moment is the lack of such force to eliminate this enemy and defend the capital against potential dangers afterward. If there is a silver lining of hope, it would be the masked figure—Silaerob.

Her overall prowess was wholly shown just a few weeks back, and everybody present, all belonging to the military advisory council, comprehended it well. She and her army have the capability of erasing cities in a matter of days—they do not put her as a potential calamity for nothing.

In short, she hasn't shown her all yet.

Is there a purpose for her not quickly disposing of this man right away?

Many share this sentiment, yet they have no option left besides grumbling helplessly.


Letting out a small, almost inaudible sigh, I retake a look at the screen. The seemingly random trio is now surprisingly matching the unidentified enemy quite well.

...Laughable. Absolutely laughable.

What a joke.

Unknowingly, I find myself frowning at the sight. What kind of proud empire are we to let two educators and one unknown entity confront a calamity-level threat by themselves? Do we have no pride?

Utterly pathetic. 

This is why I said the emperor is complacent. He's sending more and more masters to the border to protect basically nothing since the forces there are already adequate. He's paranoid.

And what does that lead to? This situation.

Ravenous Moon has somehow placed a city-wide sacrificing formation to call upon calamity right inside the capital, yet none of us have realized it. Even Graham reported that something was amiss a while ago, yet we ultimately did nothing.

This is infuriating.

Never before have I wanted the emperor to abdicate so I can ascend as the empress this badly. As expected, I need to win over Amelia Luminous quickly. By the time I graduate from the academy, I need to be the empress.

''Your Majesty.''

Right then, my foolish brother raises his hand with a rather serious expression.

''I suggest we send out capable students of the academy to support the army.''

''That's outrageous, Your Highness!''

Immediately, someone refutes his proposal.

''Calm down, Chief Halberd.'' Killian responds. ''I'm not saying we should send just about anybody. Freshmen and sophomores are fundamentally inexperienced, so we shouldn't let them go, but what about third and fourth years?''

At this, some finally begin to consider the offer. 

It is not bad, honestly. Although I don't want to, I will help you this time.

''I agree.'' I raise my hand. ''At this point, they are no different than ordinary soldiers—no, perhaps even more formidable than them. I believe this can provide practical experience for our talents.''

''Even Her Highness...''

After receiving my opinion, debates ignite inside the room. Round after round, they argue over whether to send students to help the army. Eventually, the emperor, who has been contemplating deeply, raises his hand, signaling a full stop.

''...Select the most appropriate and willing students out.'' He says. ''Be sure to guide them well. Safety is the priority.''

'''' Roger! ''''

A few officers briskly run out of the room, leaving behind a still tense atmosphere. As everyone waits patiently for Graham to return, the hologram screen, which is maintained by a specialist on site, glitches.

The point of view suddenly rises to the sky, where a masked man can be seen floating. Amidst the flapping of his white lab coat, someone exclaims.

''That attire... Advent!''

''It's Valstein!''

An Advent...!

As the crown princess, I naturally have access to confidential information owned by the government. One such piece is the existence of 'Advents' - The highest-ranking members of Ravenous Moon.

So far, only two have been confirmed to be real entities, and one of them is Valstein, dubbed 'The Incarnation of Madness.' Being a villain at the level of a Grandmaster himself, Valstein is also adept at creating and manipulating monsters—a terrifying existence. 

In an instant, everybody, including me, become even more tense. Tapping his temple furiously, the emperor urges.

''Someone fetches Graham right now!''

''Your Majesty, please calm down...! Grandmaster Graham is already rushing back at full speed.''

''Tell him to go faster!''



'''' !!! ''''

Right then, a screeching roar so loud it rings through the whole city erupts. Not even looking at the screen, everybody instinctively peers out the window. There, a colossal creature descends, forcing an ominous shadow onto the ground.

With a half-metallic, half-organic body shaped akin to that of a jellyfish and a nightmarish formation of crooked, bloody jaws surrounding the eerily realistic eye within, the thing sends chills down every soul's deepest of deeps.

As Valstein lightly bows toward the camera as if greeting an audience, some even tumble down their chairs in fear.

Yet, slowly, another figure emerges in the frame, looming behind Valstein. The Advent turns around, and the two stare at each other briefly. In the shadow, the stars in her mask gleam a certain hope, subsequently making—no, forcing people to put their hearts into cheering her on.

Silaerob, or, as some will name her, the Maker of Miracles. She, who has miraculously slapped down deadly incidents without a single casualty; who has single-handedly put an end to Neveah's hopeless dream. 

At this moment, only she can hold the fate of the city.

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