Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 21 Sherwin!

Sherwin slowly woke up up. He found himself in a strange place. This place is not a natural but an artificial cave made of stone. On both sides of the cave, there are burning torches to light this place.

"Where is this place?" Sherwin wondered.

Sherwin looked back, and there was a dead end behind him. He stood up, held the great sword in his hand, then walked forward without fear.

The further he went, the wider the tunnel became. He also saw many strange drawings and characters on the cave walls. However, Sherwin had no intention of stopping to study the bizarre pictures or symbols.

Sherwin's intuition was telling him that what he needed was at the end of the tunnel.

He continued to walk, not knowing how long the tunnel was but it was wide enough to hold a container truck. Suddenly, he saw a stone gate.

The stone gate is more than five meters high, and many strange images are carved above it. However, Sherwin seemed to be attracted to the pictures on the stone gate.

"That's…" Sherwin looked at the images on the stone gate one at a time. Right after that, a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

Sherwin saw a man clad in red armor, with golden patterns on it and emitting a blinding aura.

That man held a giant white sword in his left hand and a long spear in his right hand. He rides on a fierce red dragon.

In front of him was a herd of monsters. Monsters were so numerous that Sherwin could only use the word "monster tide" to describe them. Sherwin looked at the monsters with fear.

That's right, from when Sherwin came to this world until now, he has never been afraid. However, he was afraid when he saw the monsters before him.

Sherwin wondered what percentage of chance could he survive if he faced those monsters.

He was sure the answer is 0 percent.

However, the other man rode a dragon straight into the monster swarm. He swung his sword and slashed out a arc of energy. The energy arc, over a hundred meters long, flew at the speed of sound through the monsters.

Immediately after, a cutting line over 2,000 meters long stretched across the ground. That cut caused the monsters in its path to be cut like thin sheets of paper. It cut the land into a trench more than ten meters deep.

The number of monsters that were killed by the attack was countless. However, those monsters didn't seem to be afraid. They still charged at the man.

Suddenly, the memory stopped there, causing Sherwin to wake up. He looked at the image on the door scene, then looked at his hands again. His hands were still shaking, not from fear but excitement.

He felt that the memory was not of him looking at someone's but his memory.

"Is that me?" Sherwin smiled, a smile full of confidence and madness.

Sherwin did not hesitate to reach out and push the stone door in front of him. The two stone doors weighed at least a hundred tons but were quickly forced open.

When the two scenes of the door opened, revealing the space behind it, Sherwin's smile grew even more frantic.

"Hahaha.. this world will bow to me… Hahaha…"

Five days later.

Ratia sits on a giant eerie spider. Looking closely, you can see that the spider is made of iron or other strange metal. Although the texture is very messy, it is not difficult to see its appearance as an 8-legged spider.

Ratia sat on the back of that giant spider and thought: "So strange, and it's been five days, and Sherwin still hasn't contacted me. Did a monster kill him?"

Right after that, Ratia shook her head, dismissing her thought just now. She knew Sherwin very well, so she knew that he would not die in this place.

"Hopefully, he won't cause any more trouble." Ratia sighed and whispered.

She remembered that before coming to this world, Sherwin was a completely different person. Ratia clearly remembers meeting him in her first year of college.

Three years ago, Ratia attended college in a small school. That's when Ratia met Sherwin. In her memory, he was a young man full of positive energy.

Ratia clearly remembers that was the day she first met Sherwin. At that time, he was feeding a group of feral cats in a small alley. His face was filled with gentleness and love.

Sherwin stroked the cats gently as if the kittens were made of glass. Later, out of curiosity, Ratia learned about him and knew that he was a student in the veterinary department.

Naturally, Ratia also got to know Sherwin, but the two were just friends. The more she interacts with him , the more she realizes that Sherwin is indeed a good guy. He is gentle with everyone, including animals and plants.

Sherwin regularly uses his money to buy medicine and food for abandoned animals in the city.

Ratia concluded that if the world were black, Sherwin would be the only warm light left.


When she came to this world, Sherwin was like a battle maniac. He killed all the other players when he saw them, enslaved them.

Ratia did not expect the warm ray of sunshine from before to become such a cold-stained sword.

"Sherwin… what made you change?" Ratia wondered. She also didn't know why Sherwin changed.

"Rum… Rum… Rum…"


The ground suddenly shook violently, and countless trees fell. The ground seems to be breathing, sometimes going up or down. Ratia frowned, not knowing what was going on. Fortunately, Ratia's mechanical spider can move in any terrain, so it is not affected by this earthquake.

Right after that, a horrifying scene appeared before Ratia's eyes. The mountain in front suddenly collapsed, revealing a vast cave, the mouth of which was more than three hundred meters in diameter and bottomless.

Moments later, the tremor disappeared. The dust had also dispersed to reveal a massive hole after the mountain collapsed.

"What the hell is that?" Ratie asked in horror.

Ratia controlled the robot spider to approach the hole. As she came to the crater, Ratia saw nothing but black.

Suddenly, Ratia heard the sound of something coming very close. Ratia frowned, maneuvering the robotic spider away from the crater. However, she just stood at a distance and didn't leave because Ratia wanted to see what was happening.

The next scene caused Ratia to roll her eyes.

An army slowly appeared. No, to be more precise, that army stood on a stone slab, lifting them to the surface like a giant elevator.

The other army was not human, and they were all dead. That's right. Every soldier is a skeleton wrapped in rotting armor, holding a shield and a sword that is also rusted.

This Skeleton army stood in line and divided into small groups like a well-trained army. Although it was only a Skeleton, Ratia felt fear when she saw this army because Ratia felt death and helplessness.

This Skeleton army is like a rusted sword. However, the rust on that sword was made from the blood of many people.

The number of this army is immense. Ratia estimated this army to have more than 10,000 soldiers. However, what caught Ratia's attention the most was the commander of that Skeleton army.


Ratia was surprised to see that Sherwin was the leader of the Skeleton army. Sherwin now wears red armor with yellow motifs on top. Sherwin carried a white longsword and a spear.

"Sherwin!" Ratia shouted, then maneuvered the spider to get close to Sherwin.

As she approached Sherwin, Ratia asked in suspicion: "Sherwin, what the hell is going on? Why do you control this Skeleton army?"

Sherwin frowned and shouted, "Ratia, are you questioning me?"

When Ratia heard that, she realized something was wrong. Ratia demanded: "Sherwin? Are you Sherwin?"

Sherwin glared and said in a menacing voice: "Kneel!"

Ratia knew Sherwin was crazy, so controlling the spider machine immediately ran away. Sherwin saw Ratia run away just smiling, full of scorn and cold.

Sherwin raised his hand, and right after that, a roar made the whole forest tremble. A dragon, no, more precisely, a Skeleton Dragon, appeared. Although it has wings, only bones are left, so it cannot fly.

Even though it can't fly, it's a dragon anyway. Although only a skeleton remains, Skeleton Dragon can use magic and its physical strength is immense.

The Skeleton Dragon unleashed a gust of wind that blew Ratia and the plane spider into a large rock. Before Ratia realized what was happening, the robot spider beside her was crushed by a giant boneless foot.

The Skeleton Dragon, more than twenty meters tall, stared at Ratia, scaring her. For the first time after coming to this world. Ratia felt her life was as fragile as a soap bubble.

"Stop!" Sherwin's voice rang out, ordering the Skeleton Dragon: "Good job, Diatel."

Sherwin walked up to Ratia and sat down to look at her. Their faces are only less than 20cm apart. At this point, Ratia asked: "Are you Sherwin?"

Sherwin tilted his head in confusion. He asked: "Why did you ask that?"

Ratia stared into Sherwin's eyes as if trying to see the thoughts in Sherwin's head. Then, Ratia sighed and said: "Why have you changed so much, Sherwin? Before, you…"


Sherwin suddenly shouted, interrupting Ratia's words. He said in an angry voice: "Sherwin before was death."

At this moment, Sherwin suddenly reached out, grabbed Ratia's neck, and lifted her up as easily as if she were holding a mouse. Sherwin ordered Ratia: "I give you 3 days to find Hikaru's whereabouts. If you can't find it, then the fourth day will be the day you die."

Sherwin dropped Ratia to the ground. He did not forget to add a sentence: "Don't think about running away from me..."

Sherwin's gaze on Ratia was like that of a bloodthirsty dictator, full of menace and anger.

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