Misty World: Start with SSS skill

Chapter 445 Tsuraguki, Kill Him.

"Too easy…"

"Hahaha… got a grilled bird today."

"Calm down, we still have to destroy the main target."

"That kid? It's okay, that girl looks beautiful, it would be good to bring her back as a maid."

"Maid? I feel like you want to turn that brat into your bed warmer, hahaha…"

The group felt that destroying that monster was too easy, so they immediately moved towards Hikaru.

At this moment, Hikaru and Tsuraguki stood in front of the cave entrance, while Syka was peeking at what was happening from inside the cave.

"Master, should i attack?" Tsuraguki asked.

Hikaru shook his head and said: "Wait a minute, you don't have to appear so early."

A while later, The guild Masters began to appear, seemingly no longer worried about Hikaru and Tsuraguki's strength.

Those Guild Masters were divided into groups, and each group had at least 3 people.

However, what made Hikaru confused was that almost everyone present here seemed to belong to the Beast race.

"Rika, why is it that most of the players in this place look like Beasts?"

[Perhaps it would be better for you to find out for yourself.]

Hikaru frowned, as he felt that Rika was teasing him a bit.

But just like what Hikaru  said, most of the foreign players were in the form of animal puppets. If any of them used a real body, they would also be in the form of a monster or someone from the beast race.

Could it be… is there any connection between these players and the Beast clan?

Okay, there's a lot of possibilities and they may not  be accurate. I Just need to catch one person and question them.

'Ah! Wait! I still have Syka.' Hikaru patted his head. He seemed to have forgotten about Syka's existence because he was absent-minded.

At this point, more than 100 Players approached Hikaru's position.

They were all in the form of animal puppets, few of them used their real bodies but they still looked like members of the Beast tribe.

Among them, the only person who made Hikaru feel a little  pressured was the black bear.

He was also the one who blocked the pressurized ball of air.

"Boy! Are you the one who summoned that monster?"

"Are you stupid? Why are you asking so many questions?

"Hey! Bring everything you have here, and we will make sure you die comfortably, otherwise..."

"Wait! Let me enjoy that brat for a bit, hahaha… such beauty, such a great figure, I have to take advantage of those things, hahaha…"

A few people spoke contemptuously, but most of them silently stared at Hikaru and Tsuraguki.

Beru and Kumiho were part of the latter individuals, as they didn't look down on them, on the contrary, Hikaru and Tsuraguki's expressions made them feel a bit worried.

At this moment, Kumiho said: "Beru, they are too calm, and it worries me."

"Um!" Beru frowned and said: "It seems that to them, we are just normal Players, not worth paying attention to."

"I don't understand why he wanted to bring us to this place. Doesn't he know that everyone present here has reached King level?" Kumiho asked in confusion.

Beru shook his head: "He definitely knows that. If he isn't aware, the hero standing next to him will definitely know how high our levels are."

"Anyway, the pressure emitted from more than 100 King level players is extremely frightening. Even if it were me facing this number of King level players, I would still be nervous and scared."

"He's extremely calm, which tells us we're not worth his time."

Kumiho took a deep breath to calm down. 'Since when did a level 60 player have enough ability to fight against King level players?'

'Could it be that… the world has already begun to change?'

Hikaru looked at the sky. The sky seemed to be divided into two parts, the sky on the foreign player's side began to become dark, as dark clouds gradually covered their part of the sky.

While the sky on his side was still filled with warm sunlight as usual.

At this moment, Hikaru began to feel how terrible the pressure of more than 100 King level players was.

His heart began to beat faster, and the feeling of anxiety in his heart also grew stronger.

Hikaru frowned, he glanced at Tsuraguki, who was still extremely calm. She even smiled challengingly, as if with just one command from him, she would immediately rush into battle with those players.

Hikaru sighed, it seemed he was the only one feeling the pressure.

However, he was wrong. Inside the cave, near the cave entrance, Syka was so scared that he couldn't stand.

"What the hell? More than 100 Guild Masters, more than 100 King level players are gathered here."

"I have to Run! It's all over! With the power of 100 King level players, they can destroy this world easily."

"AAA!!! Should I run away right now? Not good, even if I run away, I will be discovered by those people."

"Besides… I'm the one who started this war. If I appear now, I'm afraid I'd be cut into a million pieces."

Syka was scared, he felt like crying but tears wouldn't come out of his eyes. So he could only sit in the corner and think about his gloomy future.

"Enough! We don't need to say much to him." A player in the form of a tiger shouted.

The wooden tiger was over 4 meters tall, he had sharp iron claws, and many magical characters that radiated golden light were engraved on its body 

It immediately rushed towards Hikaru with incredible speed, even Kumiho could not see the tiger's speed in time.

"Too fast." Kumiho said silently. Even though she was a third tier King, she was only a support player, and her strength and speed could not even be compared to a tier one King.

That tiger rushed like a bullet, and it tore apart the surrounding space, as it rushed towards Tsuraguki.

"Hahaha… you can't sneakily attack alone like that, stupid Tiger." A voice filled with sarcasm rang out. A black crow flew in the sky, its wingspan more than 5 meters long.

That was Cruw, one of the three people who left Beru's group.

"Darkness!" Cruw shouted.

As soon as Cruw spread his wings, the sky suddenly became gloomy, as if there was a giant black curtain covering the entire sky.

"Ah! Is that Cruw's talent, it doesn't seem to do anything special other than making the sky darker."

"Hahaha… you haven't fought him yet so you don't know how terrible his skills are."

"That's right. 7 years ago, I saw him use this skill to defeat a fourth tier King level Guild Master."

"Is it that powerful? 7 years ago, he had only just broken through to the third tier, so how could he have defeated a fourth tier King at that time?

"That's right, thanks to his Talent, he was able to defeat players with a higher level than him."

"It seems... we don't need to take action, we just need to wait for Cruw and that stupid tiger to finish their work, then God Samay will help us distribute the spoils."

"Hm… can you leave that brat to me? I will offer you 10 billion Soul Points."

"Are you stupid? 10  billion Soul Points? Even if you have 100 billion soul points, you can't get her."

"That's right. A Tier UR+ hero, possessing two types of Tier UR equipment, and whose single punch can kill a third tier King. Do you think soul points can buy her?"

"Besides, she is extremely beautiful. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as her."

"Sigh, what a pity. If the hero I summoned was half as beautiful as her, it would be wonderful."

"Hahaha… surely God Samay will marry her and make her his follower."

"Not really. Remember, if the summoner dies, the hero will also be returned to their old world."

"Hahaha… God Samay can keep her, don't worry, God Samay can do everything you can't imagine."

"It seems… I underestimated God Samay's power."

While everyone was talking, countless tornadoes appeared in the sky.

The eye of the tornado was as sharp as an arrow, they did not point towards the ground instead they moved like snakes in the sky.

Hikaru saw this scene and frowned, however, the tiger appeared in front of him.

"kid… after you go to hell, remember that the one who killed you was me, Tiging." Tiging shouted, and his tiger's paws that had four sharp claws were aimed towards Hikaru.

Hikaru was not afraid at all, his face was full of contempt and said: "Sorry, I won't go to hell. On the contrary, if you go to hell, just say you were killed by a level 60 player."

"What?!" Tiging was startled, as he felt a terrible pressure surrounding his body.

At this moment, Tsuraguki's fist was headed straight towards Tiging's face.


The two of them collided but Tiging managed to counter in time and use his fist to receive the attack. A terrifying force exploded, creating a dome-shaped shockwave that spread around, plowing the entire ground where it passed.

Tiging retreated more than a hundred meters, but Tsuraguki remained standing still, moreover Hikaru was not affected.

"What the hell?" Tiging glanced at his feet, where countless cracks had appeared.

Even though those cracks were extremely small, they were enough to show how strong Tsuraguki was.

"Huh! It seems… I have underestimated you." Tiging was angry, as he stared at Tsuraguki: "I originally intended not to kill you, as i wanted to present you as a gift to God Samay."

"But I changed my mind, I want to kill you, chew your bones, and drink your blood."

Tiging roared, his roar echoing throughout the forest.

Tsuraguki said contemptuously: "Luckily you're just a wooden tiger. Otherwise, I would have been able to treat my master to grilled tiger food today."

"AAA!!" Tiging got angry: "Cruw, leave that bitch to me. I want to tear that bitch into a million pieces with my claws."

Cruw who was flying in the sky said contemptuously: "I can only give you 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, if you can't kill them, I will take action."

"5 minutes? Don't worry! 1 minute is enough." Tiging growled.

At this moment, his body emitted a dazzling golden aura, and the ground suddenly shook like an earthquake.

The space around Tiging was also distorted.

An immense pressure radiated from Tiging as he walked  towards Tsuraguki. Every step he took made the ground tremble, and he left giant footprints on the ground.

Hikaru shrugged and said: "Tsuraguki, kill him."

At this moment, Tsuraguki smiled confidently, her eyes shining with blood-colored light: "Yes, master."

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