MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 130 - Sincere Collaboration

Chapter 130: Sincere Collaboration

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When the Fire Devil Dungeon was opened, all the major guilds swarmed in. The sales of Fire Crystal Rock were very stable. In just six days, the stocks in Li Yi’s hands were all sold out.

The reason why it was sold out this fast was that the Fire Devil Dungeon was far more difficult than imagined. So far, no guild had successfully taken down the first boss.

Fire Demon Lina, the first boss of Fire Devil Dungeon, was the most talked about character in these few days. Battle moves, tactics, and even her origins, etc. fascinated the players a great deal.

Pretty Good Mood led people to battle dozens of times, but unfortunately, even with Li Yi giving him the guide and method, the party still fell in front of Fire Demon Lina.

Comparing a 100-man Party-level Dungeon with a 50-man Party-level Dungeon, it was more than double the difficulty.

Little Drunk Cat’s Main Legion Elites totaled up to 70-plus people only. Even if these people could all go online, where would they muster the remaining 30 people from? Poor equipment, bad skill, terrible cooperation coupled with a person often making mistakes would without a doubt cause the whole party to be annihilated.

As for this result, Li Yi had already predicted it earlier on. The reason why he still sent Little Drunk Cat Guild to death was to train the party and for them to get familiarized with the dungeon environment.

It was very easy to solve the problem at hand. All that was needed was unity!

Platinum Hand sent Li Yi a message to collaborate with Little Drunk Cat’s Main Legion to run Fire Devil.

Little Drunk Cat could dispatch about 50 Main Legion Elites, while Platinum Hand was worse-off because all their member did not even add up to 40 people.

Li Yi agreed, but he also had a request – both sides to agree on selecting a commander to lead the party.

“If you’re commanding, we’ve no qualms with that. If it’s someone else, I’m sorry, we’ll want to fight for it.”

Everything could be easily agreed upon in the collaboration between both sides except for the commander nominee. This was a big issue. As the saying goes, an inept soldier jeopardizes only himself, while an inept general jeopardizes the entire army (TN: a Chinese idiom). Whoever was selected to be the commander would determine whether they could clear the dungeon.

After some discussion, Platinum Hand nominated a commander candidate, Royal Blue Sky, who was a Werewolf Trap Archer. Li Yi did not participate in the election, so Little Drunk Cat nominated Pretty Good Mood without a doubt.

Royal Blue Sky was also a very famous commander in Li Yi’s previous life. Although he was not as famous as Pretty Good Mood, his enthusiasm deeply impressed every one of those who had come under his command.

Due to his hoarse and deep voice and his super-high-decibel shout, many of those players who admired him called him Enthusiastic Blue Sky.

Running the Fire Devil Dungeon was by no means a trivial matter. From collaborating to coordinating with one another and from interest to distribution, just the discussion alone took a whole day.

The strength of Platinum Hand’s members was absolutely not weak but this team had a deadly weakness – insufficient reserve power.

If one wanted to run a dungeon, it would not work without Gold Coins. Repairing equipment required money, purchasing potions and scrolls also required money, and especially now, an entrance ticket was needed for Fire Devil. These preparations were of no problem for the wealthy Li Yi, but for Platinum Hand, this was too difficult.

Enough manpower but lacking in money; this was Platinum Hand’s current situation.

Both sides agreed that the Little Drunk Cat Guild would be responsible for preparing everything, while Platinum Hand would take care of the manpower part. After successfully clearing the dungeon, Platinum Hand would not want any reward but the glory.

When Li Yi heard of this request from the mysterious girl in black, he was startled for a few seconds before nodding his head in agreement.

This kind of good thing was hard to come by even if one searched with a lantern (TN: a metaphor for something extremely rare and precious;

Of course, Li Yi contemplated it after the excitement and realized that his side was at a slight disadvantage.

To be honest, Li Yi was unsure himself if they could successfully clear the Fire Devil Dungeon. If they were to be wiped out repeatedly, this would definitely be a huge investment. If they made it through, then it was fine. But if it was the opposite, then he would be at a loss.

There was no objection to the distribution issue from the members of the Little Drunk Cat Guild. Apart from the distribution of equipment according to needs, the first kill rewards would all absorbed into the guild inventory and be used as the guild operation fund.

After both sides finished negotiating, their collaboration officially began. Both commanders led their own party to attack the same dungeon to decide the outcome.

Starting from the simplest 5-man dungeon all the way to Molten Furnace and then finally making a unified calculation.

The competition began, and the 5-man dungeon both sides first battled was Heart of the Fire.

“Attack, attack, charge, charge, charge, charge, strike, strike hard, don’t stop for a moment, go, go, go, go...”

Royal Blue Sky’s super-high-decibel roar came through the dungeon’s video, triggering memories from the past as Li Yi listened to it.

On the other hand, Pretty Good Mood was very steady. His temperament was the opposite of Royal Blue Sky’s. Every time before battling a dungeon, he would patiently plan the tactics first. Once the battle started, he rarely made mistakes. Even if there were mistakes, he could rectify them and readjust in a short time.

Two commanders; one was incessantly enthusiastic, while another was calm and steady. The moment both sides engaged in battle, it attracted the attention of countless people.

The progress in the dungeon could be instantly transmitted. Li Yi and the mysterious girl in black sat together and enjoyed the recording transmitted by the two teams.

The Heart of Fire Dungeon ended, and there was no death on either side. The team led by Royal Blue Sky exited the dungeon 10 minutes earlier and won with absolute advantage.

The second competition was still a 5-man dungeon. When dungeon was completed, it was still Royal Blue Sky who led the team out of the dungeon 10 minutes earlier, so it was no doubt that they naturally won again!

They ran eight 5-man dungeons continuously, and every time Royal Blue Sky completed the dungeon, he would be ahead of Pretty Good Mood a great deal.

It was too damn exciting.

Seeing Royal Blue Sky commanding was like watching a war film. He had been shouting from the beginning to the end, and his hoarse and deep voice shook everyone up. What was rare was that he was not shouting blindly but was tactically improvising on the spot.

The competition continued on the next day. Royal Blue Sky was a little tired running the Fire Beast Dungeon. Yelling all day yesterday had caused his throat to be swollen so he could not shout much today...

Pretty Good Mood was still strategizing the tactics steadily, and he cleared the dungeon in one-shot.

Royal Blue Sky led his team to take on the last boss, but after attempting three times, he still failed and had no choice but to give up.

Being unable to shout, Royal Blue Sky’s commanding level immediately dropped by half.

When attacking Molten Furnace, Pretty Good Mood brought his team to be wiped out indefinitely. Royal Blue Sky, on the other hand, rested for one whole day, and his throat recovered well. Leading Platinum Hand’s party, it only took him two TPW to pass.

At the end of the competition, Pretty Good Mood was knocked-out. Even though his performance was steady, but in effect, sometimes there was no need for such meticulous calculation.

This could not be helped as he was such a person. Whether it was running a 5-man dungeon, a 50-man dungeon, or a 500-man dungeon, his approach was all the same.

Royal Blue Sky won. Although many from the Little Drunk Cat Guild was disappointed with this result, after watching the video of Enthusiastic Blue Sky commanding, there was no objection from any one of them.

What followed was the issue of personnel assignment – who to be the main tank, who to be the secondary tank, who had high DPS, who was more powerful in healing. There were too many things to pay attention to.

Li Yi did not participate. He had Pretty Good Mood bring the Main Legion to discuss with Royal Blue Sky, while he himself went to the Outskirts map to level up.

The higher the level, the easier it was to clear a dungeon. Seeing that the players’ level on the Rankings had advanced, could he remain carefree?

The place he chose to level up at was Large Rock Mountain, a Level 50 farming zone.

The terrain of Large Rock Mountain was very steep, so it was necessary to rely on the Ice Toad King’s leap to effectively farm monsters here. There were three kinds of monsters here – Earth Giant, Stone Giant, and Iron Giant. These three monsters had an average of 10,000+ HP, and killing one of them was equivalent to 10,000 EXP.

With Violent Bear King pulling aggro at the front, it was extremely easy for Li Yi to kill the monsters. There was no need to purposely run about and Li Yi only needed to stand on the spot and deal damage.

To level up, Li Yi used the Beginner-level Flame Arrows. As for the Intermediate-level Flame Arrows, he could not bear to use them. It was better to leave them until when he battled a boss or during PK.

On the other hand, in order to bring together the two forces as one, Royal Blue Sky and Pretty Good Mood came to the conclusion to hold an internal PK.

Battle, using combat force to decide the personnel assigned for the dungeon.

Everything was working out smoothly. Li Yi would receive news from Pretty Good Mood from time to time, stating that the collaboration at the moment was pleasant, the tacit coordination of the teams was steadily growing, etc...

Other than Little Drunk Cat opting to collaborate with Platinum Hand, other large and small guilds also more or less had chosen a collaborative approach to run the dungeon. Among the few well-known major guilds, only Star Fire was still insisting on working alone.

Things had been very calm over this period of time, and Fire Demon Lina was still stubbornly guarding the dungeon entrance, preventing everyone from moving forward using the staff in her hand.

However, apart from these things, Century Flower and Huashan had re-emerged after being silent for some time and had recently done something that garnered some attention again.

Li Yi had been wondering, the last time the Savage Tribe dealt with the God Creator Guild, he did not see any people from Huashan and Century Flower.

This was extremely bizarre. In accordance with the style of those two guilds, if they did not join in this kind of matter, that would be really letting their parents down.

Li Yi was puzzled even after giving it much thought. It was only until recently that he understood.

The last time Li Yi imprisoned Scumbag Wang for ten days, Scumbag Wang had been constantly doing some thinking the moment he went online. From per capita GDP to the US presidential election, from how to develop and strengthen the guild to conquering the world, etc., all these had gone through his mind.

Ten days of prison experience actually helped Scumbag Wang to understand one principle – being a civilian would not work. If he wanted to thrive and prosper, he had to become an official.

After he was released from prison, he went to Hua Feiwu and talked to him about the plan that he had been developing for seven or eight days long.

“I’ve asked someone to study the introduction on the official page. Using combat power to take down a city, and after controlling it for three days, I’ll become the Castellan of that city. Hahahahaha...”

“Brother Wang, are you crazy? Can we take over a city with the strength of our two guilds?”

“I’m going crazy from thinking of your sister. F*ck. I’ve said the wrong thing again. I deserve a slap.” Scumbag Wang touched his face and patiently explained to Hua Feiwu.

“Brilliant, Brother Wang. Who knew you’d actually come up with such a brilliant idea!”

After Scumbag Wang revealed his plan, Hua Feiwu suddenly changed his attitude and was so impressed that he would willingly submit before the former in admiration. He decided on the spur of the moment to join hands and announced the sincere collaboration between the two guilds once again!

What happened next was that Scumbag Wang changed the course of the game.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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