MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 141 - Miracle of Wind

Chapter 141: Miracle of Wind

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Focus fire on the pearl with the skull icon, focus fire on the pearl with the skull icon. Good, well done. Continue turning, take down the pearl with the red X, take down the pearl with the red X. What are you DPS doing, is that all you got? You can’t even burst a ball? You can’t even burst a ball?”

Royal Blue Sky began roaring again.

Four Fire Pearls were tossed down at the same time. Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity blocked one each, and the other two were shattered.

When it came to fighting Fire Demon Lina, it was easier the more main tanks a party had. However, the one-hour time limit destroyed this convention, because if there were more main tanks, there would not be enough DPS dealers. That was why the best set-up for a party was still 10 main tanks.

By now, 7 of the 10 main tanks had already died. Other than Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity, there was only the Little Drunk Cat Guild’s primary main tank, Golden Gun Cannot Fall, left.

When it came to blocking the Fire Pearls, Golden Gun Cannot Fall chose to give up of his own accord because he had tried it countless times before this. The results showed that his error rate was too high. If his faults alone caused the total annihilation of the party, he would not be able to bear that responsibility.

Other than Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity, they simply could not find a third suitable main tank.

The two Fire Pearls were blocked and sent flying, hitting Fire Demon Lina at the same time once more and dealing her [−200,000] in damage. If they had hit her with one more Fire Pearl just then, the damage would have been multiplied further, reaching [−400,000]. Unfortunately, no other main tank in the party could match those two.

This time, Fire Demon Lina laughed madly as she pitched eight Fire Pearls at them.

The ATK of an epic-level boss was quite OP, and it grew stronger with each blow. It began as a test for the main tanks and eventually became a test for the whole party.

Royal Blue Sky’s hoarse and quick yells began once more. The party moved according to his commands, shattering six Fire Pearls and leaving the remaining two Fire Pearls to Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity as before.

Of course, as the number of Fire Pearls kept multiplying, the Fire Pearls’ own HP also kept decreasing. They went from 100,000HP each to 50,000HP each. With this party, as long as they were accurate and timely with their DPS output, it was not too hard to finish them off.

The two Fire Pearls were blocked and simultaneously sent flying once more, accurately hitting Fire Demon Lina. As expected of the Unmatched Dual Tanks, their reputation preceded them.

The most difficult segment began again, and Fire Demon Lina threw sixteen Fire Pearls at the same time. These Fire Pearls swung left and right as they fell following inconsistent trajectories, their movements extremely floaty.

Many powerful guilds could pull aggro up to this point. This segment was also the most difficult segment when it came to fighting Fire Demon Lina.

It was easy to shatter a Fire Pearl with 50,000HP, but when sixteen fell at the same time, swaying as they went, how were they supposed to fight that? After shattering one, they would have to look for another, and if they did not concentrate their fire, it would be impossible to shatter all the Fire Pearls completely before they landed.

Royal Blue Sky yelled again, speaking unbelievably quickly in order to instantly dictate a proper solution. However, his advantage was also his flaw, because he could instantly yell out the correct method, but many people could not instantly keep up with his pace.

The party was slightly panicked and ended up firing randomly. By the time the sixteen Fire Pearls were midway through their fall, only seven had been shattered. Most of them were completely undamaged.

“DPS, would you buck up? What have you been growing up on, milk? Go, go, go, use all your power moves. If we beat it, everyone gets rewarded, but if we don’t, everyone loses 100 points!”

Royal Blue Sky yelled until even his voice was slightly hoarse now. As the enthusiastic type of commander, his voice was wrecked every other day, and that was also the reason he could never reach Pretty Good Mood’s heights as a commander in the rankings.

Li Yi used all the powerful moves he could—Violent Bear’s Protection, Rapid Shooting, a Fury Potion. He shattered five Fire Pearls all by himself.

There were still three Pearls that no one attacked, and these drifted to the ground.

“Crap, we’re done for!”

Including Li Yi, everyone’s blood ran cold. The damage from a Fire Pearl was constant. Just one exploding would cause 50,000 in damage. If there were two, this would be doubled, and if three, then tripled...

Forget three, just one would be enough to wipe out the entire party.

Mad Dragon caught up to one and blocked it, sending it flying. Infinite Insanity pounced with all his might and blocked one with his sword. However, the last one was too far away from them, so they could not rescue it in time even if they wanted to.

“Get up and block it, Wind God’s Battle Resurrect!”

At the very last moment, Little Elf from the Magical Realm pointed with her Staff and revived Set Fire When There’s Wind, the main tank who was lying dead at the area toward which the Fire Pearl was falling.


Set Fire When There’s Wind blocked it as soon as he got up. Not only did he succeed in sending it flying, he even got a perfect grasp of the direction, accurately hitting Fire Demon Lina in mid-air and dealing [−50,000] in damage.

“Nicely done, I love you guys!” Royal Blue Sky roared, his voice choked.

The party had come back from the brink of death, so naturally, they were in very high spirits. Fire Demon Lina’s attacks also weakened once more as she went back to throwing just one Fire Pearl at a time.

With the super main tanks, Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity, the accuracy rates of their blocking and counter-attacks reached a terrifying 100%. As long as a Fire Pearl was launched into the sky, it would hit the enemy, and if two were reflected at the same time, they would definitely hit at the same time. It was so OP that it was scary.

This time, Fire Demon Lina was blown out of the sky before she could even unleash the sixteen Fire Pearls.

Fire Demon Lina crashed to the ground, losing 1,000,000HP in an instant. After that, she got up and started using powerful single-target fire magic spells to attack the party. Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity immediately approached her, pulling her aggro tightly as they took turns withstanding Fire Demon Lina’s single-target fire magic attacks.

The DPS dealt damage whereas the healers began to heal.

This was the easiest segment. Although Fire Demon Lina’s fire magic was very powerful, it was still not enough to instantly kill off a main tank. As long as the tanks did not fall and the healers made it in time, this segment was not difficult in the slightest.

Fire Demon Lina’s HP dropped rapidly. When it was reduced to 7,000,000, she gave up on the single-target fire magic attacks. Every time she attacked, it would be using a group attack spell.

It was now crunch time for the healers, who had to heal multiple players at once. If they were even a fraction too slow, someone would die. At the same time, players could not remain where they were and deal damage as they had before, because just then, the Fire Dwarfs who had been kneeling and praying began to wake up, running toward the players in twos and threes.

They must not allow the Fire Dwarfs to reach the altar. For every one that reached it, the activation time of the Ultimate Fire Magic would be reduced by 5 minutes.

The healers had it tough, the main tanks took it easy, and the DPS ran back and forth. This segment was considerably easy, but if the healers were not strong enough, total annihilation was just a moment away.

However, with the seven super-powerful healers they had, namely Wu Old Wolf, Little Elf from the Magical Realm, and the five Priests from Platinum Hand, this segment ended up becoming somewhat easy for them.

When Fire Demon Lina’s HP fell to 2,000,000, the most difficult segment began. Countless Fire Dwarfs ran toward them, making a mess of the aggro, and Fire Demon Lina was back at her old tricks again. She leaped into the air and working in tandem with the army of Fire Dwarfs, she began throwing Fire Pearl again.

There were only four main tanks still alive in the team now, but even if all ten main tanks were alive, they still would not be able to stop the charge of several hundred Fire Dwarfs at the same time.

This was the hardest segment when it came to fighting Fire Demon Lina. Once they passed this segment, the rest was easy.

“What are the DPS doing? Fight, one monster’s just 50,000HP, one person could kill one in an instant. Go, beat ’em...” Royal Blue Sky could no longer continue, smoke threatening to rise from his throat.

The Fire Dwarf army was approaching faster and faster. They would be on the altar within seconds.

“Go, Small Wild Boar!”

Li Yi barked, and the blue Small Wild Boar snorted as it used Solid Ice, the ultimate suicidal group Taunt skill!

All of the charging Fire Dwarfs were attracted by the Mutated Small Wild Boar, and as one, they turned around and charged at the Mutated Small Wild Boar instead.

Although the infinite Taunt only lasted for a mere 12 seconds, that was already more than enough for this party.

Everyone perked up and within a few minutes, they had cleared away the several hundred Fire Dwarfs.

Just then, Fire Demon Lina had also been knocked down by Mad Dragon and Infinite Insanity. Everyone was in high spirits, and in no time at all, they had reduced Fire Demon Lima’s HP to less than 200,000.

Fire Demon Lina was furious. Raising the Fire Pearl in her hand, she cast some deflection magic which sent every member of the party flying several dozen meters away. When they landed, they were temporarily stunned.

Fire Demon Lina walked up to the altar and raised the Fire Pearl up high with both hands, crying out loudly,

“O all ye restless Fire Elementals, heed my orders and gather toward me!”

Countless Fire Elementals wailed as they rushed toward Fire Demon Lina. Every time she successfully absorbed one, she regained a large chunk of HP.

Fire Demon Lina used the Fire Elementals for infinite HP resumption, whereas the Fire Pearl shot flames everywhere madly.

The Fire Dwarfs had respawned again, five dwarfs appearing each time. They charged toward the altar ceaselessly.

This last segment depended completely on the performance of the DPS dealers. If the DPS dealers were strong, they could take Fire Demon Lina down while she was recovering. If the DPS dealers were not powerful enough, they would have no choice but to watch as Fire Demon Lina returned to full health, and then they would have to withstand another round of that party-annihilating Ultimate Fire Magic.

When Fire Demon Lina’s HP reached 1,000,000 once more, everyone was released from the stun effect. The main tanks took her attacks while the DPS began dealing all the damage they could muster.

Fire Demon Lina had infinite HP resumption and the DPS attacked her with all their might, but as a result, Fire Demon Lina’s HP came to a standstill, maintaining itself at about 300,000HP. They could not reduce her HP any further.

If they continued like that, there would come a time where the party members’ MP failed to keep up, and then they would have no choice but to be annihilated.

“The DPS isn’t enough, we can’t hang in there anymore!”

“We’re gonna lose, but goddammit, I really f*cking don’t like it.”

She only had a tiny bit of HP left. If their DPS was just slightly stronger, they would be able to make it.

“Miracle of Wind!”

Just as everyone’s MP was about to fall behind, Little Elf from the Magical Realm suddenly shouted softly. Her body was lifted into the air slightly, the Staff in her hand drawing a circle, emitting several hundred gusts of blue breeze that filled up the party members’ bodies.

[Miracle of Wind: One of the rewards obtained from completing the Sky Vagabond’s Epic Quest Series. Skill effect: Increases the ATK SPD and MAG SPD by 30%. Increases damage dealt by 40%. The effect lasts for 40 seconds, cooldown time: 30 minutes.]

The epic-level skill that Little Elf from the Magical Realm was using was precisely the reward she had obtained from the time when Li Yi helped her to defeat the Superior Wind Elf Felina.

The party members all perked up.

Their ATK SPD increased as one, as did their damage. How could their DPS not be enough now?

“Hit her with all you got, hit... her... hard!” roared Royal Blue Sky.

As an epic-level skill, Miracle of Wind did not disappoint. Although it was only for a mere 40 seconds, its effect was enough to turn the tables completely.

All sorts of powerful moves attacked Fire Demon Lina, and this time, her HP resumption speed could not match up to the rate she was losing HP. Her HP continued to drop, and in no time at all, it had fallen to 100,000, only to reach 50,000, finally reaching zero in the blink of an eye...

“How could mere mortals defeat a child of God?”

Fire Demon Lina fell to the ground in shock.

They had passed!

“Barroom!” The ground began to shake. “Woooo—”

After a moment of wailing, several thousand mini Metal Skin Birds appeared in the air. They had flown over everyone’s heads in an instant, tossing down one powerful bomb after another.

“F*ck you!” Chen Yang could not help but swear.

Several thousand bombs rained down at once, and they could not dodge them even if they tried...

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