MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 148 - Cursed Secret Place

Chapter 148: Cursed Secret Place

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Li Yi transferred ten bottles of Secondary Invisibility Potions to Little Elf from the Magical Realm and told her to follow him into the secret passage.

Only those who received the Cursed Secret Place quest could open the secret passage. Furthermore, this quest had a requirement that the player must be in a party with another player who did not receive the quest in order to enter the secret passage. Otherwise, it would not open.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm was also doing the Curse Book questline, but the path she picked was different from Li Yi, so the quest objectives were naturally different as well. So this coincidentally satisfied Li Yi’s quest requirements.

“I didn’t think that you were the kind of guy to pick the Dark Path.”

Only at that point, did Little Elf from the Magical Realm find out about Li Yi’s quest selection.

If they did not have Secondary Invisibility Potions, opening the secret passage would be very troublesome. This was because the secret passage would only open if you remain unnoticed by the black and white bosses, so the only way to do that was to have other people kite the boss away while you tried to sneak in.

Their bodies turned translucent, as they headed to the Evil God Altar.

Although the invisibility effect only lasted for a short 20 seconds, it was enough time to do a lot of things.

The secret passage was right behind the Evil God Statue that the black and white bosses were kneeling in front of. Although Li Yi had not attempted this quest before in his past life, he had read through countless forum discussion and strategy threads about it. Something as trivial as finding the secret passage was effortlessly easy for him.


The secret passage opened up, displaying a number at the top. 10... 9... 8... 7...

“Jump, after ten seconds the secret passage would shut.”

Li Yi leaped in immediately, but Little Elf from the Magical Realm looked down to see a pitch black abyss. She could not help but hesitate for a moment.

“How... dark.”

“Jump quick, once it closes, you won’t be able to open it anymore. Don’t worry, I’ve already landed.”

Just as the countdown hit 1, Little Elf from the Magical Realm grit her teeth and leaped.

Li Yi was looking up from below. Suddenly, a huge black thing dropped down and he instinctively caught it. With miraculous precision, his two hands grabbed on to Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s breasts.

It was so soft yet so elastic, Li Yi could not help but squeeze a little.

“Hands off!”

Little Elf from the Magical Realm landed safely, glaring daggers at Li Yi. Li Yi just nodded before letting go.

“It’s just a game, it’s not real.”

Little Elf from the Magical Realm pouted disdainfully.


In front of them was a secret passage, twisting and turning with no sign of where it leads to. Li Yi summoned his Violent Bear King and had it scout ahead as he followed behind with his bow drawn.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm followed closely behind him, not even wanting to leave an inch of distance between them. Their bodies were so close they were practically stuck to each other.

Li Yi turned back towards the Little Elf from the Magical Realm who was panting heavily and asked, “What’s up with you?”

“I... I’m scared of the dark.” Little Elf from the Magical Realm was anxiously looking around. The look on her face was as though she was in the presence of some ferocious monstrosity preparing to devour her.

“It’s just a game, it’s not real.”

“Squeak! Squeak!”

Just as Li Yi finished his sentence, two humongous red-furred rats that were bigger than the Violent Bear King appeared in front of them. They were drooling from their mouths, giving off a gross and disgusting vibe.

“Miracle of Wind!”

Little Elf from the Magical Realm frantically waved her hands, releasing the spell.


Li Yi glanced over at the anxiety-ridden housewife speechlessly, before shooting a couple of arrows to deal with the huge red-furred rats.

They were merely common Level 30 monsters with 3,000 HP, killing them was a piece of cake.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm clutched onto him once more, her two tiny hands grabbing Li Yi’s shirt, hanging on for dear life. Li Yi could feel that she was literally trembling in fear.

“What’s up?”

“I... I’m scared of the dark,” Little Elf from the Magical Realm looked as if she was about to burst into tears, causing Li Yi to also start to feel a bit flustered.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yi said, “How about this, why don’t you go back first using the Return City Stone?”

“O-Okay.” Little Elf from the Magical Realm pulled out the Return City Stone. However, after waving it around a few times, she sobbed, “System Notification: [You have not left the battle, Return City Stone cannot be used.]”

“What a tragedy...”

With the Violent Bear King leading the way, Li Yi followed behind with his bow drawn. On the other hand, Little Elf from the Magical Realm did not even have her staff equipped. Both her hands were grabbing on to Li Yi’s shirt tightly, breathing heavily.

Li Yi could see that she was truly terrified.

“Just a bit more, five minutes at most. We’re almost there.” Li Yi comforted her.

Li Yi had no idea why she was in such a state. In his eyes, Little Elf from the Magical Realm had always appeared to be extremely strong. She could grind dungeons solo and even single-handedly heal the entire raid party. Most of the things she could do were not something most other male players could achieve.

A few huge red-furred rats spawned occasionally in front of them. To Li Yi, this was literally like a walk in the park, if not for Little Elf from the Magical Realm pulling on to him, he could have gone even faster.

“Don’t run, don’t leave me...” Little Elf from the Magical Realm kept mumbling, causing Li Yi to be even more flustered.

When Li Yi finally could not take it anymore, he said, “Big sis, this is just a game, all of these are fake. You said that yourself. How did you suddenly forget that?”

“Fake?” Little Elf from the Magical Realm was stunned briefly, her tense facial expression slightly calming down as she let go of Li Yi’s shirt. However, just after taking a couple of steps, she shrieked out in terror, jumping onto Li Yi, swearing to never let go.

“Alright, you win.” Li Yi was a stubborn man, other than the times he had too much to drink, throughout his entire life, he had never once admitted defeat to another person. However, today, he had completely surrendered to Little Elf from the Magical Realm.

The lighting in the secret passage was extremely dim. Li Yi tried to use a torch to shed some light on the path, but it was immediately snatched and tossed away by Little Elf from the Magical Realm. Her rationale — the shadows caused by the torch fire was even creepier.

‘Guess we’ll walk in blind...’

After walking for about four or five minutes, the secret passage started to become wider and the lighting became brighter. In front of them was the entrance of a hidden room, and at that entrance, stood a giant huge red-furred rat guarding it.

Cursed Bloodrat was a Level 30 Green Name Elite with 200,000 HP.

“You should’ve used Miracle of Wind here. Now we can’t even use it anymore, what a waste.”

Li Yi teased Little Elf from the Magical Realm. Without having her even lift a finger, Li Yi, together with the cooperation of his Violent Bear King, completely destroyed the Cursed Bloodrat that only knew Bite in an instant.

“Let’s go.”

Li Yi walked up and opened the entrance to the hidden room and a blinding light burst out of the room.

“Not gonna loot the corpse?” Little Elf from the Magical Realm hastily followed up whilst pointing at the Cursed Bloodrat’s corpse.

“I’m a germaphobe.”

Without even glancing at the Cursed Bloodrat, he entered the hidden room.

The Hidden Room’s design resembled a library. The two bookshelves in the room were filled with thick and heavy books. At the center of the library, there was a table with a single strange pearl placed on top of it that glowed with a black light.

“Just don’t touch that pearl over there, other than that, you can do whatever you want.”

Immediately as the two walked into the hidden room, they received a system notification informing them they had left combat. However, this hidden room was so brightly lit that Little Elf from the Magical Realm was no longer scared anymore.

Li Yi walked up to the bookshelf and flipped through the books.

‘No choice, to finish this quest, I need to finish reading all the books here.’

“The Dark Path questline is so much easier than the Light Path.” Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s fear instantly vanished as she calmly picked up a book to peruse.

“My eternal... believers shall obtain... the Evil God’s blessing... Blood Wolves be born...”

Li Yi turned around, his face instantly tensed up as he shouted, “Don’t read it out loud!”

All the books here were Encyclopedias of Curses from the Cursing Sect. It was fine if you read it in your mind, but once you read it out loud, the curse would take effect.

Li Yi was too late, Little Elf from the Magical Realm had only finished half the sentence, but her eyes had already turned red. This was an effect of the Mind Control curse.


With one leap, Little Elf from the Magical Realm pounced onto Li Yi and started to bite him furiously.

This dumb lady was under the effects of the Blood Wolves’ Curse.



“Sorry, I... It was an accident.” Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s eyes looked apologetic as she continued to gnaw at Li Yi’s face.




The damage numbers kept appearing on top of his head, with Li Yi being completely helpless. At this point, he looked over at Little Elf from the Magical Realm and saw that she was in a Red state, signifying that he could attack her, but if he killed her at this time, she would definitely suffer a level penalty.

Li Yi struggled over to the book that Little Elf from the Magical Realm dropped. Picking it up, he chanted, “My eternal... believers shall obtain... the Evil God’s blessing... Blood Wolves be born...”


Li Yi’s eyes also turned red just like Little Elf from the Magical Realm, he too had come under the control of the Blood Wolves’ Curse.

When he was in this state, he could still see, hear, and speak, but he could not control his own body. Only when the Blood Wolves’ Curse wore off, could he regain control.

At this time, the two who were under the influence of the Blood Wolves’ Curse were intimately rubbing their cheeks together, occasionally licking each other’s ears and cheeks. It was a scene that could easily evoke the lewd imaginations of others.

“It’s just a game, it’s not real.” Both of them said simultaneously.

The Blood Wolves’ Curse would continue for a full thirty minutes with no way of dispelling it. The two had no choice but to stay here and lick each other to pass the time...

“What a terrifying quest.” Little Elf from the Magical Realm helplessly sighed.

“Be thankful, you’re lucky the curse you chanted was the Blood Wolves’ Curse. If it was another curse, the result would be even worse.”

“What other curses are there?” Little Elf from the Magical Realm got curious.

“Just now I saw a curse spell recorded in one of the books called Evil God’s Lip Oath. Anyone inflicted with it would lose themselves and start kissing everyone in sight. Every time you kiss a person, the effects of the curse would also spread to them. Can you imagine how terrifying it would be?”


Little Elf from the Magical Realm was utterly speechless.

After an excruciatingly long 30 minutes, Little Elf from the Magical Realm and Li Yi’s Blood Wolves’ Curse finally wore off. At that point, they were both completely wet.

From being licked...

“I don’t wanna read anymore, I’ll just wait here for you.” After learning her lesson, Little Elf from the Magical Realm stopped fooling around with the items in the room.

Li Yi nodded and continued to flip through the books. Soon, he received the System Notification:

[You have read a large quantity of Cursing Sect Encyclopedias and have understood the events related to the Evil God. Congratulations, quest completed!]

[You received 50000 EXP, 2000 points Reputation Value with the Cursing Sect, and one Cursing Leggings (Green Equipment Set)]

After the quest completion fanfare rang, the system automatically gave out the continuation quest.

[Quest Name: Kill your partner who does not believe in the Evil God.]

[Quest Completion Rewards: ? ? ?]

Seeing that Li Yi was looking at her intently, Little Elf from the Magical Realm asked, “What’s going on?”

“Violent Bear’s Protection!”

Li Yi drew and shot his bow.

“Boop! Boop!”



Little Elf from the Magical Realm immediately dropped to the ground. As she was lying flat on the floor, she was still asking, “What’s going on?”


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