MMORPG: Genesis

Asyath Serin Genesis Agreement Banquet part 6

Asyath Serin Genesis Agreement Banquet part 6

"My gosh you really are an uncouth individual are you not?”

As they all looked in the direction of the voice they saw Aiduin approaching with a grin and lust in his eyes as he looked at Alea who moved ever so slightly closer to John.

"Oh here is a face I recognise, Natures Guardian, afraid I don't know your real name though." John said with a smile.

"Well I know yours, John Michaels, I also happen to know that you are the human mentioned in the human racial punishment from a week ago." Aiduin said with a smirk.

"You're the one?" Jordan suddenly said in shock and anger, before adding.

“You’re the one to blame for us losing Stone-mist castle?"

John turned to Daniel and said happily.

"Hey look Silver Servant I'm more famous than you." Before he turned back to Jordan and said.

"Now I know you're stupid, Tia herself said that this was the doing of a few individuals and I was made to suffer, also empress Alexia Bristle ordered their deaths or are you saying the empress was wrong?"

At this Jordon could not refute as he knew he would be talking poorly of the empress, even though his family wanted to overthrow her they were not strong enough to do so right now.

John turned back to Natures Guardian before saying.

"You call me uncouth. Yet is it not proper manners to introduce oneself before spreading rumors?"

Aiduin frowned as he heard this as well as the women in the group chuckle.

"Aiduin Petvalur pleasure to meet you." He said forcefully.

"Well Mr Petvalur I must thank you for being so kind as to send your followers after me to teach me a lesson, though I must advise you to pay them better." John said with sincerity making Aiduin frown before replying.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Really?" Asked John sounding surprised before saying.

“I mean I killed three of your guild members, they were all so poor with bad gear as well, they didn't even have any rank two skills even though they had completed their first class missions."

"I mean I don't know what you mean about sending people to teach you a lesson." Aiduin stated.

"Oh my mistake but that means you know about them being paid badly, really Mr Petvalur using your own body to satisfy the female members while using hookers for the males is not a good look for you."

As John spoke everyone's eyes went wide in the room including all those who already knew about this.

While those who did not know were shocked about the revaluation, those who did know were shocked that John would just openly state this in front of so many influential people.

After a few moments John seemed to realize he had said something wrong as he looked around at all the shocked faces before saying.
"Oh my apologies, as Mr Petvalur mentioned I am indeed the human who was being mistreated and so I have never been to one of these social events and don't know the proper terms to use."
"Hmmm maybe… prostitute, call girl, women of disrepute,
"Regardless I advise you to pay your followers better, now if you will excuse me I promised to dance with my girlfriends and since this is a banquet hosted by the elves I believe I should start with darling Alea." Which caused even more surprise in the room.
John turned to Sarah who was still holding his arm and with a kind smile asked.
"Sarah dear do you mind?"
"Of course not." Sarah said with a smile as she released John's arm and then took his drink from him.
John smiled in return before turning to Alea and grabbing her waist where he pulled her closer to him before asking.
"Are you ready to dance honey?"
Alea did not resist being pulled closer and placed her hands on John's chest before looking at him with bright eyes and a beautiful smile before replying.
"I have been waiting for you to ask darling."
John smiled in return as both looked into each other's eyes for a few moments until Thasinia coughed gently where John turned to the others before saying.
"My apologies, I got lost in my girlfriend's beautiful eyes.”

“Now if you will excuse us for a few minutes, Adria, Sarah I will come get you later ok?"
"Of course." Adria said with a smile.
"Don't keep us waiting too long." Sarah said.
And with that John led one of the impossible princesses, the elven princess Alea Keagwyn to the dance floor under the shocked looks of almost everyone in the room.

Aiduin could not even understand what was happening now, not only had this human bastard revealed how he secretly paid his follower but now he was claiming to be Alea's boyfriend and she was cooperating as if it was all for real.

As John led Alea to the dance floor under the surprised gazes of almost everyone in the room, Aiduin took the chance to slip away back to his father who did not look pleased with him.

Daniel and Jordan took this opportunity to try and speak with Sarah and Adria but they both received the same response as if scripted.

"I'm sorry but I don't want my boyfriend getting the wrong impression so I will have to politely decline."

After which both women ignored their existence so they had no choice but to skulk away.

Shizu had bright shining eyes and a thoughtful expression as she watched John leading Alea to the dance floor.

"Well I must say you were correct Thasinia, This has already been a very interesting evening." Sakoto said as she noticed the look on her daughter's face.

"Told you." Thasinia said with a smile before saying.

"And wait till I tell you about John's access band."

"Access band?" Sakoto asked, confused before continuing.

"What can be so special about an access bad?"

"If it was a normal one then nothing, but what if it's made out of Mithrilium?"

"You actually did it? You made a Mithrilium access band?" Sakoto asked in surprise.

"I did and as theorized the synch rate is improving."

"So the loss rate is dropping?" Sakoto asked with interest.

"Correct and I already have something even more ground breaking in mind for the MK0." Thasinia grinned knowing she had hooked Sakoto's scientist nature.

"Tell me." Sakoto demanded.

Seeing her mother like this, Shizu sighed as she knew those two would be talking for the rest of the evening now.

Shizu decided to ask Sarah and Adria about what exactly was going on with them and John.

"So I'm fairly sure the reason for all this is because of those three idiots from before, but what is your relationship with John Michaels really?"

Adria and Sarah looked at each other before both grinned at Shizu and said.

"Who knows."


Meanwhile in Genesis.

Golden Phoenix was sitting in a bar in Wanning City while across from her sat Flame Servant.

"So what do you have to report?" Flame Servant asked.

"My report into the Sanders family is still ongoing however I did what you asked me to do and checked out the guild bank."

"And?" Flame Servant asked.

"It's full of low level skill tombs, and while the majority are the general skill tombs that all classes can use or the common ones we humans use like Necromancer, sorcerer or warrior." Golden Phoenix stated before continuing.

"There is also a small number of skill tombs for Druids, Dragoon's and several other classes that humans should not have access to."

"The guild bank only has low rank skill tombs though, it seems that dickhead is keeping the high level ones for himself and his close aides."

"I have also seen that idiot and those he keeps close use skills they shouldn't have." Golden Phoenix answered.

"They allowed you to see?" Flame Servant asked curiously.

"They didn't have a choice, it was in a boss fight and it just entered rage mode, our normal attack power was not enough so they had to use those skills." Golden Phoenix explained before adding.

"Then they tried to make up some crap excuse after about them being skills attached to items since those do exist in Genesis."

"Could it have been an item?" Flame Servant questioned.

"Not possible, to use an item's skill, ability or spell, you have to be holding said item and they held nothing except their weapons." Golden Phoenix replied.

"Has he offered you one of these skills?" Flame Servant asked.

"No, and that's even more proof that he plans to only use me for my body and family for some reason before tossing me aside." Golden Phoenix said with disgust before adding.

"Thank god it didn't take any effort to satisfy that crap in bed, honestly how was Sarah ever satisfied with his small dick and crap skills?"

Flame servant chuckled before saying.

"She wasn't, she has done nothing but complain about how crap he was since she found out the truth about him."

"How is she anyway? Will she be ok at the banquet with that bastard going?" Golden Phoenix asked with concern.

"Oh don't worry there is a plan in place for that, those three bastards are in for a rude awakening." Flame Servant grinned.

"Three?" Golden Phoenix asked confused.

Flame Servant was about to explain when they heard something from the holo screen that was up on a nearby wall.


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