MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 159 Broadcast Disrupter

Chapter 159 Broadcast Disrupter

Back in the bedroom Adria who was sprawled on the bed closest to the bathroom was woken up by a noise coming from the bathroom.

“Ugh seriously, how are they at it again already, I’m still sore.” Adria mumbled and would have gone to give them a piece of her mind if it wasn’t for the fact she was too lazy and sore to move straight away.

A few minutes later the sounds of moans coming from the bathroom stopped and about fifteen minutes after that two people came out wrapped in towels and drying their hair.

“Have a good time?” Adria asked from the bed, shooting the two a smirk.

“Definitely.” Sarah replied with a happy smile.

“So what's the plan for today? Pride rock?” John asked.

“Yeah, we need to decide the best way to meet up in Genesis as it means going to the western continent.” Sarah replied.

“Can Adria not use the raids summoning stone to bring me to her, then I could teleport back here with her so she can get the blessing before I take everyone back to the raid instance? John asked.

“Summoning stones are restricted to summoning people on the same continent, remember.” Sarah replied before continuing.

“So you at least will need to get over to the western continent from where you can bring Adria to receive the blessing, also I expect Shizu will want to tag along for the blessing and then the raid.”

“Shame Alea can’t come.” John mentioned.”

“Haha she is far too high level for that.” Adria chuckled.

“I guess we will have to request usage of the intercontinental transport circle again, it’s a shame I can’t learn the city teleport spell yet.” Sarah answered.

“City teleport spell?” John asked, perplexed as sat back down on the bed and leaned against the headrest.

Adria took the opportunity to crawl over to him before she lay her head in his lap and closed her eyes as John started to gently stroke her red hair as Sarah explained.

“Just like how you can learn the emerald enclave teleport spell to move a small number of individuals.”

“Sorcerers being the class that can learn the widest variety of spells can learn city teleport spells.”

“Similar to a city portal stone that returns you to the city it is registered to, a city teleport spell returns the sorcerer and companions to that city.”

“It’s just a shame that I’m not at a high enough level to learn them yet.”

As she spoke Sarah sat down on a chair facing the bed and crossed her legs in a way that allowed John to see much of them.

As she felt John's stare she smiled happily.

It took John a few moments to gather himself and pull his eyes away from Sarah’s legs back to her eyes before he spoke.

“Actually this won’t be as complex and awkward as you think.”

“0h?” Sarah said with a raised eyebrow before saying.

“Do tell.”

“During my twenty-four hours as a white tiger I spoke with the council of seven about helping you in the western continent.” John began to explain.

“It just so happens that the council of seven have agreements with several forest guardians that allow the Druids to set up teleport circles for easy access into their lands.”

“The forest at the edge of RedWood Town happens to be one of these forests.”

“Redwood Town, that’s a small town where those who harvest the wood from the forest live, before it is transported to different locations on the western continent, it has many uses in Genesis.” Adria said from John’s lap.

“Apparently it’s the closest location to Waning City that the Druids can send me to.” John said before continuing.

“From there I will travel back to Waning City.”

“That’s several hours walk if you don’t get transport from a carriage or waggon headin that direction, though I suppose you could hire a horse.” Adria informed.

“That won’t be a problem, I have been meaning to test out what my Jackalope form is capable of.” John said with a smile.

“Right, Sarah mentioned that before.” Adria mumbled in return.

“So you plan to collect Alea first so she can get the blessing before going to pick up Adria and Shizu?” Sarah asked.”

“Yup.” John confirmed.

“Who is coming to pick me up and why?” A mumble came from the side.

As the trio looked towards a voice they saw Shizu’s fox ears twitch before she slowly started rising up and started to stretch.”

Whether she forgot she was naked or didn’t care none of them knew.

“Sleep well?” Sarah asked with a smile.

Shizu nodded happily before she crawled over to John and hugged his arm with her naked body before saying.

“I did, I enjoy using my lover as a body pillow.” 

“Haha that’s fine, just don’t forget to share.” Sarah chuckled.

“Shizu just stuck out her tongue before she kissed John on the cheek and asked.

“So what was that about picking me up?”

“We are going to attempt Sarah’s plan to beat pride rock later and figured you might want to tag along.

“Oh are you asking me out on a date my love?” Shizu asked.

“If it can be called a date with all of us except Alea just sitting around for six hours not doing anything, then yes it will be a date.” John replied.

“Yay my first date, though I expect a proper one in the future.” Shizu giggled.

“I am sure we can find something to entertain ourselves for six hours.” Sarah said flirtatiously as she unfolded her legs and spread them slightly to flash her pussy before she folded them again but the other way.

“I’m afraid we can’t, at least not what you're thinking?” John replied while rolling his eyes.

“Aww why not?” Sarah asked with a pout.

“You already know why, so why ask?” John replied before continuing.

“You told me yourself that even though the capture point gets sealed to stop other players from interfering, they can still see what’s going on.”

“Do you plan for videos of our sex sessions to be uploaded all over the internet?”

Adria and Shizu frowned before Shizu said.

“That’s definitely not allowed to happen, only those in the relationship can watch me mate.”

“Agreed.” Adria said before a wicked smirk appeared on her face and she added.

“Though I must admit seeing the look on that idiot Jordan’s face as he watches us make love would be exciting.”

“Don’t worry, although I enjoy risky sex and will want it with you in the future, I also have no intention of allowing our sex videos to be seen by others outside our group.” Sarah remarked.

“Sex videos?” The three all asked.

Sarah nodded with a perverted smile before replying.

“Ofcourse we will be recording some in the future.”

“Rriiiggghhhhttt.” John said as the other two just shook their heads.

“Anyway there are ways to prevent the record fiction from working in Genesis.” Sarah said, making the other ears prick up.

“Oh how?” Shizu asked.

“A player only item called a broadcast disrupter.” Sarah replied before continuing.

“Apparently some dwarf engineer was doing research in his lab one day while doing a live stream when an accident occurred and his stream was suddenly cut off.”

“After reading the notification that said his camera function had encountered some interference and researching what went wrong it was determined that the cause was electromagnetic interference that not only prevents the player stream and record function from working, but also the magical items in Genesis that record things.”

Now of course that’s not actually a thing in Genesis but something Tia created to make things more interesting.”

“Why have I not heard of this before?” Shizu asked.

Sarah shrugged before answering.

“Because they are so rare and expensive.”

“The reward the dwarf got for their discovery and subsequent creation of an item that produces the effect is being the only able to produce it.”

“Give another engineer the exact same materials and have them produce it the exact same way and they will create an identical copy but incapable of producing the disruption effect.”

“Because only one Individual can produce the broadcast disrupter , while it also needs rare and expensive materials to craft, making it rare and expensive.”

“And rare and expensive only goes to those who can pay the most, namely high end players.”

“I bet each of your mothers knows of this item and may even have a few, even Alea has some I suspect.”

There was a groan from the bed before Alea’s voice asked softly.

“Bet Alea has what?”

“Good morning sleepy head, how are you feeling?” Sarah asked with a smirk.

“Sore.” Was all Alea replied.

Sarah giggled before replying with.

“Don’t worry, you will get used to it.”

“Mmm” Alea nodded as she pulled some sheets around her before repeating her question.

“I have what?”

“A broadcast disrupter.” Shizu replied.

“Oh yeah I think I have one or two, why do you need one?” Alea asked sleepily.

“So that we can have sex for six hours while capturing pride rock for something to do.” Sarah replied happily.


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