MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 162 I told you before

Chapter 162 I told you before

Alea saw that her mother and Alexis were having a silent conversation and smiled before turning back to John who was still kissing Vulxis and lightly coughed before saying.

“I think that’s enough for now you two, we are still in a meeting after all.”

The two broke the kiss and smiled at each other before Vulxis went back to resting her head on John’s shoulders.

“In answer to your question John.” Chirax began before continuing.

“It depends how strong you prove yourself to be, if you have the strength to back my daughter and beat any challenges that will appear before you then the draconian people will not have a problem.”

“However, should you prove weak and unworthy. Of my daughter then the draconian people will have a problem and be against you becoming there emperor consort”

“More challenges?” John asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That’s what you get for becoming the lover of five powerful and influential women.” Sakoto said with a laugh before asking.

“You just said you would support them, don’t tell me you're going back on your word already?”

John just shook his head in response as he continued to stroke Vulxis.

“Now as I was saying before.. ” Tanelia began but was interrupted by Alexis who said.

“If you don’t mind Tanelia I would like to ask John something about his speech just now.”

Tanelia smiled before saying.

“By all means.”

“Thank you.” Alexis said before looking at John who returned her stare.

“John, you said before that the role of a consort is to support the empress or queen, would you mind elaborating on that?”

“I don’t mind but there isn’t really much more to say, instead let me ask a question in return.” John replied before asking.

“I am aware you're in a rather awkward marriage yourself as Adria and the others have told me some things, so forgive me if this question stings but… what is the true responsibility of a husband or wife to their partner?”

Everyone waited quietly for Alexia’s reply as she looked at John for a moment before closing her eyes to think for several minutes.

“For me the most important thing is support, love and trust to your partner.”

As she finished answering Alexia showed a sad look for a moment before she quickly recovered.

“Then how is that any different from what a partner to a king or queen, emperor or empress should do?” John replied before adding.

“I believe that a partner or even husband or wife's responsibility is to support their loved one in all things.

”Of course I also believe that this should only be the case for those who deserve their partners support.”

“For those who simply use their partner for convenience or only marry them to lift themselves higher in society they don’t deserve such support.”

Alexia frowned at this before asking.

“Do you mean to say that if he gave it to me, I would not deserve my husband's support because of why I married him?”

John returned Alexia’s stare before sighing as Adria looked on nervously.

“Not exactly, if your husband was indeed supporting you and you showed no love or affection towards him because you simply married him because he had no interest in the throne then I would say that you are undeserving of him.”

“However from what I have been told you did try to build a relationship with him in the past, however he had no intention of loving you and only married you because he knew it would grant him a comfortable life with easy access to other women.”

“Because of this, while I understand the reason for choosing to marry your husband, I believe the only good thing to come out of it is Adria, nothing else beneficial can be seen from your marriage to him.”

“You have no love for each other, you do not support each other, he actively sleeps around with other women because he knows he can get away with it and your son, the future emperor, is just as bad if not worse than your husband.”

“Why would you say he is worse than my husband when he acts exactly the same way?” Tanelia asked with interest, even though she was fully aware of how her son was worse she wanted to see if John knew the reason.

“Simple because he will inherit the throne, he knows that he will one day rule over the human race, from what Sarah tells me he already uses his power to pressure women into sleeping with him, something I do not approve of and am disappointed that as his mother and empress you have not stopped.”

“It’s no so…” Alexis began but John cut her off.

“I understand it’s not so easy to do since your son would probably go crying to his father and his father is currently black mailing you and making it so you can’t punish either of them.”

“Still this is not healthy for you, Adria and Sarah as if you constantly worry about this it may come to harm your beauty.”

As John spoke the three in question blushed including Alexis who couldn’t remember the last time someone complimented her beauty.

“It is also not good for the human race, do you really think someone who thinks with his dick is suitable to rule an entire race?”

“While he may have a few months of happy rule himself being able to stick his dick in any woman he pleases including that idol, I think her name was Delacruz or something.”

“What will happen to the human race if he focuses on his carnal urges and not ruling?”

“How long before the people became unhappy.”

“How long before civil war where the human ministers fight for the throne and he gets executed?”

There was silence for a few moments before John said.

“I care very little for the human race as you know, in fact only a week ago I would not have cared if there had been a civil war and the prince gets executed at some point.”

“However after getting to know Sarah and Adria things have changed.”

“While I still care very little for the human race I care a lot for both of them and since Adria is the princess of her brother becoming king what do you think he will do to his sister that he does not get along with well?”

As John spoke these words all the women frowned before John continued.

“If I had to guess, considering her beauty, I would not be surprised if he doesn’t force her into his bed and rape her before ether marrying her off to some noble to gain himself an advantage or just eliminating her as a potential rival to his throne.”

All the women’s faces turned from frowns to disgust.

John turned to Adria as he saw the look on their faces before saying.

“I’m sorry Adria but someone has to tell your mother this as I doubt anyone else has, as you loved it is my duty to protect each of you the best I can.”

“If that means taking you away from the human race then I will do that, however if I can do something to make it so that you don’t have to abandon your people as I know you take your position as princess seriously unlike your brother then I will do what I can to help, even if it means helping you claim the throne.”

There was a slight gasp among the women present as the magnitude of what John just said sunk in and they all looked at him in shock.

He had literally just announced in front of the human empress herself that he would help Adria seize the throne.

“Are you saying that you would help my daughter seize the throne from me?” Alexia asked in a hard tone.

“That depends on you.” John replied calmly.

“Explain.” Alexia demanded.

John however just looked at Alexia in return before raising to his feet and saying.

“I told you before I do not recognise you as my empress, therefore you have no right to order or demand anything of me.”

After which to the surprise of all the women John headed towards the door and opened it before he said.

“I will take my leave until you're willing to have a dignified conversation.”

After which he left and closed the door behind him.

There was silence in the room as all the women looked at the door in surprise.

It was only after a few moments that Alea sighed and asked.

“Alexia you really need to tone in that temper of yours, did you not understand the underlying meaning of what John was saying?”

“He was saying that as Adria’s lover and future husband it is his role to protect her anyway he can, as such he will do whatever he is capable of to make sure she is happy and safe.”

“He, like all of us thinks Adria is far more suitable to inherit the throne over that useless son of yours and he was suggesting that you should make sure she becomes the next empress to not only safeguard her future from your useless son, but also  to prevent the human race from spiraling into chaos and civil war.”

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