MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 167 How Draconians came to be

Chapter 167 How Draconians came to be

“Anyway, back to my earlier question.” Elrinira said before turning back to Sarah and asking.

“Will you tell me now what race you have achieved from your rebirth?”

Sarah sighed before saying.

“Fine, I am mostly still human, but I am twenty percent phoenix.”

Elrinira’s eyes widened in surprise while Penelo showed a shocked look.

“A phoenix.” Elrinira said after the surprise worse off and she then fell into thought.

After thinking for a moment she said.

“To become part phoenix is no small feat, in terms of creatures they are at the top of the list alongside dragon’s and a few others.”

“You must have had to work hard to obtain the item needed for your rebirth, I’m guessing it must have been Transcendent tier.”

Sarah nodded before replying.

“That’s correct.”

“Hmmm, you say you're currently twenty percent phoenix, what is the limit you can reach?.” Elrinira replied before noticing the questioning looks from some of the women to which she said.

“Ah you might not all be aware of this but like all things rebirth has its ranks depending on the creature that you become.”

“The higher the rank of the creature the more powerful you can make your hybrid form.”

“An example is the difference between a phoenix and a pigeon.

“A pigeon is a creature that is very low on the creature rank list, while not at the bottom, if someone lets say a human had a rebirth and gained a hybrid body of a human-pigeon they would not be able to increase the amount of pigeon amount because of how low its rank is.”

“A phoenix on the other hand is at the very top of the creature rank list like I said before, because of this a human-phoenix hybrid has the capability to become more phoenix than human.”

“Now it would be impossible to become a phoenix completely because at the end of the day there is always some human remaining, however the more phoenix you become the more powerful your hybrid form will become.”

“So I ask again, what is the limit your human-phoenix form can attain?” 

“I did not realize that it would make me more phoenix and less human, but the maximum I can attain is sixty percent.” Sarah replied.

“When I say more phoenix and less human I don’t specifically mean you will turn into a fiery chicken, as I said before that's impossible because there will always remain some human.” Elrinira began to explain.

“What’s more likely is that your human body will gain aspects of the phoenix, take the draconian or kitsune for example since we have them both here.”

“The draconian race comes from dragons as we all know, because of this they have certain draconic aspects, their horns, their tails, their wings, the ability to breathe fire.”

“The kitsune on the other hand have certain fox-like aspects, their ears, their tails, their need to find something interesting.” 

“Though I have never met or heard of a phoenix rebirth I can guess that if you increase your phoenix side then you will most likely at least get wings.”

“Though a phoenix does throw up another question.”

“What question?” Sarah asked.

“Let me ask you this, what is the phoenix most famous for?”

“It’s ability to be reborn after it dies.” Sarah replied.

“Exactly, this ability is a form of rebirth, it can’t be a coincidence.” Elrinira replied as she continued.

“Successfully achieving a rebirth into a creature that is most famous for its own ability of rebirth, I am fascinated to see if you will gain this ability yourself, I don’t suppose you already have that yet do you?”

“Unfortunately not.” Sarah replied, shaking her head.

“Hmm then we must increase your phoenix amount, though sixty percent seems rather small for a transcendent rebirth.” Elrinira said more to herself than the others before asking.

“What is it that you need to become more phoenix?” 

“Phoenix blood, it will increase my phoenix amount by twenty percent each time, also what do you mean it seems a little low?” Sarah asked in reply.

“Hmm phoenix blood, from the way you answered it seems we can’t just use the blood of one phoenix to increase you all the way to the max, I’m guessing you need multiple and if it’s sixty percent then that means blood from at least two.” Elrinira said before answering Sarah’s question.

“Again it’s easier to answer this with another question but this time to our draconian sister empress Black Dragoon.”

“Tell me, how did the first draconian come to be?” 

“The first draconian.” Vulxis said in surprise before explaining.

“This is not very well known and people are told that the dragon’s created the draconian race themselves because the elves did not want to appear biased towards the dragon’s and worry the other race’s when they were not.”

“But the first draconian was actually the offspring of an elf and a dragon,”

“At a time when the dragon’s still actively roamed the land an elfin female saved the life of a young dragon prince when she found him on the brink of death after a battle he had barely won.”

“By saving the prince’s life the then king offered her a reward of her choosing.”

“The elf, not wanting or needing any reward, humbly refused the request, something that the dragon’s could not understand since dragons love treasure.”

“Even though the king found it difficult to comprehend the elf’s decision he was impressed that someone could refuse an item from a dragon’s treasure.”

“Because of this he proposed that the elf should marry his son whom she saved and therefore bring the two races closer together.”

“The elf once again tried to refuse, however after much persuasion from not only the king but Queen Elmyra who explained the benefit of the elves and dragons being friends the female elf eventually relented and accepted.”

“While originally there was no love between the two because this was in essence a marriage or convenience, they were polite and humble to each other and got along well.”

“Over time however they did eventually fall in love and after many years the elf became pregnant.”

“This was a surprise to both races as neither imagined that a union of an elf and a dragon could produce offspring.”

“However they did and the baby became the first of a new race, the draconian.”

Vulxis went quiet as she finished, however Elrinira just smiled before asking.

“That’s not quite correct now is it empress Black Dragoon?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Vulxis said in a calm voice.

“Very well if you do not want to explain the dragon's secret I shall.” Elrinira replied, causing Vulxis and Chirax eyes to widen in shock.

“Dragon’s as everyone knows are one of the most powerful creatures on the mortal plane.” Elrinira began.

“As I have already explained, they are at the very top of the creature ranking list along with the phoenix and a few others.”

“What makes dragon’s so powerful is their magic.”

“A Dragon’s magic runs through their entire body and it is what enables them to fly and breathe fire, after all do you really think a creature with a body that large could fly normally, their wings would never get them off the ground.”

“Now while all magic comes from Yggdrasil the world tree and elves of course come from Yggdrasil granting them their incredible magic power.”

“A Dragon's body absorbs magic on a subconscious level and over time the dragon’s learnt how to harness the magic that runs in their bodies and cast their own form of magic.”

“While in essence it still comes from Yggdrasil as all magic does, this is more of an offshoot since it uses dragon tongue to cast the magic.”

“This I’m sure you're all aware of, however what you're not aware of is the fact that dragons have the ability to transform someone of another race into a hybrid form, such as an elf-dragon hybrid, otherwise known as a draconian.”

Everyone in the room showed shocked faces at this news.

“How do you know this secret?” Vulxis asked in anger as she stood up followed by Chirax.

“You know about this?” Triana asked in surprise before adding.

“I have never heard of this matter, I only knew of the story you recounted before.”

Vulxis sighed deeply before rubbing her head and sitting down after which she explained.

“Only two elves knew of this, the first being Elmyra and the second being the elf who married the prince.”

“While the dragon king proposed marriage, the dragon race was not happy about their prince marrying a none dragon.”

“After much discussion between the dragon king and Elmyra they decided that the best way was to turn the elf into a elf-dragon hybrid.”

“The dragon king used his dragon tongue to transform the elf and so created the first draconian, after which the elf and the dragon prince did indeed have children and from there our race grew.”

As Vulxis finished her explanation she once again looked at Elrinira with a glare before asking.

“Now, explain how you know this secret, all the true dragon’s swore never to reveal this otherwise individuals of all races would come asking to be transformed, while Elmyra promised never to reveal it.”

Elrinira just smiled before saying.

“Who knows.”

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