MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 173 I need a favor please honey

Chapter 173 I need a favor please honey

Adria went quiet for a moment as she thought about her answer before replying.

“If I’m being honest I have thought about this subject in the past.” 

“Really?” Alexia asked in surprise.

“Indeed, after I realized I had fallen in love with John and we five girls spoke about the idea of forming the harem, it did cross my mind about the idea of you joining in the future so that we could remove the troublesome matter that is father and brother.” Adria replied.

“What conclusion did you come to?” Alexi asked with slight hope in her tone that even she did not realize was present.

“Harems are not uncommon in human society, especially for the wealthy and powerful.” Adreia began to say.

“Take your sister for example, Sarah’s mother aunt Tali, she herself has several husbands.”

“I have no doubt that you would have more than one husband if you could find another man who has no interest in the throne.”

“Unfortunately it seems the only one who exists already has his own harem of women.”

“While you could join his harem you would have to offer up much, that is if you could improve your relationship enough with John to the point where he cares for you personally and allows you to join.”

“So in answer to your question, no I am not opposed to the idea of you joining in general, however I am opposed to you joining it right now.”

There was silence as Alexis thought about what Adria had said and the two drank their tea.

They didn’t immediately leave Genesis and rejoin the others on Atlantis so they could have this conversation.

At this moment Alexis received a message causing her to say.

“Another message, why am I so popular today?”

After which she read it and a smile appeared on her face before saying.

“It seems John has arrived in Waning City.”

“Already?” Alexia asked in surprise.

“Yes, he is asking where to meet, now where would be a good place.” Adria replied before sending a message back to John.


John left the teleport hall with a new portal stone acquired for Waning City before he headed towards the auction house where he got directions from the staff in the teleport hall.

As he walked he received a reply from Adria.

[Adria: You arrived sooner than expected.]

[Vincarna: I well it’s rude for a man to keep a lady waiting right]

[Red Rose: You are correct, I will be sure to remember that you're aware of that matter if you're ever late in the future.]

[Vincarna: Please spare this lowly subject any punishment at that time.]

[Red Rose: Hehe, that depends how you apologize to this princess.]

[Red Rose: Where are you in Waning City and do you want to leave straight away?]

[Vincarna: I just acquired a Waning City portal stone and now I’m on my way to the auction house to upgrade some of my gear as well as Lilastea.]

[Red Rose: well at least you don’t have an excuse in the future to not come see me when I miss you, but what is this Lilastea you speak off?]

[Vincarna: Oh right you don’t know about it yet.]

[Vincarna: Lilastea is the spear that the council of seven wanted me to try and wield after we completed the dungeon, however because of Bengals test I was unable to.]

[Red Rose: I heard from Vulxis that you were supposed to try picking up a spear, she was really jealous that you got one before level twenty-five.]

[Red Rose: Are you telling me you succeeded and it's actually a growth type weapon since you need to upgrade it.]

[Vincarna: Yeah, apparently Lilastea and Phanta are part of a regalia that used to belong to the Demi-god Daratrine.]

[Red Rose: ….]

[Vincarna: Something wrong?]

[Vincarna: Hello?]

[Vincarna: Adria you ok? Hello?]


Back in the palace Adria had suddenly frozen when she read John’s message.

Noticing that something was wrong with her daughter Alexis put down her tea cup before asking.

“Is there something wrong Adria?”

It took a few moments for Adria to come back to her senses before her head turned almost robotically towards her mother and giggled.

Alexis was alarmed at her daughter's response before she got up and shook her by the shoulder saying.

“Adria, what's wrong? Talk to me.”


“Yes daughter, I'm here.” Alexis sighed in relief seeing a normal response from her daughter.

“Mother, we must do everything we can to get John to have feelings for you so that you can join the harem as quickly as possible.” Adria suddenly said, surprising Alexia.

“Huh what brought this on?” Alexia asked, confused.

“John just told me he already has two pieces of a regalia.” Adria replied.

“Already working on a regalia at his level? While that’s impressive, isn't it kind of a waste since it will be replaced in ten to twenty levels with better gear?” Alexis asked back.

Adria nodded in agreement before saying.

“That would indeed be the case normally, but what if it's a regalia made of growth items.”

Alexia’s mouth fell open before she said.

“Impossible, there is no such thing, while it was something that was speculated to exist when regalia’s were first discovered, it was soon thought to be nothing more than that, speculation, after all no one has found any evidence of their existence.”

“That’s what I thought as well, however John just told me otherwise, also this regalia once belonged to the Demi-god Daratrine, can you imagine how powerful it could be.” Adria replied.

“Daratrine?” Alexia said thoughtfully before adding.

“Wasn’t that the first Druid? Did John tell you where he acquired the items?” 

“I know he just obtained one of them from the druid council of seven, I don’t know about the first one.” Adria replied before asking.

“Why do you think there is more to this than him just being lucky?”

“It’s more than likely, in all these years since Genesis launched no one has ever heard of a growth regalia.” Alexia replied before continuing.

“Then John comes along and completes the basic training in the weapons hall, something no one has ever done before which then unlocks a special village quest.”

“That village quest ends up leading a human to the emerald enclave where he becomes the first non elf druid.”

“Also this regalia is obviously meant to be druid exclusive because it originally belonged to the first druid and is now being collected by a druid.”

“I wonder, what if….”

“Ask John if he will tell you where he obtained the two pieces from.”

Adria nodded before sending John a message.

[Red Rose: Sorry about that, I got a shock from hearing that the regalia you mentioned is a growth type.]

[Red Rose: You do know that a growth type regalia has never been seen or heard off before right? It has been speculated but that's all.]

[Vincarna: I had no idea no.]

[Red Rose: Can you tell me where you got the first piece of the regalia?]

[Vincarna: Sure it's no secret from you girls, I got it as the reward for completing the starter village quest from the village chief.]

[Red Rose: The one that led to you becoming a druid?]

[Vincarna: Yeah the same.]

[Red Rose: My god.]

[Vincarna: What?]

[Red Rose: 1 second.]

Adria looked back at her mother who was waiting on her reply and said.

“I think you're right mother, the first piece of the regalia was obtained from completing the starter village quest that led him to becoming a druid.”

Alexi smiled before saying.

“I knew it, if my theory is correct then John just helped us out again in a big way.”

Alexia looked at her friend list and saw that all the other women had already logged out of Genesis.

“We need to inform the others of this quickly.”

“Log out.”

After saying that Alexia disappeared leaving Adria slightly surprised.

She sighed and shook her head before sending John another message.

[Red Rose: I need a favor please honey.]

[Vincarna: Name it.] 

Adria smiled when she saw his instantaneous reply.

[Red Rose: Darling please, I want you and mother to get along.]

[Vincarna: I can try to be more cordial with her if she stops trying to command me to do things.]

[Red Rose: Thank you honey, to be honest having someone challenge her on commands will be a good thing for both mother and the kingdom, it is something my father should have always done since they got married but never did.]

[Red Rose: Also I know it’s probably too soon to really say this but I hope for my mother to join the harem in the future.]


[Red Rose: Darling?]

[Vincarna: Why?]

[Red Rose: First because I want to remove my father and brother from their positions and if you became my mothers husband that would fix that issue.]

[Red Rose: Second because I want her to be happy and I believe you can make her happy.]

[Vincarna: You're ok watching me and your mother have sex together in the future?]

[Red Rose: As long as you let me join in sometimes.]

[Vincarna:.... It seems Sarah is not the only dirty minded one in your family.]

[Red Rose: Oh honey, you have no idea what you signed up for when you accepted us both, and if you will accept mother in the future also….]

[Vincarna: If I accept her, what?]

[Red Rose: Hehe I can’t give away all the surprises, you will just have to accept her and find out.]

[Vincarna: You're making this hard for me, you know I don't respect your mother after what happened.]

Adria had a sad look as she saw John’s message before she replied.

[Red Rose: I know honey, but remember it was not entirely her fault, after all the minister who was supposed to report the corruption to mother was also in on it and so it would have only been discovered if the empire did a major national audit, and that does not happen often.]

[Vincarna: Maybe it should.]

[Red Rose: Then why don’t you make that suggestion to the empress when you become emperor consort.]

[Vincarna: Yours or your mothers?]

[Red Rose: Why not both?]

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