MMORPG: Genesis



“Seriously though bro if you are still a virgin and want some advice on how to satisfy these two beauties along with all the other women in the future your big bro here has you covered.” Bandit offered.

“I am not sure performing sex like a rabbit is something that women would find attractive from a human, also since when did you become my older brother?” John replied.

“Since just now when I learned you're still a virgin and I need to teach you the ways bro.” Bandit boasted.

“Pass, now can we please get back to the main topic, something about my reward, and before Bandit offers it, no I don't want women.” John said.

“As your older brother I am disappointed in you bro, where is your pride as a male to spread your genes?” Bandit asked, which John just ignored.

“You certainly got a good bonded partner there.” Triana stated.

“I’m starting to wonder about that.” John replied before he thought of something and shot Bandit a look and asked.

“Bandit, Jackalopes can stealth right?” 

“Well obviously, I mean you found that out yourself when you got my stealth ability.” Bandit replied proudly.

“How many times have you used your stealth ability to ambush females?” John asked.

As he finished all the females in the area shot Bandit a dangerous look, this included the humanoids and animals like Bengal and the little white tiger.

“Haha good one bro.” Bandit coughed nervously as he felt everyone's stares before continuing.

“Do you think your awesome big brother needs such tricks?”

John looked at Bandit for a moment before turning back to Triana and asking.

“So this other reward?”

“Hmmm.” Triana said while going into thought.

“I told you he needs women.” Bandit demanded.

As John ignored Bandit Ciliren who had been listening from the sides stepped over and asked.

“Vincarna tell me about this mantle that you're wearing, you did not have it the first time you were here.”

“You mean Phanta?” John asked in surprise.

“IT has a name?” Ciliren responded in equal surprise which attracted the attention of the other council members and even Bengal now since they had finished treating the young white tiger who was now resetting.

“Yes, it is the reward I got from the village chief back in Yesta Village after I helped stop the spread of that sickness.” John replied before adding.

“I believe it used to belong to a druid named Daratrine.”

As John said that name all the druids present including the council and even Bengal gave John sharp looks before Ascal said.

“Be warned young druid, that name is not to be thrown around so easily, or you will face dire consequences.”

“What do you mean?” John asked white Sarah and Vulxis paid attention as this sounded serious.

“You say that this mantle used to belong to Daratrine, what makes you say such a thing?” Ascal asked in return.

“I said ‘I believe it used to belong to Daratrine’, I only think that because it has a spell attached to it with that name.” John answered.

“What spell Vincarna?” Ciliren asked with excitement.

“Calm yourself Ciliren, it is probably just another fake.” Rosaniya cautioned.

“The spell's name in Daratrine’s Balance.” John answered, causing all present to show shocked reactions.

“Can you describe the spell’s function to us Vincarna?” Melandrach asked.

“I  can once a week change the level of one enemy to match my own, as well as any friends who are with me.” John explained.

There was silence while everyone thought over John’s words, strangely it was Bengal who spoke up.

“You are one very lucky individual young Vincarna and it was my daughter’s own luck that it was you who came to rescue her.” 

“Lady Bengal?” John asked, confused.

“What do you know of the one called Daratrine?” Bengal asked.

“Not much, only that they used to be a druid and also a demi-god.” John replied.

“Correct, Daratrine was in fact the first ever druid, she is the founder of your order and many of the druid spells are her own creations, their were some however that only she could use since she possessed the powers of a god, though only in a small amount since she was only a demi-god.” Bengal began to explain.

“Daratrine Balance was a spell that made Daratrine loved by her allies and hated by her enemies, if every an enemy to powerful appeared  before Daratrine and her allies she would use the spell to cancel out the difference in power thus making it dangerous for even the most powerful individuals in the world to face Daratrine.”

“Indeed even we world bosses had to think twice before facing off against Daratrine back then.”

“You knew Daratrine personally?” John asked in surprise before he repeated everything Bengal had just said to him to Sarah and Vulxis via the party chat.

“Indeed, we met several times, thankfully Daratrine was never one to start a fight so I never had to face her in battle, your friend Elrinira on the other hand is a different story, she faced off against Daratrine several times.”

“She never mentioned anything about this when I used Daratrine Balance in front of her.” John replied.

“That’s not surprising, that slut does not like to admit that she could never beat Daratrine, still you used Daratrine Balance in front of Elrinira and survived. How?” Bengal asked.

“I’m sure Bandit has by now told you how I assisted Elrinira?” John asked.

“Damn straight bro, I brought them all up to speed.” Bandit proclaimed proudly.

“Well the way I helped free Elrinira’s sister was by using Daratrine Balance on the necromancer that had raised her, after the necromancer lost most of their power the spell they used to raise Elrinira’s sister collapsed and she returned to the underworld whereby Elrinira captured the necromancer's soul to punish it.” John explained.

“I see, you willingly used up a powerful spell just to free the soul of a dead succubus.” Bengal mused.

“Well at the time I did not know the spell would break, the original plan was for Elrinira to hold her sister back while I and my friend took care of the necromancer, I used the spell because he was far more powerful than me and I did not want my friend to dirty her hands on trash like him.” John explained.

“HAHA you go bro, you got women hanging off you left and right, we need to teach you  the rabbit position.” Bandit stated.

Both Bengal and John ignored Bandit with John not bothering to translate Bandit’s words for Sarah and Vulxis.

“Still you used a powerful spell for the benefit of a friend, there are not many like you around young Vincarna.” Bengal said as she studied John for a moment before she looked at the young white tiger and said.

“I approved my daughter, you may do as you wish.”

“Thank you mother.” The young white tiger said as she opened her eyes and looked at John.

John tilted his head in confusion when Ciliren suddenly said.

“Members of the council of seven I call for a vote.”

“On what?” Ascal asked in confusion.

“I proclaim we give Vincarna the chance to wield the druid’s Naginata” Ciliren proclaimed.

“You can’t be serious, there's a reason we have not let anyone touch that thing in hundreds of years.” Ascal retorted.

“Vincarna already possesses the mantle of Daratrine, I suggest we let him try and claim the weapon of Daratrine.” Ciline responded.

The other council members were quiet while they thought about this so John decided to ask a question.

“Might I ask what exactly is a Naginata? I’ve figured out it is apparently Daratrine’s weapon but I am unsure of what type it is.”

“Of course Vincarna, a Naginata is a type of polearm.” Ciliren answered.

“WHAT!” Vulxis said before giving John a look of jealousy and asking.

“If he doesn't want to try it can I?”

“I’m sorry Black Dragoon, we are all aware of your races love of the polearm, however the Daratrine’s Naginata can only be wielded by a druid, this is not just some rule we the council made up but something Daratrine said before she left this world.” Triana replied this time.

“Left this world?” John asked before adding.

“Also if this is the weapon of Daratrine and Phanta is the mantle of Daratrine, how did it end up in Yesta Village?”

“When we say left this world we mean she ascended to godhood, she became a full goddess and by doing so had to leave her mortal body and the mortal plane behind.” Triana started to explain.

“As for why Phanta was in Yesta Village that is also Daratrine doing, before she ascended she separated her regalia into its individual pieces and spread them across the world, while she left her weapon with the druid order we do not know what happened to the other items as she did not tell us.”

“All she said was that one day perhaps a druid would come to possess her regalia and gain her powers.” 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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