MMORPG: Genesis

Do you want me to help you with this? If so, tell me the honest reason why

Do you want me to help you with this? If so, tell me the honest reason why

"Ok so the next question is why me?" 

"There are three main reasons, the first is that Natures Guardian already sent people to teach you a lesson and by appearing with me again even after that it will show that you do not fear him and will piss the bastard off and make him jealous." 

"A good reason." Thasinia nodded in approval before Alea continued. 

"The second reason is because I expect him to have already been informed that you sent me this information and he will no doubt try something at the banquet that will make a scene before asking for my forgiveness without actually giving much away to the other guests." 

"In that situation in front of so many foreign dignitaries it would be hard for me to refuse him, however if your there as my date he may change his mind about attempting something and even if he doesn't I can just come up with some excuse of why I can't speak to him at that time such as how my mother has tasked me with taking care of you a visitor to our land." 

"Excuse?" Thasinia asked with a grin." 

"Ok so maybe it's not actually an excuse." Alea said with a blush which John noticed but refrained from commenting. 

"The third reason is because all three of us as well as our parents trust that you won't do something inappropriate or use this to your advantage as most other men would." 

"Ok next question, why the three of you? If it's just to upset Natures Guardian, is it not enough to just have me as your date?" 

"For this point there was only originally only one reason, but I just spoke with mother on the way over here and new information has come to light so there are now three reasons." 

"The first and original reason is to show that you're a far better man than Aiduin Petvalur in such a way that you can take three beautiful women as your dates to a banquet that is official recognized by every race on Atlantia." 

"Not to mention that because you're such a fine man those three dates of yours are the Princess of the Elves, the Princess of the Humans and also the most famous player in Genesis and that neither the Elf Empress or the Human Queen mind that their daughters are sharing the arms of the same man" 

"The second reason is Daniel Sanders." 

"You mean Silver Serpent? Ice Blue Queen's ex-boyfriend who cheated on her?" John asked, confused. 

"Indeed, there is more to this story than what you know but it is not my place to tell, I expect Sarah will tell you herself so that you understand the full story as to why she is asking for your help as well." Alea confirmed before continuing. 

"Anyway, Daniel Sanders will be attending the banquet with his father who is the Mayor of Silver City, one of the top cities in the Human nation." 

"Daniel plans to come here to try and win Sarah back, our hope is that you will assist Sarah with Daniel the same way you're assisting me with Aiduin." 

"The third reason is Jordan Marks." 

"Who?" Both John and Thasinia asked at the same time. 

"Jordan Marks is the son of Steven Marks, the Minister in charge of the region around Silver City." 

"He is also friends with Daniel, while the Sanders and Marks families are very close, it seems the Sanders informed the Marks about Adria attending the banquet, so Jordan is coming with his father to try and win Adria's heart or seduce her." 

"You want me to assist Adria with Jordan the same way I am assisting you and Sarah?" John finished before getting a nod from Alea. 

"Last question, what are these consequences that I could face if I agree to help?" John asked. 

"The first and most obvious are the rumors, rumors that you're dating all three of us at the same time, that you're using us all and you don't really love us, that you're only using our bodies for your pleasure, those sorts of things." Alea began to explain. 

"Next is the enemy's you will make, Aiduin, Daniel and Jordan are all obvious as well as their families, but there's also the numerous other suitors that the three of us have, many of which that will immediately become your enemy', they will make up fake stories about you and try to ruin you, embarrass you in public and in-front of the three of us thinking that we would leave you because of this, challenge you to duels in Genesis to show that they are stronger and more worthy of us than you are." 

"Wow, are you for real? I knew you three were popular because of your beauty and positions but is it really like that around you all?" John asked in surprise. 

"There have always been rumors that surface from time to time about who each of us or in fact anyone famous or powerful might be dating and this causes jealousy among individuals." 

"In honest truth we don't know exactly what you will face, I can only warn you of some of the more likely things, I hate to admit this in-case of scaring you off and ruining our friendship but assassination attempts on your life could also be a possibility in the future if you go through with this or even if your seen with any of us out in public." 

"I see." John said for a moment before thinking deeply as the two beautiful elves waited for his decision in silence. 

Finally, he asked a question neither of them expected. 

"What do you want Alea?" 

"Excuse me?" Alea asked, confused. 

"Do you want me to help you with this? If so, tell me the honest reason why." John said with a serious expression. 

Alea was startled and suddenly became nervous as her eyes started to dart around the room as if looking for an escape route. 

Eventually she forced herself to take a deep breath before sitting down on a nearby chair and clasping her hands while looking at her knees as she could not face John's piercing blue eyes with what she was about to say. 

"Honestly I want you to accept, I want people to see me on your arm and I want you to offer me your arm because I like you John, more than as just a friend, I want us to get closer and see if we can be together, I'm in love with you." 

There was silence in the room as Alea continued to stare at her knees in nervousness, Thasinia watched on silently from the side with a small smile on her face and John just stared at Alea with an unreadable expression. 

It was silent for a good few minutes before John sighed. 

He then went over to Alea and gently took her hand making her flinch before she looked up into his eyes. 

"Thank you for your honesty, now let me be honest in return." 

"I have never been in a proper relationship before like I told you that day we went into the city." 

"I once thought I was in one but then I found out I was being strung along by a girl who was actually being paid to pretend she liked me before she humiliated me in front of Dean Thomas and his gang." 

"After which she went down on her knees and gave Dean a blowjob right in-front of me as they all laughed at me." John revealed, causing Alea and Thasinia to gasp in shock and show angry looks. 

"After that I always kept my distance from women and people in general in case, they were also pretending to like me, after spending time here with all of you however I have come to learn that not everyone is like that," 

"While I am willing to try and see if we can get closer and start a relationship I don't know if it will work or not, after all I am not as amazing as you made me out to be before Alea." 

Alea shook her head at this before saying. 

"That's where you're wrong John, in my one hundred and seven years of living I have met more people than you can imagine and most of them wanted to be with me not because they loved me but because they loved what I was and my position." 

"I am an Elf so I will never age, and I will keep my looks and beauty for my entire life unless I wish to change it with magic. Those people want me because they know I will always be beautiful for them to show off on their arm." 

"I'm the Elf Princess who will one day take the throne and be Queen, those people want me so they can become King Consort and gain all the power that comes with that." 

"None of these people up until now have been interested in me for myself or who I am but for what I am and what they can get out of being with me, even that bastard Aiduin Petvalur does not really love me and only wants me for what he can get out of me and my beauty, every time I talk with him I see the lust and longing to own me in his eyes." 

"You're the only person outside my family and close friends who has treated me for who I am and did not ask for anything in return, even when presenting me with a gift, so if you ask me you are amazing John, far more amazing than any man I have ever met and that's why I want to be with you." 

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