MMORPG: Genesis

Explaining Monster stats

Explaining Monster stats

"Morning." John said to Alea 

"It's already afternoon John." Alea said with a giggle. 

"Told you." Almyra said, sticking her tongue out. 

"What are you up to?" Alea asked. 

"Making some late breakfast, it's been a while since I worked in a kitchen so my skills might be a bit rusty." John said as he looked around for a frying pan. 

"Oh, was working in a kitchen one of the job's you used to do for money?" 

"Yup, the chefs were always a hard ass swearing at you if you did something they were not happy about but on the plus side I always got a free meal out of it." 

John added some oil to the frying pan before putting it on the hob and lighting it to heat it up.

"So, it seems you're more adept at using our language than you first said." Alea said with a smirk. 

John just shrugged before he started finding bread and asked. 

"Do you want any of this?" 

"What are you making?" 

"Nothing fancy, just bacon and sausage sandwich." 

"Sure, why not." Alea accepted with a smile before continuing. 

"So how was Genesis? What level are you?" 

"It was fun and still level zero." John replied while he took the bacon and sausage out of the packaging and placed it on a plate before putting the remainder back into the fridge. 

"What! How are you still level zero? You played for over two hours." 

"What can I say, I can't get into the starting village, and I can't kill anything without a weapon." John replied while he poured himself a glass of apple juice before showing the bottle to Alea who nodded and so he poured her one and passed it over. 

"Thanks." Alea said before asking. 

"What do you mean you can't get into the village?" 

"When I first logged into the game, I found myself in a clearing in the middle of the forest with an elf asleep on the grass." 

"Oh, I remember that guy, he doesn't seem to do much but point you in the direction of the village and then go back to sleep." Alea said. 

"Yeah, that's about what he did with me though he was surprised I was there being human and all before he sent me towards the village." John continued. 

"I mean what's even the point of him being there? Why not just drop the player closer to the village?" John asked to which Alea just shrugged before drinking some juice. 

"Anyway, I went towards the village..." 

As John explained all that happened to him during his first adventure in Genesis, he continued to make bacon and sausage sandwiches for them both. 

When John reached the part about seeing the rabbit's stats, he decided to ask Alea about it as he dished out her sandwich before passing it to her... 

"Why is a level one rabbit so much stronger than me? I know I'm level zero but still the difference seems a bit strange." 

"Thanks, it smells good." Alea said before continuing. 

"Monsters automatically get more stat points than humanoids in Genesis, allowing for the fact that they can't use Armour and weapons, but they have their own natural Armour in fur or scales, while their natural weapons are their teeth and claws." 

John listened while he started cooking his own food. 

"So, while some races like humans start with twenty stat points in total and Elves get twenty-three..." 

"Favoritism." John mumbled causing Alea to grin before continuing. 

"Monsters start with a total of twenty-five stat points but they also gain an extra five stat points depending on their type, so they essentially start with thirty stat points in total." 

"Monsters are divided into three categories or types, the rabbit you fraught was a Balanced monster type so it's starting twenty-five stat points are more evenly balanced to keep ATP and END at a similar level and its bonus five points automatically get added straight to ATP and END as a plus number like with humans weapons and armor or other boosts." 

"Bears on the other hand are a defensive monster type and so there twenty-five stat points are more focused on helping them raise their HP or END, so more of their points go into SPI and VIT with the bonus five points going more into END than ATP at a ratio of three END to two ATP." 

"The third type is the Offensive monster type such as cats like tigers or lions, these have their twenty-five stat points more focused on raising their ATP so ether STR or INT depending on if it's a physical monster or a more magical one and like before the bonus five points get added more into ATP this time so the ratio is three ATP and two END." 

"When any player, npc or monster levels up in Genesis they automatically gain a set number of points into each stat depending on their rank." 

"Since you're a new player who just started you will only get one point in each stat on level up the same as Normal ranked npc's and monsters." 

"Players who have completed their first-class mission start to gain two stat points per level up from then on-wards the same as Veteran monsters and npc's." 

"Completing the second-class mission grants three stat points per level up the same as Elite monsters and npc's." 

"Well, I don't need to list them all, I am sure you get the idea." Alea said to which John nodded. 

"Now because monsters can't improve their equipment like humanoids in the game, they also gain extra points on level up depending on their rank and these points go into either ATP or END depending on their type." 

"So, for example, a normal rank bear will gain plus one point into END on each level up whereas a Veteran rank bear will gain plus two points into END." 

"A Normal rank Cat will gain one plus one into ATP and a Veteran will gain plus two into ATP." 

"Balanced monsters are a bit more complex here, because they always try to keep their ATP and END at similar levels the plus point will go into whichever stat is lower or if both are the same then it goes into END." 

John just stared at Alea before saying. 

"Fuck that's complex." 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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