MMORPG: Genesis



John sighed as he lay in bed.

He couldn’t sleep after what happened earlier, even though he relieved himself in the bathroom after he still could not get the images and feelings from earlier out of his mind and fell asleep.

In the end he could only think of one thing to do.

“Genesis Synch”

John reappeared in the Emerald Enclave where he had logged out a few hours ago.

He was back in his human form, though since he had completed Bengal’s test it did not matter.

Looking around he saw the druids were all busy doing whatever it was that they did here in the emerald enclave.

John saw in the distance that Bengal and Fanya were sleeping under a large tree; he opted not to disturb them since he had other things to take care of.

John turned and headed towards the gazebo where the council of seven gathered to try and find Ciliren to try out the druids Naginata.

As he approached the gazebo he heard the sound of voices coming from inside that quieted down as he entered and the council turned to look at him.

“Vincarna, finally you're here, come come.” Ciliren said with excitement as she pulled out the large wooden box from earlier and placed it on the table as the other council members paid attention.

Ciliren opened the box before saying.

“This is the druid’s Naginata.”

“Inside the box was a particular kind of polearm, like all polearms it had a long shaft that ended in a blade of some sort.

This particular blade was slightly curved and from looking at it you could tell that the underside of the blade was sharp and made for cutting your opponent, while the upper side was blunt and more designed for hitting your opponent, it ended in a point meant for stabbing the opponent.

The blade was black while the shaft was brown.

Other than that there was nothing about the polearm, it lacked any sort of detail or grandeur that you would expect the weapon of a demi-god to wield.

“I know what you're thinking.” Ciliren said with a smile before continuing.

“You're wondering why it looks so plain if it was once wielded by a demi-god.”

John nodded in response.

“It’s because it has been so long since it was last wielded by anyone, because of this it has lost most of its power it once carried, I’m sure the same applies to your mantle.” Ciliren explained.

John looked again at the Naginata before asking.

“Why has no one wielded it before now?”

Ciliren let out a sigh before saying.

“Because it wont allow anyone to.” 

“Pardon?” John asked, confused.

“I’m sure you're aware since you already possess the druid’s mantle that Growth item’s have a spirit of their own.” Ciliren explained making John's eyes widen in surprise before he asked.

“The druid’s Naginata is a growth item?” 

“Of course, all the pieces of Daratrine’s regalia are growth items.” 

“How is that even possible, if all the items were once part of the same regalia, how was it separated with them all having a spirit?” John asked.

“Hmmm you could say they are in fact part of the same spirit, just different aspects of it.” Ciliren answered before adding.

“That is why I am so keen for you to try, since you have already been acknowledged by the spirit of the mantle, I believe the spirit of the Naginata may also accept you.”

“How do you know if it accepts or declines? It won't suddenly float and stab me right?” John asked, concerned.

The council of seven all chuckled when they heard what John said before Ciliren said.

“Don’t worry, nothing so far-fetched, while it might possess a spirit, it is only a fraction of its original.” 

“The most it can do is make it so you're unable to lift the Naginata.”

“How?” John asked.

“On this we are not certain, but we guess it's manipulating its own weight using space magic to effect the gravity immediately around it.”

“Wow, that's cool.” John replied.

As John replied no one noticed a tiny glimmer run up the blade of the Naginata.

“So I just have to try and lift it correct?” John asked.

“That’s correct.” Ciliren said with a smile before stepping back slightly and motioning for John to take the Naginata.

As the council members gave their complete attention to John no one knew that two other pairs of eyes were watching from a distance.

Bengal who had been awake since she felt John’s presence near her had pretended to still be asleep since John did not approach her, however as soon as he left she opened her eyes and watched him.

In another part of the Emerald Enclave Ursa Minor was also watching with interest to see if John would be able to wield the druid’s Naginata.

Ursa and Bengal felt each other watching John and though they gave each other a nod of respect they did nothing more and only observed.

As John’s hand touched the shafts of the Naginata he felt as if a small electric current went up his arm and began traveling around his body as if searching for something.

John found that he could not release his hand from the shaft as it seemed to be stuck there while he also could not lift the Naginata even though he tried.

As the wind blew and a small breeze passed through the gazebo a part of Phanta was blown towards the Naginata and  touched the shaft, whether this was a coincidence or not no one knew, but after they touched one another the small electric current seemed to disappear and John successfully lifted the druid’s Naginata out of it’s box.

The council of seven all showed surprised looks while Bengal and Ursa both smiled when they saw John was successful.

A series of notifications suddenly appeared before John.

[Druid's Naginata (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Common (White)] 


[P ATP: 6] 

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

[A powerful polearm that once belonged to the demi-god and first Druid Daratrine, it has lost most of its power from lack of use over time.] 

[Rank up requirements for Uncommon (Green):] 

[Obtain your first Wild Morph Ability: Completed] 

[Merge any 5 Uncommon (Green) weapons with the Druid's Naginata 0/5]

[*Notice* You have received a Unique item, these items require a name be given to them, please choose a name.] 

“A name.” John mumbled as he absentmindedly started to spin the druid’s Naginata around.

The council’s surprise turned to shock as they watched John spinning the druid’s Naginata around with ease while mumbling about a name.

“VIncarna has the druid’s Naginata accepted you?” Tiriana asked.

“Pardon?” John said turning to Tiriana before he noticed he was spinning the druid’s Naginata around almost by instinct.

“You're so well balanced.” John said the druid’s Naginata.

“Balanced and a polearm that Vulxis said the draconians like.” John mumbled some more.

“I know, your name will be ‘Lilastea’, the draconian for balanced.” John proclaimed.

As John finished speaking a gleam ran along the blade before a notification appeared.

[Name recognized and accepted] 

[*Notice* Lilastea has reacted to the name and a special skill has been unlocked.] 

[Lilastea (Druid's Naginata) (Growth Item)] 

[Rank: Unique (Black)] 

[Current Rank: Common (White)] 


[P ATP: 6] 

[Skill: Attack Stat Balance]

[Soulbound to Vincarna] 

[Attack Stat Balance: A weapon equipped with this skill will calculate physical attack damage based on the higher attack stat between Physical Attack or Magical Attack, also any bonuses in either stat will be added to the attack stat.]

“Wow.” John said after reading the details about Lilastea.

“Druid Vincarna.” Tiriana said again trying to get John’s attention.

John turned to Tiriana and saw that all the council members were looking at him with excitement.

“My apologies, I had to choose a name for the Druid’s Naginata and went with Lilastea.” John explained.

“We heard, congratulations, I never thought I would see the day where someone would be accepted by the Druid’s Naginata.” Tiriana said with a smile.

“See I told you, I knew he could do it.” Ciliren said happily.

“Indeed you did.” Tiriana agreed while all the other council members congratulated John on his accomplishment.

“Vincarna might I enquire if something about the Druid’s Naginata, I’m sorry I mean about Lilastea changed? I felt a magical fluctuation from it after you gave it that name.” Rosaniya asked.

“After I named Lilastea it gained the skill ‘Attack Stat Balance’.” John answered.

“I have never heard of such a skill, have any of you?” Rosaniya asked the other council members with a confused expression.

The other council members indicated that they had not.

“Would you mind explaining it to us, Vincarna?” Rosaniya asked.

John thought for a moment about the best way to explain the skill without mentioning stats, since npc’s would not understand.

“The skill allows me to switch between using my physical power and magical power whenever I attack an enemy.” John finally explained.

“Interesting.” Rosaniya mussed before she said.

“It sounds similar to the Circle of the Harvest’s wild morph, that allows the user to deal damage with there magical strength instead of there physical strength among other things of course.” 

“Circle of the Harvest’s wild morph? You can wild morph into more than just animals?” John asked in surprise.

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