MMORPG: Genesis

The Informant

The Informant

"Ok let me first explain how to make a party... actually before that John." 

"Hmm what's up?" John asked. 

"I wanted to thank you personally for agreeing to help myself and Adria along with Alea at the banquet in a couple of days." 

"Oh yeah, that's going to be a fun show to watch." Vulxis said with a grin. 

"I take it they told you about that as well then?" John asked. 

"Yup." Vulxis said with a nod. 

"Don't worry about it, though since you brought it up, care to tell me the full story? Alea mentioned there being more to the story than just Daniel trying to win you back; however she said it is for you to tell me." 

Sarah sighed before explaining. 

"As you know I have had bad luck with men." 

"That's an understatement." Vulxis said, causing her to get a glare from Sarah. 

"Hey bro, if the pretty blue haired chick has problems finding a good man, tell her to come see me and my brothers, we will show her a good time." Rabbit suddenly spoke up again causing John to turn and give him the evil eye making rabbit laugh awkwardly. 

"What did he say?" Sarah asked. 

"Trust me, you don't want to know." John replied flatly. 

"Now I really want to know." Vulxis said with a grin. 

"Maybe I will tell you later, anyway, carry on." 

"So, as I was saying I was always bad with judging men, unlike my close friends like Alea or Vulxis here I could never learn to read a person by the look in their eyes, this made me very accepting of their compliments." 

"In the end though they always only wanted to use me for my successes or popularity in Genesis or my position as the queen's niece, every-time this happened I always swore it wouldn't happen again and then it did." 

"Fuck she is bad at picking men." Rabbit perked up but John just ignored him. 

"Anyway eventually I made the mistake and started dating Daniel, after a few months my aunt called me into her office and informed me that one of her informants had learnt that Daniel was only using me for my body in bed as well as arm candy, for my popularity in Genesis to increase his own even more and also to eventually marry me so that his family could get someone into the royal family." 

"Originally it was supposed to be Adria that Daniel went after however after the Sanders and the Marks family who have always been close and often married their children into each other every few generations came and said that they were already planning to send their oldest son Jordon after Adria, Daniels target was changed to me." 

"As you can imagine I was upset, though part of me always knew this was coming because I just had such bad judgment when it came to men." 

There was silence for a moment before the rabbit spoke up. 

"Sniff that's so sad, tell her to come over and hold this little bunny so I can cuddle up to her breasts and make her feel better." 

"Rabbit what the fuck?" Boar said. 

"Yeah, rabbit, pick the time and place better bro." A turkey said. 

It took all John's self-control to stop his mouth from twitching. 

"Anyway, a plan was decided to get me out of the relationship while getting the informant who found the information closer to Daniel." 

"The informant is from a powerful family in the human race who has always been loyal to the royal family and has several ministers who watch over several large important cities. She also happened to be the eldest daughter of the family head." 

"Over the next couple of months, I secretly communicated with the spy to let her know when I would be away so that she could work on seducing Daniel without him realizing it, while making him believe it was him who was seducing her because of her family and position in it." 

"Then when he thought he had her where he wanted in order to get information out of her and use her for the Sanders family's gain, the two of us arranged a way for me to leave Daniel without raising suspicion in the public eye." 

"In the end I informed Daniel that I would be out at a meeting with my aunt regarding the upcoming Genesis Agreement Banquet and it would take several hours, he of course contacted the informant to let her know so that he could play with her body before getting information out of her." 

"The informant however purposely decided that she wanted some risky fun that day with the possibility of being caught together in our bed..." 

"Wait wait wait, Golden Phoenix?" John asked as the pieces clicked into place. 

Sarah nodded. 

"So Golden Phoenix who Daniel cheated with behind your back is actually an informant placed there to gather information on him and his family and you just happened to find them in bed together and then killing them before robbing half the treasury was all a cover up?" John asked, surprised. 

"Yeah, that's about the sum of it, though the whole treasury thing was a spur of the moment decision on my part." 

"Damn I like this chick, ask her if she wants to make rabbit babies with me bro." 

"Golden Phoenix or Stacy Anderson as she is really called has been gathering information on a plot by the Marks family, Sanders family as well as some other families who plan to try usurping the throne." Sarah started to explain. 

"Currently they are only trying to get members of the royal household to fall in love with their own family members so they can slowly take control of the throne, however if that does not work, they may move to more extreme measures which is why Stacy is gathering intel for my aunt to use against them." 

"Is this Stacy trustworthy?" John asked seriously. 

"Completely." Sarah answered without hesitation before adding. 

"Stacy is actually a very close friend from childhood, however because of her family's unique position she had to distance herself from us in-case something exactly like this came up." 

"Unique position?" John asked, confused. 

"I'm afraid I can't tell you more as I am not allowed to reveal this information, only the current empress can reveal this information to anyone." Sarah said seriously before adding. 

"If I or anyone else reveals it we will be executed for crimes against the human race, with no exception, not even Adria the human princess would be spared this punishment." 

"The secret is that big?" John asked, surprised. 

"It's a secret that has been handed down for generations that involves the safety and security of the human race." 

"I understand I will drop the subject." John said. 

"Aww come on bro it was just getting exciting, I want to hear the secret, pllllleeeeaaasssseeeee." 

"Rabbit enough, if you keep going like this I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to leave you here. The deer said. 

"Nah no way man, me and bro are bro's he would never leave me behind, we are bonded for life." 

[Class notification] 

[Jackalope would like to make a bond with you.] 

"What the fuck." John said with a shocked face. 

"John, is something wrong?" Sarah asked. 

"Yeah, you, ok?" Vulxis inquired. 

"Bro something wrong." Rabbit asked.

John slowly turned his head towards the rabbit before saying. 

"I just got a class notification stating that Jackalope would like to make a bond with me." 

"Wait, when you say bond do you mean a Wild Morph bond?" Vulxis asked in surprise. 

"Wait a Jackalope are you serious?" Sarah asked. 

"Seriously bro how did you know, I'm not showing my horns." 

"Wait, you're really a Jackalope." John asked surprised as all the other animals looked at the rabbit or Jackalope with surprise also. 

"Yup." The Jackalope said as the top of its head seemed to faze before two antlers appeared between its ears. 

"How the fuck did these bandits catch your bro? I mean you're a Jackalope." Deer asked with indignation. 

"I was out one day and I saw them capturing a white tiger, so I decided to tag along to try and help free it later, unfortunately because I hid my antlers before being caught they thought I was just a normal rabbit and so I have been stuck here since instead of going to where the white tiger was taken." 

"Then why didn't you escape?" Turkey asked. 

"And leave you all here? I may be fast and stealthy but I'm not good in a fight, I can't leave you all here to die alone and besides I can't exactly go ask for help either now can I, well not until my bro here turned up who can understand and talk to us." Jackalope explained before saying to John. 

"So, bro, want to make a bond with me since you said you're a druid?" 

"Why me?" John asked. 

"Duh because you're a Druid bro and because you're willing to help save us and I expect the white tiger." 

"Why do you care so much for the white tiger?" 

"White Tiger?" Sarah and Vulxis suddenly said with surprise before asking. 

"What white tiger?" 

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