MMORPG: Genesis

Three Elmyra’s

Three Elmyra’s

“The Druidic Avenger.

[Wild Morph Avenger form

[Transform into the Druidic Avenger.]

[While in this form any physical and magical attack will deal double damage to entities not of the mortal plane.]

[Stats will not be altered in this form.]

[Price: 38 Gold]

“I still have to buy the skill? And why is the price the exact amount of gold I have left on me?” John asked with suspicion.

“Is it!” Rosaniya said with mock surprise as the other council members laughed

“What an amazing coincidence.” Rosaniya added.

“I’m sure.” John replied before taking out thirty-eight gold and handing it over to Rosaniya.

[Money: [Money: 38 Gold 39 Silver 42 Copper>>39 Silver 42 Copper]

[Learned Ability: Wild Morph Avenger form]


While John was busy learning his new skills and Alea, Adria and Sarah were explaining to Shixu and Vulxis about the harem plan, another meeting was going on between the older women.

Although they had planned to meet the next day Alexia, Tanelia, Thasinia, Sakoto and Chirax had somehow formed a group together in the banquet hall,

“So care to explain since we are all here?” Sakoto asked.

Alexia looked around and noticed that no one was really paying attention to them, a lot of the guest’s had left including the three idiots from earlier who left in a foul mood after seeing John leave with the four girls.

The other people left at the party were starting to get drunk and not paying attention so she suggested.

“Maybe it would be a good idea to move into an antichamber.”

“Very well.” Tanelia said before moving towards a side door and leading the other women though.

Inside the room the women got comfortable before Sakoto said.

“Now please explain the whole deal with John Michaels and why he was accompanying Alea, Adria and Sarah.”

“We would also like to listen in on this.” A voice suddenly said.

As the five women looked in the direction of the voice they saw three women who were identical except for their ages enter into a picture frame.

“Grandmother.” Tanelia and Thasinia said in surprise.

It was in fact three different versions of Elmyra, there was the youngest who looked like a child, a middle one who looked to be a teenager, and the oldest that seemed to be an adult.

All the women in the room bowed in greeting towards the three Elmyra’s and offered their greetings.

“No need for formalities.” The oldest said with a smile before continuing.

“Youngest here has told us much about this John Michaels and that you plan to let him take the magical appraisal tomorrow, because of this myself and middle would like to know more and possibly attend tomorrow.”

“Of course grandmother, you are more than welcome to stay and listen in on what I was about to tell Chirax and Sakoto, after all since both their daughters are obviously attracted to John it only seems fair to inform them.”

“Right, I mean did you see them dance with anyone else here tonight?” Thasinia said with a chuckle.

“I’m sure Adria, Alea and Sarah will be informing Shizu and Vulxis of this but let me first ask you, what do you know of Elrinira?”

“When you say Elrinira, do you mean succubus queen Elrinira the world boss?” Sakoto asked with surprise which Chirax mirrored.

“The exact same.” Alexia replied.

“Not much, only that she is a world boss of the succubus race, being a demon she can’t be trusted, apparently that old man Markus De-wright summoned her in the past in the necromancer guild hall.” Sakoto replied.

“Wasn’t there also a report of her sister dying a few years ago also?” Chirax mentioned.

“Ah right there was that too.” Sakoto nodded in agreement.

“Well recently John assisted Alea on a class quest she had.” Tanelia began to explain but was interrupted when Sakoto asked.

“Wait wait, a low level like John assisted a top level player like Alea with something?”

“How could he possibly offer assistance?” 

“By speaking to animals.” Tanelia replied.

“Speaking to animals? Don't you need a passive called Language of Beast’s to do that? But isn't that a druid only passive?” Chirax asked.

“You're correct on both counts.” Tanelia replied with a smile waiting for it to click.

A few moments later.

“Wait! Are you telling us that not only is John the first player to unlock a new stat in Genesis but also the first player to acquire a class that was until now race locked?” Sakoto asked in shock.

“That’s exactly what I am telling you.” Tanelia replied with a smirk.

“My god, is there anything else he has accomplished that we should know about?” Chirax asked.

“Oh there sure are but whether you will learn them or not depends on if your daughters become John’s women.” Thasinia teased.

 “Become his woman? Both of them? An empress and a future empress? Share the same man?” Sakato replied, firing off several questions in rapid succession.

“Why not, he is already together with the future elven queen, and human princess.” Thasinia replied.

“Maybe if we get back onto topic it will help them understand?” Alexia suggested.

“Right, my apologies, so…” 

After that Tanelia went on to tell Chirax and Sakoto about how Alea and John had met Elrinira and helped to save her sister, after which Elrinira rewarded John with a way to summon her in the future before John left.

After that Alea spoke with Elrinira alone and explained about making a harem for John and why it was necessary, she also mentioned how she herself was testing John though she would not say how.

Finally Tanelia explained that the idea of John accompanying the three girls tonight was originally Elrinira’s.

After explaining everything the group fell into silence as Chirax and Sakoto thought over what had been said.

Throughout the whole conversation the three Elmyra’s had not said a word, this was particularly surprising for youngest.

Finally Chirax was the first to speak and ask.

“Does Alea plan to go ahead with a plan suggested by a demon?” 

“To this I am not certain, we will have to wait and see.” Tanelia replied.

“Then let me ask this, how do you two feel about the possibility of your daughters, two princesses of different races dating the same man, not to mention Sarah as well.” Chirax asked.

“I told Alea long ago that she could choose who she wanted to be with, while I admit I never expected her to possibly be part of a harem, the fact still remains that I will let her make her own decision.” Tanelia replied.

“I said the same to Adria and will also stand by her choice, Sarah however has always picked bad men to be with, maybe this time she finally got it right, I just wish I was just as fortunate with finding a man.” Alexia replied before finishing with a sigh.

“Perhaps you can be.” Tanelia said cryptically, gaining a curious look from Alexia.

“Now the question is whether you will allow your daughters to date John if he is already dating other women and become part of a harem?” Thasinia said with a grin.

“In my case I have no right to deny what my empress wishes.” Clirax replied before adding.

“While I will definitely ask her if she is sure this is what she wants, the final decision in all things is hers, as is the right and privilege of an empress.”

Sakoto was silent for a moment before she replied.

“I will refrain from passing judgment until I witness the magical assessment tomorrow, as you know we Kitsune favor mates with a high number of magical affinities, as mating with them helps us both increase our magical power, unfortunately the best mateI could find to father Shizu only had eight magical affinities which is why I kicked him out after he got me pregnant.”

“You're not seriously suggesting that John might have a complete set of all nine magical affinities are you?” Alexia asked in surprise before adding.

“No human has ever managed that, the most has been eight.”

“I am not suggesting that, all I was saying was if I could find a mate for Shizu I would prefer them to have all nine affinities, if I knew about all this beforehand I would have used my mystic eyes on him when I met him earlier.”

“Well this has been most enlightening I must say.” Oldest finally spoke up.

“The three of us will also attend his magical assessment, after all we want to witness the potential of the man that may become our great granddaughter's husband and future king consort of our race.”

“Oh wow.” Youngest suddenly said with excitement as if having thought of something before saying.

“Imagine how powerful John and his harem would become on Atlantia if John married the current and future rulers of four of the races.”

After youngest finished speaking there was silence in the room as everyone including the three Elmyra’s tried to picture this.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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