MMORPG: Genesis

Wild Morph Bear

Wild Morph Bear

"To form a bond between a druid and yourself, a beast of the wild means connecting your spirits, little one." Tiriana began to explain. 

"Connecting your spirits will allow the druid to wild Morph into your form and become a bear gaining their strength and fortitude, he will also later when your older be able to summon a spirit version of you to support him and he will always know when you're in trouble and need aid." 

"Summon a spirit version?" John asked 

"Allow me to explain this." Syllia said before continuing. 

"Members of the Circle of the Shepherd form lifelong friendships and bonds with beasts of the wild and also in rare cases other beings." 

"This bond allows us to summon a spirit version of the beast to grant us buffs in battle while in return we will always know when they need help." 

"While I will not teach you this ability today because this bear cub is still too young to have part of its spirit summoned, it is something you will learn in the future." 

"So, you mean that I can lend my strength to big human friend, and he will help me in the future if I need it?" The bear cub asked. 

"That is correct, little one." Tiriana answered. 

"I am happy to become better friends with big human friend." 

"Very well then first Vincarna you must decide on a name for the little one." 

"Is that ok, I mean her parent is right here." John answered as he looked at the parent bear. 

"It is fine young druid, forming a bond with a druid and being granted a name by them is a great honor for us beasts of the wild." The adult bear answered. 

"Ok then let's see." John said as he began to think of a name for the female bear cub. 

John thought for a few moments while everyone was silent and waited patiently. 

After a moment as John was looking around, he noticed Ursa Minor was watching him and he had an idea. 

"Lord Ursa, might I make a request?" 

"Oh, what might this request be?" 

"I would name this little one Ursel after you because of the support you offered me before." 

"How interesting, very well I see no problem with this, go ahead." Ursa replied with what John thought was a pleased tone. 

"How about you little one, are you happy to be named after Lord Ursa?" John asked the bear cub. 

"I am big human friend." The bear replied as it jumped around happily. 

"Very well then, now that you have decided on this little one's name you must complete the bond." 

"You will need to place a drop of your blood on the little one's forehead and then speak the following spell." Tiriana passed John a dagger before telling him the spell. 

"lmë car si naxa san i lmë cé tulco máca exa sangiessemman, n essë le Ursel." (Translation: We form this bond so that we may support each other in our necessities, I name thee Ursel) 

John cut his finger a little to draw some blood before placing it on the little bear cub after which he said the spell. 

"lmë car si naxa san i lmë cé tulco máca exa sangiessemman, n essë le Ursel." 

The blood on the little bear cub's forehead started to shine before it disappeared inside of Ursel. 

[Bonding with Ursel Complete] 

[Class Ability Learnt: Wild Morph: Bear] 

[Upon Wild Morph: Bear your INT stat points will redistribute as 2 SPI, 1 STR, 1 VIT every 4 stat points] 

[Any bonus DEF stats you gain from gear will be kept however weapon stat will not transfer]

[You will be unable to cast spells in the Wild Morph Bear form and instead will gain new skills.] 

[Mana resource will change to Rage.] 

[Rage resource starts at zero and is generated at a state of 5 rage per normal attack made and 5 rage per attack received.] 

[You can have a maximum of 100 rage.]

[Bear skills cost rage to use.] 

[Bear Skills available.] 

[Maul (Rank 1): Maul the enemy for 15 + P ATP Damage] 

[Cost: 10 Rage] 

[Mangle (Rank 1): Mangle the Enemy for 15 + P ATP damage then making them bleed for 15 damage every 3 seconds for 6 seconds] 

[Cost: 15 Rage] 

[Growl: Taunt the enemy to attack you.] 

[Cost: None]

[Circle of the Moon Skill Tree Unlocked] 

[Next skill will unlock at level 10] 

[Quest Update] 

[Circle Of the Moon skill, spell or ability learnt 1/1] 

"Very good you should now be able to Wild Morph into a bear, give it a try." 

"Wild Morph Bear." John said out loud and as he finished, he felt his body fall forwards onto all fours. 

It felt like his whole body was expanding slightly, his limbs got thicker, his mouth and nose extended out while his ears grew longer, and he also felt that something was growing out of his skin. 

"What the." John said after the transformation finished though his voice was still recognizable it sounded deeper. 

[You have Wild Morphed into the bear] 

[Your INT stat points will redistribute as 2 SPI, 1 STR, 1 VIT for every 4 stat points] 

[INT: 23>>3] 

[SPI: 24>>34] 

[STR: 24>>29] 

[VIT: 23>>28] 


[Name: Vincarna] 

[Race: Human (Bear form)] 

[Titles: Weapon Master, First in the world] 

[Class: Druid] 

[Class Rank: Aspirant] 

[Level: 5] 

[Exp: 0/3200] 

[HP: 680/680] 

[Rage: 0/100] 

[P ATP: 36 (29+7(25%)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 3 (Magic Attack)] (NA) 

[END: 28] 

[Stat Point Breakdown:] 

[SPI: 34] 

[WIS: 21] 

[STR: 29] 

[INT: 3] 

[VIT: 28] 

[Stat Point Allocation: 2 points to each stat on each level up with extra 3 added to INT and 2 to Wis] 

[Passive Spells: Detect Herbs, Parry, Basic All Weapon Mastery, Language of Beasts] 

[Skills: Inspect, Herb gathering, Skinning] 


[Class Abilities:] 

[Cass Skill: Wild Morph Bear] 

[Class Spells: Moonfire, Teleport: Emerald Enclave,] 

(Wow my HP went up by two hundred points, my P ATP is slightly higher though it seems I don't get the bonus stats from my great sword which makes sense since animals can't use them.) 

"Well, that seems to have worked fine, how do you feel?" Tiriana asked with a smile. 

"Strange, this will take some getting used to." John replied. 

"That's natural since your so used to moving around on two legs and now you have four, take some time to get used to this new form and then visit the other leaders to learn something from them." 

"Understood." John replied as he started to move around. 

"Big human bear friend, let's go play, let's go play." Ursel said happily as she started to jump around John. 

"Actually, that's a good idea, young bears learn from playing so maybe you should do the same." Syllia advised. 

"Ok that sounds good, let's go Ursel." John said and Ursel ran off with John trying to keep up. 

After the two ran off Ascal turned to Ursa and asked. 

"Lord Ursa, why do you favor that human so much?" 

"First off the human boy helped that little one of his own free will when he did not have to." 

"Then there is the fact his magical power is so strong for a human; you must have felt how thick his power is? It rivals that of you elves." 

As Ursa finished speaking, he turned into starlight again and vanished leaving the elves to think on his words." 


Meanwhile in the office of Queen Tanelia Kaegwyn. 

Tanelia was just discussing some matters with Saida when her access band notified her of a call, after looking at it she smiled before answering the call and saying. 

"Alexia, how are you?" 

The two elves saw Alexia sigh before she smiled and spoke. 

"Tired Tanelia, when can I pass this position onto my son?" 

Tanelia laughed before saying. 

"Do you really want to abdicate the throne and pass it over to him?" 

"You know what that boy is like, he is as bad as his father when it comes to sleeping with other women." 

"I honestly don't know why you have not divorced or even killed your husband." 

"You know exactly why I have not, he still serves a purpose and before I find someone better than him who has no interest in the throne, he is still useful." Alia replied in an annoyed voice. 

"This is why he keeps sleeping around and sticks his cock in any hole he sees."Tanelia replied before continuing. 

"He knows he can get away with it, after all which human doesn't want to be emperor or empress." 

"Well, there might be one who doesn't." 

"Oh who?" Alexia asked, intrigued. 

Empress Alexia Bristle was in a loveless marriage, that's right she only chose her current husband Philip Andrews because he had no ambition for the throne. 

Everyone knew how scheming the human race was and Alexia and the royal family were no different. 

There was a reason their family had held onto the throne for several centuries. 

The former emperor's father was poisoned and killed when she was only seventeen and since she was his oldest child, she had to inherit the throne. 

The human race followed the tradition of Absolute primogeniture, this means that the oldest child is the first in line for succession regardless of gender. 

This was because the first human ruler who united the human clans on the eastern continent was female and became the first empress. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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