MMORPG: Genesis

Wild Morph: Jackalope

Wild Morph: Jackalope

"Yeah, sorry Bandit let me check how the bonding has progressed." John said before looking back at his notifications he was reading before he got distracted. 

[Upon Wild Morph: Jackalope your WIS, STR, INT, and VIT stat points will all redistribute to DEX.] 

[Any bonus stats from gear will not transfer except for DEX.] 

[You will be unable to cast spells in the Wild Morph Jackalope form and instead will gain new skills.] 

[Mana resource will be unavailable.] 

[Jackalope skills cost nothing to use.] 

[Jackalope Skills available:] 

[Stealth: Become invisible to everyone around you who is not in your party.] 

[*NOTICE* Significantly stronger enemies may be able to detect you through your stealth.] 

[Speed Burst: Your DEX stat will double for five seconds.] 

[Enhanced Jump: You will be able to leap as high as two story buildings.] 

[Enhanced Sight: Your sight will all be enhanced allowing you to see much further away and in more detail.] 

[Enhanced Hearing: Your hearing will all be enhanced allowing you to hear things much further away or better through objects.] 

[Quest Update]

[Obtain your second Wild Morph Ability: Complete]

John nodded before saying. 

"Wild Morph; Jackalope" 

The two young women watched on in surprise as John's body started to shrink. 

John felt himself getting smaller as his ears started to grow out and fur started to appear all over his body, he also felt two antlers growing out of his head from between his ears. 

[You have Wild Morphed into the Jackalope] 

[Your WIS, STR, INT, and VIT stat points will all redistribute to DEX] 

[WIS: 33>>0] 

[STR: 31>>0] 

[INT: 41>>0] 

[VIT: 29>>0] 

[DEX: 54>>188] 

[P ATP: 38>>0 (0+0(25%)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 76>>0 (0+0(M ATP)) (Magic Attack)] 

[END: 52>>0 (0+0(DEF)+0(5%))] 

Eventually he was the same height as Bandit who looked at him with a tilted head before they both heard a sequel that made them jump. 

"AWWW SO CUTE" Vulxis said before bending down and picking John up and holding him up to look at him. 

"You look so cute, Sarah, can I keep him?" 

Sarah shook her head before taking John from Vulxis and holding him against her ample chest and saying. 

"He is not really a rabbit Vulxis, remember." 

"That's right he is a Jackalopes, and bro what's the deal? You would not let me play with their breasts but it's ok if you do?" Bandit asked with indignation. 

"This was not by choice Bandit; I did not ask to be put here." John replied however people saw that he still seemed to be pushing his paws in and out of Sarah's breasts. 

"Yeah, well tell that to your feet bro, you're totally feeling her up." Bandit replied but John just ignored him. 

He looked at Sarah who was looking back at him before he said. 

"Look I am sure your ladies might have forgotten temporarily but I'm still me and me being in this position is not really suitable." 

"Why not?" Sarah asked with a confused look as she tilted her head. 

"Well, do you normally let men rest on your breasts?" John asked back. 

"If there my boyfriend I do." Sarah replied truthfully before she realized what John meant and quickly put him down before backing away with a blush. 

Vulxis, who was watching this, tried to hold back her laughter but failed and started to laugh loudly before teasing Sarah. 

"Aww come on Sarah it's fine, you're no longer in a relationship so it's fine to let John rest on your boobs." 

"Shut up Vulxis." Sarah snapped before turning her head away in a pout. 

John sighed before he started to practice moving around. 

"What are you doing bro?" Bandit asked, confused. 

"Trying to figure out the best way to move around, I need to get used to this new form." John answered as the girls watched with amusement as how John was still trying to walk even though he was a Jackalope now. 

"Bro you're not a human at the moment, here move like this." Bandit instructed and began to show John the right way. 

For the next few minutes John was taught by Bandit how to move and run like a Jackalope as two young beauties and several animals watched in amusement. 

"Ok I think I got it." John said before adding." 


All of a sudden John disappeared, surprising everyone except Bandit. 

"Wait, you seriously got a stealth ability? I knew Jackalopes were known to be stealthy but that's crazy cool." Vulxis said as everyone looked around trying to find John's location. 

"Wild Morph: Human" John said before he felt himself growing taller again as his ears shrunk while the fur and antlers disappeared. 

[WIS: 0>>33] 

[STR: 0>>31] 

[INT: 0>>41] 

[VIT: 0>>29] 

[DEX: 188>>54] 

[P ATP: 0>>38 (31+7(25%)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 0>>76 (41+35(M ATP)) (Magic Attack)] 

[END: 0>>52 (29+21(DEF)+2(5%))] 

As he returned to normal, he reappeared behind the girls. 

"It seems I lose my stealth after I return to normal which makes sense." John stated. 

"It's still cool though; I wonder what it's like in battle." Vulxis smiled as she asked. 

John shook his head before replying. 

"It's a non combat Wild Morph." 

"Oh, I heard of those, they normally have useful utility skills to make up for the lack of combat capability, what does this one give you?" Vulxis explained before asking. 

John pulled up the description before showing the girls. 

"Wow, that's very good if you need to scout something or someone." Sarah said before explaining. 

"The stealth is obvious, while the jump would let you reach normally hard to reach places or enable you to follow someone from above in a city or something." 

"The enhanced sight and hearing would let you spy and eavesdrop on people without needing to get too close, then the speed burst would allow you to escape if you needed to." 

"What is your dexterity after you transform?" 

"One hundred and eighty-eight." John replied, causing the girls to gape. 

"What the fuck, that's crazy, it's higher than some level fifty players if my math's right." Sarah said before adding. 

"So, with speed burst you would be at three hundred and seventy-six dexterity for five seconds." 

"Wow." Vulxis said. 

"So." John said as he turned to Sarah before continuing. 

"You were about to teach us how to make parties?" 

"Ah yes, so it's simple really and there are two ways." Sarah said before continuing. 

"The first is that you can invite people through the friends list, if you open your friend list and select a player there are a bunch of options and one of them is to invite." 

"The other way is when you're with those you wish to invite in person, you just point at the person and say "Invite." 

As Sarah pointed at John and said 'Invite' John received a notification. 

[Player: Ice Blue Queen has invited you to join her party, would you like to accept?] 

[Yes] [No] 


[You have joined player Ice Blue Queens party, current members:] 

[Ice Blue Queen (Leader)] 


[Ice Blue Queen's stats will now be displayed] 

[Name: Ice Blue Queen] 

[Race: Human (Phoenix: 20%)] 

[Class: Sorcerer] 

[Level: 10] 

[HP: 880/880] 

[MP: 290/290] 

[P ATP: 36 (36+ (P ATP)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 99 (61+38 (M ATP)) (Magic Attack)] 

[END: 42 (34+8 (DEF))]] 

[SPI: 44 (30+7+20%)] 

[WIS: 29 (24+20%)] 

[STR: 36 (30+20%)] 

[INT: 61 (28+23+20%)] 

[VIT: 34 (28+20%)] 

[DEX: 36 (30+20%)] 

"OH MY GOD." John said in shock before his mouth hung open as he saw Sarah's stats. 

Sarah giggled as she was expecting this and enjoyed John's response. 

"And Alea calls me OP, wait have you not completed your first class mission, and I can see your individual stats." John said. 

"Yeah, I was working on my class mission when I got the call from Alea, luckily with Class Missions you don't have to collect or hand them in from a npc they automatically update, though the mission may sometimes instruct you to see your trainer about something to do with the mission." Sarah explained before continuing. 

"As for the stats they show automatically so you can understand your teammates level of strength better."

"Anyway, I am almost done with my class mission and can complete it in this dungeon, I just need to kill seven more humanoids with water magic, how about you?" 

"I just need to reach level ten so I should hopefully finish it here as well." John replied. 

"Oh, you definitely will with the amount of experience we're all about to receive here." Sarah replied before pointing at Vulxis and saying. 


[Ice Blue Queen has invited Black Dragoon to join the party.] 

[Black Dragoon accepted.] 

Black Dragoon's stats will now be displayed] 

[Name: Black Dragoon] 

[Race: Draconian] 

[Class: Dragoon+1] 

[Level: 13] 

[HP: 720/720] 

[MP: 190/190] 

[P ATP: 78 (34+44(P ATP)) (Physical Attack)] 

[M ATP: 21 (Magic Attack)] 

[END: 72 (20+52(DEF))] 

[SPI: 36 (25 + 11)] 

[WIS: 19] 

[STR: 34 (27 + 7)] 

[INT: 21] 

[VIT: 20] 

[DEX: 21] 

"Oh, I see you leveled up, congrats." John said to Vulxis. 

"Thanks." Vulxis said with a smile before adding. 

"So did you, congrats back and damn look at your stats, no wonder you keep them hidden." 

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