Mommy Villainess

Chapter 230: Abandoned Spirit Guardian

Chapter 230: Abandoned Spirit Guardian

"YOUR ROYAL Highness, I'm here to escort you back to the Royal Capital."

Nia was amused when she saw Captain Dustin Ainsworth outside her room.

She didn't expect that Aku would let House Ainsworth live after the Golden Tiger betrayed him for the Supreme.

Maybe Aku thought he couldn't lose any more people after he already lost Duke Nystrom.

"I'm no longer a princess, Captain Ainsworth," Nia reminded the captain. "You can just call me 'Lady Moonchester.'"

"I apologize but I can't do that, Your Royal Highness," Captain Ainsworth said, then he bowed to her. "His Majesty still considers you as his consort."

"That's a pity," she said, then changed the topic. "Captain, do you mind waiting for a little bit? I need to prepare before we leave the temple."

"Of course, Your Royal Highness," the captain said. "I will wait for you at the entrance of the temple."

"Thank you, Captain."

Captain Ainsworth just bowed and waited for her to return to her room before he left.

"Lucina, how long are you going to lay down there?" Nia asked the woman who was still lying on the bed. "We need to go back to the Royal Capital. I can't leave until you return inside my heart."

She met Lucina when she was in a pathetic state after the Supreme cut her off in her life. Since Lucina was a good "shield" because of her flame, she agreed to be her new host.

To be honest, she didn't remember much from her previous lives, except the one that she had in a modern world. But unlike Lady Nystrom and the others, it was her choice to forget the awful memories that she didn't want to remember.


She treated Lucina as a secret weapon that she would only summon if needed. Most of the time, the abandoned spirit guardian only stayed inside her heart. She didn't mind because that made it easy for her to control her.

It also helped that when she was reborn as Nia Moonchester, Lucina had lost her memories as a spirit guardian of the Supreme. Lucina thought that she was just a mere Fire Mage who betrayed the Red Phoenix by serving a Moonchester.

"Nia, my memories have returned."

Ah, what a shame. The thought of Lucina losing her past memories just crossed her mind. And now, the spirit guardian was saying that she had retrieved her memories.

"I'm actually the spirit guardian of the Supreme," Lucina said, then she got up and faced her when she sat on the edge of the bed. "She abandoned me after I chased what I couldn't have."

"I don't want to hear your story," she said bluntly. "I purposely erased the memories of my earlier life to preserve the memories of my life in the modern world. I only kept what I think is important for me to survive in this world."

She wasn't born a powerful god like the Supreme or the Black Serpent.

Unlike them who could keep the memories of all their previous lives, she had to choose what memories she could store. After all, as a previous Guardian of the "tree of truth," there were some ancient secrets buried in her that occupied a huge portion of her mind.

"So even if you ask me about your past, I can't answer it," she continued. "The only thing I know is you've been played by Aku and the Red Phoenix in the past."

Anger crossed the spirit guardian's eyes. "Yes, that they did."

"If you want to have your revenge, then return inside my heart," Nia told the woman. "You need to conserve your energy, Lucina."

"I know," Lucina said in a whisper. "I need to live and take back my son from the Supreme."


"CHOOSE between Duke Nystrom and my duty as a Bookkeeper?"

"Yes," Tilly said. "Duke Sherwood, don't you think that there's conflict of interest in your stand as Kiho's servants and your role as a Sherwood? Even Aku Moonchester recognizes your importance as a Bookkeeper. If it wasn't for that, he would have killed you a long time ago."

Duke Sherwood smiled brightly at her. It looked so fake though, just like his personality. "Are you trying to get rid of me, Lady Nystrom? Have you forgotten that I made a pledge to you and your son when I devoted myself to Duke Nystrom?"

"My memories as the Supreme have returned," she announced coldly. "Now I remember that a Bookkeper's "pledge of loyalty" can never be valid."

The duke's fake smile finally vanished.

"Now I understood why it was so easy for you to pledge your loyalty," she said while shaking her head. "You know that it won't kill you because the spell doesn't recognize a pledge from a Bookkeeper. After all, you are humans who don't have the freedom to choose sides. The only "side" that you can ever stand on is the truth."

Aku Moonchester probably knew that, too.

After all, the emperor still let Duke Sherwood live even after the duke "pledged" his loyalty to Kiho.

"Ah, my secret is busted," Duke Sherwood said with an unapologetic smile. "I didn't mean to trick His Grace, my lady. Our whole clan has always been fascinated with the Black Serpent. I just wanted a chance to be of use to him."

Well, she was glad that Duke Sherwood helped Kiho for the past five years. He was sketchy, yes. But she was grateful that he also saved Louisa and David. His obsession with Kiho had become a good fortune for their side.

"You have served your purpose, Duke Sherwood," she told him. "You protected Kiho and our household. Most of all, you created the law that I asked you to. As a token of gratitude, I will make you the most successful Bookkeeper among the Sherwoods."

He gave her another fake smile. "Are you getting rid of me, my lady?"

"Yes," she said, then she sipped her tea.

"You've become more cold-hearted," the duke complained. "I'm a little hurt."

"Duke Sherwood, do you know what a divine civil war is?"

The duke's ears seemed to perk up upon hearing it. "Of course," he said, not bothering to mask his excitement. "The first Sherwood to be recognized as a Bookkeeper had witnessed the divine civil war led by the Supreme Fire Mage and the Black Serpent against the Moonchesters. But it wasn't recorded in the official history of the empire because it was a war that only gods were involved. My ancestor died recording that moment."

Ah, yes.

Soleil Rosenberg and Kalel Nystrom led that divine civil war. But because of the Moonchesters' manipulation, they were able to control Kalel Nystrom and turn him on her.

That was when she lost her life back then.

History won't repeat itself this time.

"There's another divine civil war coming up," she told the duke. "It's going to happen outside the Royal Capital. And humans won't be involved except for Aku Moonchester."

The duke stifled his laugh. "So, you don't consider His Majesty a god?"

"Well, he thinks he's a god but technically, he's just a mere human favored by the Moon God," she said bluntly. "To be honest, he's as rotten as the gods I know. But since it's his life's goal to be a god, I will do everything to take that dream away from him. Although I will never understand why he's desperate to be one. Gods ain't shit."

"My lady, you and your husband are technically gods, too."

"Yes, and it's a shame. No offense to any religion but after meeting some messed up gods, the way I see them has changed," she confessed. "To me, they're nothing but rotten humans with divine powers. The name that they hold as 'god' is nothing but a fancy job title." She paused for a while but she continued. "I believe my family and I owe it to the human race to get rid of the gods who don't deserve their title."

The duke laughed, his eyes beaming with excitement. "Are you saying that you'll give me the once in a lifetime chance of witnessing the next divine civil war?"

"I'll give a front row seat."

"This is so interesting," he said with a frenzied look on his face. Argh, the duke's obsession with history was reeking. "I can't believe gods really fight among themselves."

"Humans and weaker beings can't oppress gods, duh," she said, rolling her eyes at the duke. "Of course, only gods can oppress other gods. Thus, a divine civil war occurs."

Duke Sherwood laughed, then nodded in his head agreement. "What do you want in return, Lady Nystrom?" he asked with a raised brow. "You won't offer me a "front row seat" in the upcoming divine civil war for free, will you? I know that you're really grateful to me. But I'm also aware that you won't offer this opportunity without gaining anything in return."

"I will not ask for something grand in exchange of the opportunity I extended to you," Tilly said seriously. "I just want you to do your job right as a Bookkeeper, Duke Sherwood," she said, then she pointed a finger at his heart. "After the divine civil war, I want you to expose every single detail of the event to the people of the empire or else, my Black Flame will burn you to ashes."


"MOTHER, I heard you've called for me."

Tilly smiled when Julian entered her room. "Yes, Julian. I need to talk to you," she said, then she patted the space next to her. "Come here."

A while ago, she and Kiho finally introduce Julian and Winter to their servants officially.

Since Julian was older now, he officially became the oldest son of House Nystrom. Winter, of course, was the youngest. She made it clear that Julian wasn't adopted. The servants looked confused but thankfully, they didn't ask questions.

The thing about the heir apparent of House Nystrom would be discussed later.

"Is everything alright, Mother?" Julian asked worriedly when he sat next to her. "You look quite sad."

You're as thoughtful as your father, Julian," she said, touched with her son's concern. She also liked that he could tell right away that she was quite down at the moment. Just like how Kiho would notice if something was wrong with her even though she was trying hard not to show it. "Thank you for worrying about me."

He just smiled bashfully at her.

He's quiet and composed, too.


"Yes, Mother?"

"I will kill Lucina Morganna soon."

She wasn't asking for her son's permission it was a declaration.

It wasn't like she didn't care about Julian's feelings. She did. And that was exactly why they were having that conversation now.

Julian didn't seem surprise. It was like he already expected that. "I understand, Mother," he said in a calm tone. And yet, sadness was evident in his eyes. "After all the things that Lucina Morganna has done to you, you'd be a fool if you hesitate to kill her just because of me."

Ah, he really had an old soul.

But still, she knew that deep inside, Julian was still a child. She couldn't blame him if he still felt attached to Lucina Morganna. That bitch was her worst enemy, but she wouldn't deny the fact that she took care of her son when Kalel Nystrom didn't.

"I'm sorry, Julian," she said softly, then she cupped his little face between her hands. "Regardless of what Lucina Morganna's ulterior motive was, I won't deny the fact that she had been a good mother to you. I know that her death would hurt you. I just want you to know that it's okay if you mourn for her. We won't judge you."

He became emotional right away.

"Lucina Morganna was my spirit guardian back when I still had the Black Flame of the Black Phoenix," she explained to her son gently. "But the Black Flame is a forbidden flame that no one is supposed to wield. It has a life of its own, and it lives off the negative feelings of its owner."

Her son looked confused. "But you're the owner of the Black Flame, Mother."

"Exactly," she said with a sad smile. "Lucina Morganna was born out of all the hate, pain, and all the negative feelings in my heart. The more I was subjected to suffering, the more Lucina Morganna became real. In short, the Black Flame breathed life into her. That was why she was special among the spirit guardians. She was the first to separate herself from her master. And thus, she was able to betray me without dying."

"May I know why she betrayed you, Mother?"

"She was tempted by the Black Flame," she said. "Like I said before, the Black Flame has a life of its own. My brother sealed it off because he thought it was too dangerous for me to use it. I only remembered the Black Flame when I got pregnant with the Moon Serpent. After all, all powerful female Fire Mages are required to transfer their Mana to their children. During that time, the Black Flame used that opportunity to control Lucina Morganna."

She just managed to remember that when the small portion of the Black Flame left in her was ignited a while ago. Just like what Roarke said, Wixx sealed-off every single memory of her that had something to do with the Black Flame.

Brother, you have a lot to explain later.

"Did the Black Flame want to control you back then, Mother?"

"Yes. After all, my wrath fuels the Black Flame," she explained. "It got angry when Wixx sealed it off, and so it wanted to break free using Lucina Morganna. When I found out about it, I immediately cut off my connection to my spirit guardian. As a last show of mercy, I abandoned her instead of directly killing her." She let out a frustrated sigh and shook her head at Soleil Rosenberg's decision back then. "Unfortunately, Lucina Morganna managed to crawl to the Moonchesters' side."

She decided not to tell Julian the awful things that Lucina Morganna did to her. Plus, she knew that he was aware of it anyway. Still, she wanted to protect her son's feelings.

"Now that the flame Wixx gave me has been extinguished, I need my Black Flame back," she said seriously. "I can only take it back by killing Lucina Morganna. I cannot absorb the Black Flame with her soul in it because her right to be my spirit guardian has already ceased a long time ago."

His son's face softened up. He still looked sad. But when he smiled, his eyes did too. "Mother, you're too kind."

"Am I now?"

He nodded. "Thank you for being considerate of my feelings," he said, then he put a little, warm hand on her cheek. "But it's okay if you put yourself first this time, Mother. I will support our family my real family."

She smiled and put her hand on top of his. "Julian, I know that you have bad memories of Wixx. But would it be okay if we talk to him? If you're scared, feel free to say so. I will not force you to meet him if you're not yet ready."

"It's okay, Mother," Julian said with a brave smile. "I'm not afraid anymore because this time, I have you, Father, and Winter by my side."

Tilly smiled and hugged her son. "Thank you, son," she whispered. "I am proud of you and your kindness."


JULIAN is also a formidable rival just like Winter. He's quiet, but he seems sneaky, Kiho thought to himself while staring at the door where Tilly and Julian were. It had been half an hour since his oldest son monopolized his wife's attention. He already missed his wife. Yes, I'm being petty again.

"Dad, you're being petty again, aren't you?"

Kiho playfully glared at his youngest son who just came back from god knows where. This little rascal do whatever he wanted without worrying about the consequences. They had spoiled him a little too much. "Where did you go, little rascal?"

"Oh, I just talked to Uncle Jameson," Winter said brightly. "He just informed me and Uncle Roarke that we can meet up with them later."

That hurt his head.

Now that his memories had returned, he remembered who these "uncles" that Winter kept mentioning were. He could tolerate Tilly's Keepers except for one.

"How's Wong?" Kiho asked with a bitter smirk. "Is that sc*m still alive, huh?"


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