Mommy Villainess

Chapter 264: The Cursed Descendants (3)

Chapter 264: The Cursed Descendants (3)

"AH, SO something like that happened while Kiho and I were wasting our time fighting," Tilly said while sitting between Roarke and Jameson on the floor. "Gosh, it seems like Julian also inherited my bad temper."

"My lady, aren't you going to scold me?" Jameson asked, his head hanged low. His voice wasn't as loud as before, too. Most of all, he completed a sentence without cursing. "Lord Julian has the right to get mad because I really crossed the line this time."

"It seems like my son's scolding worked because you're feeling sorry now," she said, then she gently patted Jameson's head. "I can see that you're already reflecting so I don't need to scold you."

The foul-mouthed Keeper's face turned red, then he avoided her gaze out of embarrassment.

They are ancient beings, but since they lack proper life experience, I can't help but see them as children.

"Changing isn't a bad thing," she said when she remembered the last part of the two Keepers' conversation. "Jameson, you were born with a foul mouth because you represent the suppressed rebellious part of my brother. Before he was chosen to be a Beast God, he was the heir of House Rosenberg. He was brought up like a royalty. Naturally, he wasn't allowed to say vulgar words. For other nobles, it wasn't hard to speak eloquently. But my brother has a bad temper." She gently pinched Jameson's cheek which obviously surprised him. Well, she had been neglecting them ever since she regained her memories. She wanted to pay attention to them this time so they wouldn't feel lost by the changes in the current world. "Jameson, my brother isn't a rebellious youth anymore. Well, he still has a bad temper and his personality is as awful as before. But the point is, he no longer needs to suppress himself because he's free from the shackles of our family's strict tradition. That means you're allowed to change, too."

It looked Jameson was about to cry now. "But I really like to swear, Lady Nystrom."

She laughed softly. "You can, but you can do it in moderation," she said gently. "Especially in front of the kids. No matter how old my sons' souls are, they will always be my babies to me. So please be gentle around them."

"I understand," the Keeper said. "I will be careful of my behavior around the young masters, Supreme."

She just smiled and nodded at him, then she turned to Roarke. "You will always be my nephew," she said which made Roarke blush. "Roarke, that fact won't change even if you try to build a life away from Brother Wixx and Luna. So if there's something else that you want to be aside from being their son and being my Keeper, you're free to do so. That also goes to the other Keepers. After all, I want you to experience living for yourselves."

Roarke looked touched by her words. "Thank you, Supreme," he said softly. "We appreciate your advice." He scratched his cheek as if he was suddenly shy. "To be honest, we never really considered acting beyond our duties. We are honored to follow and serve you. But sometimes, we also wonder what it feels like to live like normal humans. The others wouldn't admit this aloud, especially Wong, but the truth is we often feel like we're missing out on a lot of things."

She felt sad when she heard that and was about to comfort her "nephew" when all of a sudden, an idea struck her.

I know what punishment is appropriate for the North King and his ice puppets now.

Ah, she was so grateful that she had a chance to talk to her Keepers this way.

"Jameson, Roarke, thank you," Tilly said, then she ruffled the two Keepers' hair again. "Now, it's time for me to work."


"ALRIGHT, we'll know the truth once we reach the Great Fire Tree anyway," Wixx said lazily. "You're still not allowed to move from your spot though."

After saying that, he waved his hand and literally made a huge Ring of Fire big enough to entrap the North King and his ice puppets inside. Afraid of melting, the frozen corpses compressed together to get away from his fire.

Of course, his flame was hot enough to instantly melt the snow-covered land.

"Do you think you can stop us just because you entrapped us inside your Ring of Fire?" Garnet Nystrom snarled at him. "Lord Winchell, don't forget that the Nystroms are the masters of ice and water."

"Put out my fire if you can," Wixx said, then he yawned before he continued. "I'm still not going to let you pass until my little sister says so."


"KIHO!" Tilly called her husband excitedly when she saw him returning to the house with their little cinnamon rolls. She was told by Jameson and Roarke that her family went to the Frozen Woods. But now that they had returned, she didn't have to go and find them. "Did you have a secret training with our kids?"

Kiho didn't smile but his eyes sparkled, then he nodded. "Our sons inherited your wit and intelligence, Tilly. I'm relieved."

She just laughed it off. Then, she turned to Winter and Julian. "Did you learn a lot from your father, my precious little cinnamon rolls?"

"Yes, Mother," Julian said with a smile more confident than before. "Father began teaching us his water techniques."

That was a surprise.

Kiho hated using the water techniques that the Moon God himself created. But knowing her husband, he probably didn't want to hinder their children's growth.

"But our not-so-secret training was cut short because Dad was distracted," Winter said casually. "It seems like Dad has come up with an awesome plan to counter the enemies' attack."

"Thank you for reporting to me, my precious boys," she said, then she ruffled her sons' hair before she turned to her husband. "Kiho, what a co-incidence. I also thought of an appropriate punishment for our cursed descendants."

To be honest, she wasn't so sure about sharing that with Kiho when he also came up with a plan. She knew that getting over insecurity or inferiority complex wasn't an easy feat. But she also knew that holding back for her husband wouldn't do them any good.

"That's good. Two heads are better than one," her husband said. There wasn't an ounce of insecurity in his voice this time. "Should we bring along the kids?"

She turned to their children. Winter and Julian were both brilliant kids. Plus, Julian was the North King's grandfather in the past. Their oldest had all the right to be included in the plan. "Winter, Julian, you're free to join us. We won't hold you back from getting involved because the enemies this time are from the Nystrom clan. But we won't force you either."

"Your mother is right," Kiho added. "We know that both of you have old souls inside your young bodies. But for your mother and I, the two of you will always be our precious children. Having said, we still intend to raise you as the next leaders of our family, of course. But at the same time, we will protect your childhood as much as we can. That's why we will give you a choice whether you want to be involved or not in the upcoming battles that our family will face."

She nodded in agreement with her husband.

Winter and Julian looked at each other.

"Brother, the North King is your grandson. I'll understand if you want to get involved in the plan," Winter said to his older brother. "I will follow your decision."

"Thank you for letting me decide for us, Winter," Julian said, then he ruffled his younger brother's hair before he turned to them. "Mother, Father, Winter and I will entrust this battle to you."

Okay, she was surprised by their oldest's choice.

To be honest, she thought that Julian would be interested to join their plan. But if it was their oldest, she could trust his decision 100%.

She turned to Kiho the same time he did. Then, they exchanged knowing nods before she turned to their children again. "We respect your decision, children," she said, then she gently patted each of her son's head. "Thank you for being honest with us."

"Father, Mother, may Winter and I talk to Lord Forrester while the two of you are planning for the next attack?" their oldest asked politely. "We will report to you later."

"I will take care of Brother," Winter said, then he gave them a thumbs up. "Mom, Dad, I'll make sure that my brother won't come up with a plan with the saint to sacrifice himself or something similar to that."

"Hey, it's not like that," Julian denied, his cheek red with embarrassment. "I want to live my life to the fullest this time."

She smiled, relieved that Julian thought that way now.

I'm worried because unlike the carefree Winter, our Julian could be pessimistic sometimes. He definitely got it from Kiho. I wouldn't have called Kalel Nystrom as my 'gray cloud' if he wasn't so gloomy back then.

"That's good to hear," Kiho said to Julian softly. Then, he squatted down and held their oldest child's shoulders gently. "Julian, I hope you don't become a gray cloud like I was in the past."

Oh, that was surprising.

We're thinking of the same thing.

"It's okay to feel down from time to time because it's okay not to feel okay," her husband continued. "But please don't stay in the darkness for too long, son. If you need us, we're always here for you."

"I know that now, Father," Julian said. Then, much to their shock, he shyly wrapped around his arms around Kiho's neck. "Thank you."

Their oldest was very shy around them but it seemed like he was coming out of his shell now, huh? She felt so touched that she almost broke down in tears.

"I want a hug, too," Tilly said, then she got down on her knees to hug Kiho and Julian who both turned red. Ah, how cute.

"Me too!" Winter said, then he joined their family's big hug. "This is so cheesy but I love this moment."


"BROTHER, do you not want to be involved with punishing the North King because he's your grandson?" Winter asked curiously while he and Julian were waiting in the tea room for Lord Forrester and Solenn who went to talk to their parents first. Actually, they didn't invite Solenn but that little brat princess was in the former saint's room and insisted to be included in ther meeting. And his brother couldn't say no to Solenn. "Do you feel bad for them?"

"Of course, I feel bad for them," Julian said, then he sipped his tea before he continued. "But they have to pay the price of losing their humanity."

"Why did you leave the punishment to Mom and Dad?"

"Well, they are the ancestors of the Nystrom clan. It's only right that they get to decide how to punish their descendants," his brother said. "We should just watch and learn from our parents, Winter. Especially you."

"Huh? Why especially me?"

"Because you're the heir of House Nystrom."

"How did I become the heir?" he asked, confused. "You're the firstborn, Brother."

"I wasn't born normally," his brother reasoned. "You're the only son that other people will recognize in this world."

"You know that Mom and Dad don't care about other people's opinion, don't you?" he asked with a soft laugh. "They will probably let us decide who between us wants to be the next head of the family."

His brother fell silent. Then, for some reason, his face turned red. "Aren't you engaged to Lady Solenn?"

He almost choked on the tea that he just drank.

"Are you okay?" Julian asked worriedly while handing a handkerchief to him. "You're overreacting, Winter."

"I am not overreacting," he said firmly. "Brother, Solenn is the daughter of Lord Solaris the son of Uncle Wixx. She's our cousin."

"And?" his brother asked. "It's normal for nobles and royalties to marry their cousins. The past emperors of the empire even married their own sisters."

"I don't see Solenn that way," he said while shaking his head firmly. "I don't think our parents will arrange our marriage for us. Knowing them, they will surely encourage us to marry the people that we love."

"That's true," his brother agreed after a while. "I apologize. My marriage from my previous life was arrange by the emperor back then."

"Ah, right," he said. "You were married in the past. Brother, do you think your wife back then was also reincarnated in this lifetime?"

"I guess it's possible."

"What will you do if you meet your wife again?" he asked, curious about his brother's love life. He didn't have a chance to have one in his previous life so he was kind of interested to talk about stuff like that with his brother. "Do you think you'll fall in love with her too in this lifetime?"

"We didn't love each other so I doubt it if we'll fall in love even if we meet in this lifetime," his brother said bluntly. "After my wife gave birth to our only son, she returned to the temple. Ah, she was born with weak body so she often stayed in the temple to heal. Sadly, she died a few years after our son got married."

He couldn't say anything because he felt bad for his brother.

Brother Julian really had a difficult life

"Don't feel bad for me, Winter," his brother said with a soft laugh. "I intend to make the most of my life this time. That includes living long and building a loving family of my own."

Ah, brother is slowly changing.

Julian had the tendency to talk and act like he would sacrifice himself for other people. While it was noble, he believed that a "child" like his brother didn't have to go through that again. Both of them were already adults inside, but they also didn't have normal childhood.

And thus, he wanted his brother to have a good life this time.

"I will support you, Brother," Winter declared with a smile. "That's why we must safely pull out the Holy Scepter inside you at all cost."


"AS I thought, a rat is lurking around the Royal Palace."

Wong didn't even flinch when Elis Ripperton, the Blue Dragon himself, sat beside him on the branch of the tree where he was "lurking."

A man-made forest surrounded the Royal Palace. Standing on the highest tree out in the forest could give one a full-view of the palace, just like what he did. An ordinary knight wouldn't notice his presence because he was good at concealing it.

But of course, a Beast God like Elis Ripperton would notice.

"Aku Moonchester just left the palace," Elis Ripperton said. "Have you reported it to Tilly."

"Yes, I already reported it," Wong said. Well, he reported it to Solenn a while ago since he couldn't contact the Supreme. But the Blue Dragon didn't have to know that. "Could you not address the Supreme so casually?"

"No can do," the Blue Dragon said, then he changed the topic. "What are you doing here? I didn't expect that you of all people would leave the Supreme's side."

It wasn't really his choice to stay in the Royal Capital.

But he and Kelsi had to stay behind so it would be easier for Jameson and Roarke to open a portal from the North back to the Royal Capital later. And he also received a special mission from the Supreme a while ago.

"There's something that I need to find for the Supreme," Wong said, then he gave the Blue Dragon a knowing look. "It's the thing that caused the late Lord Prescott's demise, but suddenly disappeared in the North."

Yes, he was talking about the real body of Kyro, the Moon God.

I'm bluffing though.

The Supreme and the rest wasn't certain if the Moon God's body was already moved. That was why he was carefully watching Elis Ripperton's reaction.

But unfortunately, the bastard remained pokerfaced.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the Blue Dragon said, his voice as blank as his face. "But I didn't come here to talk to you about irrelevant things. I am here to offer you a deal, Wong."

Wong rolled his eyes. Keepers didn't have much personality aside from being loyal to the Supreme. But that didn't mean they were stupid enough to be tempted by an enemy. "My answer is no but if you have time to waste, then carry on."

"I know how much you hate the Black Serpent, and you can't really do anything about it since Winchell created you with that nature," Elis Ripperton said seriously. "Wong, work with me to bring down the Black Serpent."


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