Mommy Villainess

Chapter 274: Complicated Sibling Relationships

Chapter 274: Complicated Sibling Relationships

[A few days ago]

"HMM" Aku wondered to himself while looking at the map of the continent laid neatly on the long table. He was in his private library because something bothered him again. "They keep showing up but according to the people that I stationed in every part of the continent, they didn't feel or notice anything strange. The only people who reported that a new presence entered the territory were the ones stationed here in the Royal Capital."

Even though Elis Ripperton was silently having tea in front of him, the Blue Dragon simply ignored him.

"Hey, I'm actually asking for your opinion," he complained to the Beast God. "You've known the Red Phoenix since a long time ago. Don't you have any idea as to where the Fire Mages could have been hiding all this time?"

"The Rosenbergs and the Fire Mages have always been elusive since time immemorial," Elis Ripperton said, then he put his teacup down on the table. "Tilly is the only Rosenberg and Fire Mage that I care about so I never bothered to search where her clan hid."

"You should have bothered."

"I know I wouldn't be able to meet her anyway after the Sky God put the Beast Gods to sleep," he said. "And I know for a fact that Soleil wouldn't be reborn in the Fire Mage clan anyway, so what's the use of finding their hide-out?"

"How do you know that Lady Nystrom wouldn't get reborn in the Fire Mage clan?"

"Because she was punished by the Spirit of the Great Fire Tree," the Blue Dragon said. "Anyway, why are you suddenly interested in their hide-out?"

"At first, I honestly believed that the Fire Mages were wiped out when Soleil Rosenberg died," he said. "I know that a few of them got reincarnated and Nia got rid of them behind my back. I didn't mind because the only Fire Mage I needed is the Supreme. My plan was to let Nia find her, then take the Supreme away and kill her before my beloved rips her heart out. I was hoping to take advantage of the fact that the Supreme hasn't retrieved her memories yet. But things got complicated." He let out a deep sigh while shaking his head. "The fact that House Denver is a family of Fire Mages was already a huge shock to me. Then, Lady Nystrom's Keepers and other allies kept appearing one by one. I understand how the Denvers were able to keep their identities hidden for so long. But I don't understand how the Fire Mages and the Keepers were able to hide from me all this time."

"Where did you find Winchell's body?"

"They're not there," he said. "At least, not during your spirit guardian's last report. Speaking of which, it seems like they have locked up your spirit guardian. Aren't you worried?"

"Drake is still alive, I can feel it," the Beast God said casually. "I'll tell him to escape once I need him."

"Aren't you being a little too complacent, Lord Ripperton?" he complained. "Don't you feel frustrated that Lady Nystrom is still with Kiho?"

"I've waited for Tilly for centuries," Elis Ripperton said. "Waiting for a few more weeks or months isn't that hard."

He raised a brow at that.

To be honest, he knew that Elis Ripperton was moving behind his back. But he already expected that. As long as the Blue Dragon was still useful to him, he would turn a blind eye to whatever he was scheming with the Moon God.

"What?" Elis Ripperton complained when he caught him looking at him. "Are you that desperate to find the Fire Mages even though Tilly is already right in front of you? You just need to rip Winchell's heart out of her and crush it to make sure that your bond with Nia Moonchester will never get broken."

That was true.

The only thing that could burn his bond with Nia Moonchester was the flame of the Red Phoenix.

He knew that Nia Moonchester could always make a deal with Lady Nystrom or Wixx himself. If that happened, she would get her freedom and he might never find her again in their next lifetime. That was why he was still determined to crush Wixx's heart inside Lady Nystrom.

After all, once Wixx's heart was crushed, he would lose his flame.

"I know that I should focus on Lord Wixx but I feel bothered that more Fire Mages are appearing one by one," he said. "It's as if the heavens drop them" He trailed-off when he realized something. "Oh."


"Lord Ripperton, do you remember what the Red Phoenix's other nickname was?"

"Sky Beast," the Blue Dragon said. "He got that name because that idiot kept flying around while burning down anything and everything that annoyed him back then."

He laughed softly because he also remembered those days. "Yes, that's true. I also remember that Soleil Rosenberg used to fly with her brother."

"Does it have anything to do with the hide-out that you're searching for desperately?"

"Of course," he said, then he looked up at the map in front of him. "If I can't find them in the continent, then maybe they're hiding up in the sky. Since Lord Wixx and Lady Nystrom both rule the sky, it wouldn't be impossible if they somehow created a little kingdom up there."

"Interesting," Elis Ripperton said. "Since Tilly and Winchell are both powerful and crazy, it's something that they might have actually done. But how will you prove if your theory is correct?"

"I think it's time for me to move," Aku said with a smile. "I'm going to the North and spend a few days with my "family.""


AKU opened his eyes after he had a vague dream about his last conversation with Elis Ripperton before he left the Royal Capital.

Where am I again?

He got up and realized that he was in an unfamiliar place. Then, he remembered that he went to the North to "hang out" with his brother and his family. Unfortunately, the hosts of the house decided to give him a separate room from Nia.

Their visit was unexpected so he had the feeling that the one who decided to separate him from his beloved was the witch called Luna. If he wasn't mistaken, she was related to Stella.

Does Miss Luna know that her sister is alive?

He once had tea with Stella when he lured her to his palace for Kyro and Yumi. When he asked her to properly introduce herself to him, she told him that she was a witch from the Colorless Coven, and that she had an estranged sister.

If Luna was the one who created the medicine to fix Nia's body, then it's possible that Stella was the one who made the infertility medicine.

Damned sisters.

His thoughts were cut-off when he felt Lucina Morganna's aura.

That blasted woman came out without Nia's permission again.

He stood up and went out of his room. That was when he realized he was being watched. He couldn't see his "guards," but he could feel them following his every step closely.


He arrived at Nia's designated room, and found the witch with pink eyes guarding by the door. She was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You don't look alike, but I can see the resemblance," Aku told the witch with a smile. "Although I have to say that you lack the finesse that Miss Stella possess, Miss Luna."

"Do you think I care about your opinion?" Luna asked with a raised brow. "And if your plan is to surprise me, I'm sorry but you failed. I already know that Stella is alive. I'm also aware that she's the new candidate to be your empress." She let out an exaggerated gasp, then she clasped her hands together. "Ah, should I practice calling you "brother-in-law" now, Your Majesty?"

Of course, that got him riled up.

She's really Lady Nystrom's friend.

And since the witch was as sassy as the duchess, he knew how to deal with her with words.

"I'll never make your sister an empress. That spot only belongs to Nia," he said with a smile. "Especially since her infertility will be cured vert soon. She'd be capable of giving me an heir, so technically don't need Miss Stella. But" He stepped closer to her, then he leaned down to reach her eye level. "Miss Stella seems to smitten by me. Since Nia will be gone for long, I don't mind being accompanied by your sister. I like timid ladies like her. And most of all" He leaned down to her ear. "Your sister's body looks great. She'd be a good replacement for Nia. I have a feeling that Miss Stella can satisfy my needs as a man." He stood straight and looked down at Luna. He enjoyed the look of anger on the witch's face. "I'm looking forward to thoroughly enjoy your sister's body until she gives birth to a baby that I don't need."

"I'll kill you," the witch snarled, then she grabbed him by neck. "If you use my sister that way"

"Your sister wants me," he said confidently, then he grabbed her arm. "Although I'm not interested to have a child with another woman, I'm interested to know what kind of child will a Moonchester like me and a witch like Miss Stella will produce."

"Don't talk as if a child is only an experiment to you," she warned him. "And quit speaking nonsense. I know that you wouldn't want a child with another woman because once it happens, people will realize that there are ways for a Moonchester male to have a child will a woman outside the royal family. It will decrease the value of female Moonchesters if that happens."

"I know that," he said bluntly. "But who said I'd keep the baby alive for long? I can discard it once I'm done examining it, can't I?"

"You monster," she hissed, then she seriously tried to strangle him as if she had completely forgotten about Nia and Lady Nystrom's binding vow.

She's a lunatic.

"Luna, stop."

Aku was surprised when he found Wixx standing in front of him while holding Luna's arm. Thanks to the Red Phoenix, the witch had finally let go of his neck. I didn't even hear or feel Lord Wixx approach us

"Hey, Aku Moonchester," Wixx said. Then, much to his surprise, he suddenly gave him a hard slap using the back of his hand. "Don't bother Luna."

He tasted his blood and his cheek stings from Wixx's slap. If he didn't have a Divine Protection, the slap would have broken his face already. It was that strong. "Did you really have to hit me, Lord Wixx?"

"If it wasn't for Tilly's binding vow with your sister, I would have killed you, Aku Moonchester," the Red Phoenix warned him seriously. "But the binding vow won't take effect even if I break all your bones so be careful."

He suddenly missed the bracelet that could make the Beast Gods kneel in one command.

"I understand," he said while wiping the blood off his face using his handkerchief. There was no point in fighting since he didn't come there for that. "Now, can I visit Nia in peace?"

"Don't you dare touch the kids, Aku Moonchester," Wixx warned him, then he carefully wrapped his arm around Luna's head to cover her eyes with his hand. "One funny movement and the Keepers will burn you alive."

Aku smiled "sweetly" even though his cheek still hurt from the slap. "I'll keep that in mind, Lord Wixx."


"LORD DENVER, is it alright to leave Miss Luna with Lord Red Phoenix?"

Mikhail Denver turned to Blake. "Miss Luna is safe with Lord Wixx."

Right now, he and Blake were in-charge of keeping an eye on the royal siblings.

They saw it when Miss Luna and Aku Moonchester almost got into a serious and deadly fight. He was about to jump in the scene to stop and protect Miss Luna, but Lord Wixx suddenly came out of nowhere.

And now that the incident had been solved, he and Blake were on their way to check on the Golden Tiger. Lord Ainsworth's weakness was the cold. Every time he would fall asleep, he would really fall into a long slumber. They had to wake him up each time it would happen.

Blake tapped him on the shoulder. "Lord Denver, humans have a way to fight against gods too so please don't lose hope."

Mikhail's face turned red, then he playfully hit Blake's shoulder. "Shut up, Blake."


"ARE YOU okay, Luna?"

"No, I'm not okay," Luna said while looking at the mug of hot chocolate in his hands. Wixx brought her to the kitchen to help her calm down. She appreciated his gesture, but she still couldn't keep her cool. "I thought Stella is safe in the Royal Palace because Aku Moonchester isn't interested in her. But after what I heard from that bastard"

"Aku Moonchester is just riling you up, Luna," Wixx, who sat on the chair from across her, said calmly. "He's not interested in anyone but Nia Moonchester."

"I'm not worried about that," she said. "I'm worried that Stella might force herself on Aku Moonchester. The emperor wasn't lying when he said my sister is smitten by him. That has been the case ever since we met the royal siblings. She even made a medicine that could make the royal princess infertile"

"Why do you think your sister is obsessed with the Moonchesters?"

"I don't know," she said. "Ever since Lahara brought us to the Royal Capital in the past, she has been attached to the royal twins for some reason."

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I want to save Stella," she said firmly. "I don't care if I have to drag her out of the Royal Palace."

She noticed that Wixx suddenly went silent while looking all serious.

Honestly? That made her nervous. She didn't want to say this but Wixx was really very handsome. And that made her suddenly feel conscious.

His gaze is so intense that I feel like melting


Luna, even if she didn't want to, gulped. "Y-Yes?"

Wixx smiled lazily that somehow looked sexy. No, she didn't say that in her head, okay? "Shall we go to my room?"


TILLY braced herself when Garnet Nystrom finally moved.

It broke her heart when the North King melted the ice blindfold that Kiho made. That meant her curse didn't work because Garnet Nystrom refused to let go of his anger.

He was the only one left standing as their other descendants already melted.

"I will not forgive the Red Phoenix even if I die again," Garnet Nystrom said in a voice filled with anger. Then, he bowed to them which was a big surprise. "The next time we meet, I will be your full-fledged enemy."

After saying that, the North King began to "melt," not waiting for either her or Kiho to speak.

It's probably some kind of a transportation spell.

Kiho turned to her with a worried look on his face. "Should we go after him?"

"Let him be," Tilly said. "We already expected this to happen."

"Then, shall we go inside?" he asked. "I'm worried about the children since Nia and Aku Moonchester are there."

She nodded, then she let out a deep sigh. "I want to rest but it seems like we can't." Since he was feeling clingy and no one was watching them anyway, she hugged Kiho by the waist tight. "Spoil me, Kiho."

He laughed softly, then he kissed her on the forehead. "I like it when you're acting like a spoiled baby," he said, then he wrapped his arms around her body. "I'll give you whatever you want, honey."

"I want a baby."


She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "I've been thinking for a while that I want to have a daughter. Not now, of course. But I really want a mini me."

He blinked in surprise, then his cheeks turned red as he smiled shyly. "I'd love to have a daughter with you, Tilly."

"Then, promise me that it will be our priority after this."

"I promise," he said. "I'm sure Julian and Winter will also be delighted to have a sister."

She smiled but then, she noticed that her husband suddenly got serious. "What's wrong, Kiho?"

"I just remembered my sister that Auro Moonchester killed in the past," Kiho said in a sad voice. "I never really had the chance to meet her, but I still feel bad that I failed to protect my younger sister."

"It's not your fault, hon," Tilly comforted her husband. "If we are given the chance to meet her this time or in the next life time, let's make it up to her."


ELAINE stared at the emperor's golden throne.

Since Aku Moonchester left the Royal Capital, Elis Ripperton had been the one in-charge of the Royal Palace. Thus, she was free to roam around. It was also a good thing that Kyro was sleeping in the shrine. She could control Yumi as long as the Moon God was asleep.

So she needed to make good use of the time that she was herself.

The whole Royal Palace used to be the Black Serpent's lair in the past. I need to find it before Brother Aku does. The throne is the clue that I need to decipher.

"Do you want this throne?" Elis Ripperton, who suddenly appeared on the armrest of the throne, asked. "Is that the revenge that you want against Aku Moonchester?"

Elaine shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. I just want to steal everything that Brother Aku want. And I want to steal it just when he thought he already got it."

"Are you also mad at the Black Serpent?"


"Your plan to get back at Aku Moonchester would hurt your other brother's plan," Elis Ripperton said. "I was wondering if you hate him for not being able to help you in the past."

"I don't care about that, but I hate everything and everyone that Brother Aku loves," Elaine said with a bitter smile on her face. "Of course, that includes Kiho Nystrom the only sibling that he accepts whether now or then." 


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