Mommy...Can you Win Daddy's Love again?

Chapter 76 - Meeting Sam Again

Little Sam looked with teary eyes who is the reason for the breaking of the photo frame.

" Dear….I am so sorry. I lost my balance and accidentally my hand hit your gift box." The elderly lady explained.

" I bought this gift for my mom on the occasion of Mother's day. Now, what should I buy? I spent my pocket money and I have nothing to buy…" Little Sam whined. 

" Yes. He bought the gift with so much love for his mom…" Ruby explained.

" I will give him the money. He can buy another gift for his mom. Then the problem will be solved.." They heard a man's voice from behind.

Ruby and Little Sam looked at the person. Ruby identified him as the same one they met in a restaurant a few days back.

" Hi...Little one. " Adrian ruffled his air with a smile.

" Stop doing it. I don't like it" Little Sam said angrily.

Adrian laughed at his words and gave him cash to buy another gift for his mother. But Ruby denied taking the cash as they bought other gifts like earrings and a dress. Little Sam looked at his Aunt with a gloomy face for not rejecting the cash from Adrian.

" Do you remember what your mom always used to say, small gift or big gift, we should see the love Of a person, not the price and size of the gift" Ruby explained to make him understand.

" Then Mom likes these earrings?" He asked his Aunt.

" Yes. Now don't keep that face…" Ruby kissed his cheek.

Sam smiled a little and nodded his head like a good boy. Mrs. Wilson was impressed with Sam's behavior. She felt warmth in her heart towards the boy.

" You knew them before?" His mom, Mrs. Wilson asked Adrian. 

" Hmm...I told you earlier about a small kid. He is the one, Samson" Adrian introduced him.

" Okay. He is so cute and handsome. You used to look similar to this boy when you were young, " Mrs.Wilson said, patting his cheeks.

" Am I not handsome now?" Adrian asked his mother.

" Can't you understand what your mother wants to say? I am more handsome than you…" Little Sam answered before Mrs.Wilson replied to Adrian's question.

" Sam...Is this a way to talk with elders?" Ruby interrupted.

Adrian and Maria laughed at his reply. She leaned towards Little Sam and kissed his cheek and said, " You are right. You are more handsome than my son." 

" We have to go now," Ruby said to them.

" Wait. I can't send this little champ with a sad face. I want to buy a gift for his mother on mother's day. I want to appreciate her for bringing him up with good discipline and manners" Mrs. Wilson said.

" But... " Ruby hesitated.

Meanwhile, Adrian picked Sam in his arms and dragged his mom with another hand. Then he told Ruby, " Just it takes thirty minutes" 

" You really will buy a gift for my mom?" Sam questioned Adrian.

" Yes, my dear little handsome boy. Let's go…" Adrian said and started walking. Ruby couldn't see Sam sad so she went along with them.

They went to the mall where there were different designs of photo frames. Sam was looking around them and was confused to choose.

" What about this photo frame?" Adrain showed the frame which was hanging on the display with his index finger.

" WOW….it's so nice. The frame was designed like a mother enjoying with a baby" Sam was enthralled at seeing it.

" But Mr.Wilson. It will be so expensive. The one which broke was not so expensive" Ruby said.

" It's okay. If he likes it then I will purchase it. " Adrian said.

" Thank you, Mr. Wilson" Sam kissed on his cheek with excitement placing both of his palms on Adrian's face.

Adrian's heartfelt unknown joy spending his time with his little one. He felt some strange bonding with him. 

" I think our Sam likes you so much or else he never mingles easily with strangers very soon" Ruby informed Adrian.

" Really!!!" Adrian amused.

" I too like this little one. Why can't we have lunch together in any nearby restaurant.? So that we can spend some time with this boy? " Mrs.Wilson suggested.

" Already you bought a gift and again lunch? We don't know each other and I cannot accept you are spending money for us" Ruby said lowering her head feeling embarrassed.

" I love kids. I want some time to spend with him as I am attracted to this little one. Please…" Mrs. Wilson requested.

" Miss. Ruby. Kindly don't disappoint my mom. You can go home after lunch. Please…" Adrian said.

Ruby looked at Sam and noticed him holding Adrian's hand. She agreed with them and waited till they bought gift articles for the wedding party. All of them started towards the mall. Within a few minutes, Ruby and Mrs. Wilson become comfortable with each other and talking about random things.

" Wait for me, I will get our car from the parking lot .." Adrian informed and walked out. 

" Can I come with you?" Little Sam ran after him.

" Sure…" he smiled and lifted Sam in his arms and informed his mom and Ruby of taking him.

" What should I call you?" Sam asked him while walking towards the parking lot.

" Your wish .." Adrian smiled.

" You helped me in buying a gift for my mother. You become my friend. So ….I will call you ….Ad. In my school, we used to call our friends with pet names." Sam giggled.

For a second, Adrian stopped walking and looked at the innocent face Sam. He remembered Katherine used to call him by that name with her sweet voice. Instantly, Adrian hugged him and patted his back with witty eyes.


Meanwhile, Ruby made a call to Katherine that they will be late to home. Then they went to the restaurant. After a while, a waiter came to take the order. Little Sam sat beside Adrian and asked him what was to be ordered for him. 

 " Cheeseburger and French fries .." Sam said.

Adrian ordered the food for everyone to the waiter and again started conversing with Little Sam. He wanted to know more about him. His heart wants to meet him again.

" Where will you stay?" Adrian asked.

" In my home…" Sam replied and giggled.

" Where is your home?" Adrian asked.

" Two lanes back from my school," Sam said.

" Sam….is this a way to talk with others? If you talk like that they think you are a bad boy" Ruby said him while glaring.

" Mom asked me not to share the details of our home and other details. I am following my mom's words. I am not a good boy nor a bad boy. I am mumma's boy. " Sam said.

Mrs. Wilson laughed with his cute talk and said, " it had been many days I smiled with my heart"

" If you are always Mumma's boy then what about your Dadda? " Mrs. Wilson asked Little Sam.

Instantly, Sam's face turned gloomy and became silent. Adrian and Mrs. Wilson looked at Ruby's face with concern. 

" Still we have to buy flowers for your mom. Will you complete your food fast?" Ruby asked Sam. 

He quietly nodded his head and lowered his face towards the plate. Mrs. Wilson noticed Ruby's face and thought that topic was sensitive. Adrian found Sam stopped eating and took him in his lap.

" What happened to you suddenly?" He whispered in his ears.

Sam remained quiet. Then Adrian kissed his cheek and told him, " If I am your friend then share your problem with me".

" I never saw my Dad. Whenever I ask Mumma about him then she used to cry silently all day. I don't want to make her upset so I stopped asking about him. But I want to play like my friends with my dad, " he said and started crying. 

Adrian hugged him to his chest as he experienced the same in his childhood. He cooed at him and patted his back. He looked at Ruby who was looking at Sam. She gave a bitter smile and said, " We go to Mr. Wilson. His mother will be waiting for him. " 

She stood up and walked towards Sam. 

" This is my visiting card. Here is my number. You can call me any time" Adrian said and indicated his number with his index finger.

" Thank you, Ad. I will call you from Aunt's phone. " Sam said wiping his tears on his cheeks 

Adrian pecked his forehead before walking away from them. He stared at leaving the figure of Sam. He felt like someone taking his precious thing from him.

" I think you developed some feelings towards this kid" Maria interrupted his thoughts.

" Yes, mom. I don't know what is there in this kid. I feel like you have some bonding with him." Adrian answered.

" That's why I am asking you to marry and start your family. The true happiness lies not in money or name but with our complete family" Maria explained.

" Yes, mom. You are true. Not my success gave me happiness. I found my happiness…."

Before he completes his words, he gets a call from Emily. He picked the call and heard her cry from the other side.

Hi readers

I mentioned the model of the photo frame Adrian selected for Katherine for Mother's day in the comment box.. Let me know your opinion.

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