Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 1306 Lilith Snow - Journey to Eden I

Chapter 1306 Lilith Snow - Journey to Eden I

"Three days. Three days, and you're still not awake." Glaring at Sene as the twins mounted my head, gnawing at my eyes, I wearily sighed, unsure what to do about this. I was tired. But every time I left the twins, I always ended up rushing back to play with them, unable to leave them for more than an hour.

I was tired… dead…

Tumbling over wrapping the kiddos in QI to make sure they weren't hurt, I stared up at the large scar in space and time that shone through the many layers of the Myriad. So many people had died… with Arsene's rise… And with the birth of my children.


I don't even want to visit the Council of Omnis. I know they're talking shit about Arsene. Too many people have died in quick succession. I know the Hells, Heavens, Elysium, and Oblvian are packed with the dead.

"Oooh~"? Pawing at my cheek, Iza, with her bright amethyst eyes, giggled, only to gobble up my nose while little Ves attacked his Big Sis by eating her nose.

"What the hell is wrong with these children? Why are they so infatuated with my nose?" I said, feeling my heart about to burst. I tugged at their chubby cheeks, nibbling on them as they laughed and giggled.

After a while, when they were nice and fed, we stared up at the scar in the skies, unsure when sleep caught hold of us. I woke the next day on Iluthath yawning beneath the pavilion masking the sun's glare.

"You're awake." Arsene's distant voice echoed as I turned to him, cradling Ves. While Iza rested on my bosom, drooling over me.

My heart lurched out of my chest, watching him poke our son. Ves, in many ways, looked like Arsene. He had his eyes, nose, and chin. Vesyrn was my Mini Sene.

"How'd we escape?" Arsene asked distantly. I was sure he wasn't too curious.

"Mephisto and the seven other Monarchs of Hell procured an escape. After the angels saw your ascension, they gave the panicked order for you to be killed."

"And Enoch?"

"Zero has him," I told him, causing a bright smile to appear. "I'm sure Mephisto will be willing to pay a big prize for that bastard. Though I suspect Zero might have other plans for him."

"And Iluthath?"

"I was feeling stifled. I thought an outing as a family would lighten my mood." I responded, yawning as I beckoned for him. Arsene smiled and drew near, laying beside me with Ves on his chest when I noticed a few droplets of sweat gathering on his brow.

"Injured soul." He said before I could ask, lifting Ves into the air as he cooed. Again, I felt my heart flutter, watching him so.

There had just been something about watching Sene be a father playing with his son that made my skin tingle with joy. I stared at his snow-white hair that at times seemed ashen other silver. It was peculiar how many shades his hair could be. Same with his scarlet eyes that deepened when he thought of killing or screwing someone over.

I wonder if he knows that? Hehe. I'll keep that to myself.

His brow lifted. "Your staring…"

"Can't a wife stare at her husband?" I teased, treading my fingers over his beautiful eyes and hair. His flesh was always so smooth, yet his fingers were hard and callused when he trailed my body with his hands.

Arsene lips curled into a smirk as he lowered Ves back down and onto the grass. He turned to me, gently moving the sleeping Iza off my chest and beside her little brother.

I stared at him, watching as his arms slipped beneath my back and jerked me into his embrace, where my nose crashed into his chest. A sniffle caught my nose as I glared up at the blatant abuse.

"Meany! That hurt." I swore when I felt a familiar heat, a throbbing flame pressing hard against my midsection. My breath caught, and despite the years, the cycles that came and went… I still felt like that little girl so many moons ago.

What was I? Fifteen? Fourteen? Older? Perhaps. I can't even remember it's been so long. And yet, It still feels like my first.

That evil smile of his never faded as his mischievous fingers found their way through the robes, peeling them away, layer by layer, till I was bare.

"Sene," I aimlessly said, "The kids—"

"Will be fine." He told me. And I almost laughed. Only he was right. Ves had fallen asleep right beside his sister. And for some reason, that made me mad. I had spent hours, days at a time nursing those… Those… Bastards to sleep. And he just tosses one beside the other, and they sleep?

"How'd you get them to—"

"Drop of whisky. Works wonders on an infant's mind."

He was kidding… He's kidding… Gods, I hope he's kidding. "Did you really give my baby—"

"Our baby," He corrected.

The scarlet of his eyes only seemed to deepen, alerting me to his diabolical tendencies, but I had to know. Gods or not, the Twins were far too young for liquor, maybe when there are ten.

A/N: Lowkey, not better.

"Sene, did you give our babies whiskey?"

Stifling a moan as his palm slapped against my ass, and heat flared over my face. "Sene!" I shouted in a whisper, frightful I would wake the kids.

"You know I don't share my whiskey.' He told me with a mischievous laugh, trailing his fingers up and down my spine in a tantalizing motion that made me ache in all the right places. I felt my breath catch and my loins throb as he brushed his lips against the tips of my breast.

"You keep looking at the brats when you should be looking at me," he said.

"You're being selfish." I hurriedly told him,

"And?" He fired back. "What's wrong with being selfish? The Kids are fed, clothed, and happy. And now it's time to ensure my wife is also fed, fucked, and satisfied." He laughed, causing the burn on my cheeks to deepen.

I both hated and loved when he talked like that.

"Well? What position do you want first? Missionary? Doggy, Want to ride, or do you want me to do all the work? Like last time." He teased.

"Last time? Last time I was the one ride…" I paused, glaring angrily at him, sensing I'd fallen into a trap.

"Good." He said, lifting me up and pinning me to my back over the grass wet with morning dew."Then, allow me the first position. My queen."

I scuffed, watching that smug grin of his. " You know you could have just asked to fuck me in whatever position."

"Where is the fun in that?"

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