Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 56: War Council - Let it Burn

Chapter 56: War Council - Let it Burn

"Welcome," Oswin stated, his aura surrounded with a royal charisma making everyone in the room want to bow. Unfortunately for the young king, there was a large faceprint of a hand on his cheek.

A deep-seated rage was clear as day as he glared down at everyone, especially me...bro, it's fine... it happens, and it was not my fault your wife wanted me. She assaulted me.

Along with me, everyone in the room cuffed their arms towards the king, "Your grace," we stated with reverence.

With a permanent scowl on his face, a man by the name of Duke Wybert Vargis stepped forward. His grey hair hanging loose, while a vicious scar ran down his right eye, adding to his dominating appearance.

"Your Grace is best we kill that boy," He brazenly claimed a point at me with indifference.

Lightly coughing, I smiled with sorrow, "Wybert, how you can be so cruel? Was it not your clan that protected me today from Marquess Dra." I asked with a pitiful tone.

Sneering, Wybert shot Salazar a disgusted look, "When did you allow such trash to speak out, are you not the patriarch?" He coldly reprimanded, "And you boy. I was defending the honour of the tournament. You just happen to be on my side at the time."

Shrugging my shoulder, I nodded, "but of course, Wybert, I will remember that when I battle against your grandson. Although the second born, I believe he will last longer than the second prince." I said, not caring if the King heard.

"Stop it, you two," Grandmaster Selma coldly warned, "We are in a crisis. There is no time for petty squabbles."

"He is correct," King Oswin declared," Especially in light of the recent incident, Prince Dumar Godwin was killed today. There is evidence pointing towards Romga."

Narrowing his eyes, Selma, along with Grey, eyed me coldly, causing me to sweat inwardly while displaying an indifferent appearance. "Anything to say, Arsene" Selma thoroughly asked,

"Whatever do you mean, Grandmaster," I innocently played while a smirk hung on my lips.

Selma grew colder, his square eyes glimmering with killing intent, as he eyed the king, "Reports from the Order of Shadows claim that Young Arsene visited the Hassin residents this week." He explained, throwing a letter towards the king.

Oswin's face began to twist as he arose from his throne, "What is the meaning of this Arsene," He roared as the void around me quivered. "Did you hire these assassins?"

Trowing Selma a smile, I quickly nodded, "of course, but does that change anything." I asked as everyone's Aura became colder. "the situation has not changed, much aside from Asterion gaining an ally."

"You Tratours bastard," Wybert howled as he clenched my throat tightly bring me off the ground, "Do you really believe that no one would not know that you hired these assassins. Hassin is well known for only operating in Asterion."

With a crushing feeling against my throat, a cold intent began to form within my heart as I openly smirked towards Wybert, "W...Why...not let the intelligent men speak, fool."

"Watch you mouth Arsene," Grey fairly fired off, "He is still a duke, why you an Inquisitor. Release him, Wybert. There are many things we need to know before he is dead."

Clenching his teeth, Wybert begrudgingly released me. Falling back to my feet, I lightly fixed my collar. "Now, is there anything you like to know?" I asked as Grey and Selma nodded.

"Why would you so foolishly kill the Godwins only child" Selma questioned, "You made no attempt to hide your motives."

With a puzzled look, I chuckled, "It would seem the Order of Shadows has not told any of you yet," I said, pointing towards the door, "Why don't you ask our new guest."

Bursting through the door of the throne room stood a man covered in sweat and fear. His body was shaking, covered in ash as he fell to his knees. "My Lord, I bring news from Godwin."


Selma grew pale as he stared dead into my eyes. Sending him a wink, the messenger on his knees Slammed his head into the carpet, "My Lord, Godwin is in flames."

Bursting into laughter, I nodded, "Yes, But not just flames, no I gave Godwin quite the gift. There men and women will soon turn to ash as their crops will slowly turn to rot. Godwin, as you all know, it will burn today." I exclaimed, stunning everyone.

"Godwin will burn, and all the evidence will point to the kingdom of Romga. The only Kingdom with the best doctors and Alchemist. Even if the king of Godwin knows of me going to Hassin, do you really think he will believe me a man with no connection to Godwin would have an entire Kingdom burn?"

"Your a bloody monster," Grimlor shouted, gritting his teeth, "H-How many are dead, "

"There numbers are in the billions right now, my lord. The explosion happened an hour after the prince, was killed. But it's just as the boy said, Godwin, is screaming for Romga's head." The messenger shouted

Selma had an extremely grim grimace as he glared at me, "You played with their poor relationship? But was it n...."

"Necessary?" I swiftly interrupted, "The advantage this kingdom had was my Nexus armor. We were at a complete disadvantage no matter your trump cards."

Eying Mother, she nodded as she appeared next to the messenger severing his head from the body, "There is no need to thank me. But I have just singlehandedly cut Godwins battle prowess in half. It doesn't matter if they knew it was me or not because, in the end, both kingdoms would attack us. Now we only have to worry about Romga as we slaughter Godwin's troops."

Gripping his hands tight, Wybert turned to a ruggedly armored man that was quiet the entire time. " General Victor, How are our defenses at the border."

"Perfect, we are ready to attack at any moment and defend for over two hundred years time." He curtly stated, "There were some spies, but we left them in order to allow our enemy to have some false data."

Nodding, Wybert turned his attention to the king, "Your..."

"I know, send a messenger to Romga, they know we screwed them, but they have no choice but to join us. They hate Godwin with a passion...G-o-g-goo- Good work, Arsene," The king forcefully said, as he eyed with killing intent as blatant as day.

"But of course, your grace," I lightly responded, "Shall we discuss the real reason I am here, The Nexus Armor."

A hint of greed shone in almost everyone eyes as General Victor stepped forward, "What is your price?" he bluntly asked.

"I will start by saying handing the formula over is never going to happen," I flat out declared, startling everyone.

Rising from his throne, Oswin glared, "Choose your words wisely, Boy!" He commanded

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