Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 68: Castle of Brimstone - Breakthrough

Chapter 68: Castle of Brimstone - Breakthrough

Stepping in a secluded location, I looked up at the dark, decrepit chandelier that looked like it would keen over at any second. Feeling stress, I got out a bottle of Whiskey I stole from Grey's secret stash before pouring a glass. While the other part of my mind began absorbing Demonic Qi to help recover.

'Barron 42,' a type of liquor created by the Snows and one of Grey's and Father's favorites. Tasting the woody amber, ginger, barley mixed with a little touch of cinnamon and orange zest. I sighed, taking another sip, closing my eyes, relaxing as a warmth took over my chest.

Hours passed like seconds as I kept pouring a glass before she appeared before me. Her eyes were stained with red, while various parts of her face painted with crusty red markings. There was a mournful air to her as she sat next to me.

Pouring her a cup, we sat in silence as the qi within the area slowly became dry and stagnant. "Will you remain with him, or will you come with me?" I quietly asked, my gaze never leaving the chandelier.

"You," she weakly said with a pause, "Nora, Winfor, and Zed are all too weak."

Chuckling, I turned to her, "they are all stronger than me,"

"No, maybe in a one-on-one fight, but you are far more versatile." She explained, taking a wig of her whiskey, "The fight with Zool showed me a lot. Killing a first stage Earth demon is quite the achievement even if he was suppressed."

"It will not happen again; I surprised Zool. Not to mention he did not take the battle seriously at the beginning. And there was that spell he cast. He would win one hundred percent of the time if we fought again."

With a drunken stare, Yura looked up at the chandelier, "Who will you side with?" she lightly whispered, resting her head against the floor.

The sound of light snoring echoed out as Yura fell into a deep slumber. Smiling, I looked at my arm that had all but recovered. Clenching my fist closed, Yin qi suddenly surrounded me as my mind became cold.

With my body far stronger than before, it was finally time to increase my cultivation. I originally wanted to take things slow, but that is out of the question. Using Isaella Yin qi, she gifted me after that night; I shot half of it into my dantian.

Like a waterfall, blood rained from my nose and eyes as a powerful explosion one after another went off inside my ear. Gritting my teeth, I felt the dark sun shimmering with black mist growing darker and larger deep within my dantian.

Time began to slow as an unfamiliar voice sounded, "Child of Bael, I hope you do not disappoint me. For Bael nor any of the other princes will save you from my wrath. Strive forward, little variant, I shall await your triumph." It declared, its tone soft and lustful like a siren yet powerful and dark as a demon.

Coughing a mouth full of blood up, Yura shot up with a fearful flash. "L-L-Lord Asmodeus," she whispered with dread. "Why would he?"

Rushing towards me, Yura touched my chest, gasping with horror, "where did you get this Yin Qi from" She questioned.

Having no time to explain, one final explosion sounded as my vision blurred; I had officially reached the ninth stage of Qi Condensation. Not allowing myself to faint, I quickly closed my eyes, entering a deep meditative state.

Surrounded by a familiar darkness, my mind slowly became blank as all thought left me, and yet another part of me still could observe, could thing, could exist. I was no longer myself but rather the darkness: a familiar feeling I once had, I once craved, one that brought joy and happiness to my existence.

Hours passed like seconds while days passed like minutes, I didn't know how long I remained, but as I opened my eyes, I saw a horrified stare of a goddess.

"Dao Comprehension...That's not possible, especially for you," Yura shouted, "How are you alive? Your soul should have been obliterated."

Tilting my head, I looked down at the dried blood around me, "How long was I gone for?" I asked with hesitation.

Ignoring my question, Yura began poking various parts of my body, "what are you?" she questioned, poking my cheek. "That physique should not allow you do to comprehend Dao?"

Guessing only a few minutes, maybe even a few hours passed, I arose, pushing the young girl's hands away, "Stop it," I demanded, only for her to keep poking me.

Puffing her cheeks, she turned around, hiding her gaze from me, "Dummy, it's been two days." she lightly said.

Damn, we only have three weeks; we need to start moving. Looking at Yura, I patted her head, "Are you ready to head back out?" I asked, my body pulsing with a profound amount of power.

Shooting me a cute glance, she smiled, nodding as she vanished from my sight, "Go clean yourself off before we leave." she commented.

Taking a sniff, the rotting scent of blood assaulted my nose, causing me to gag. Quickly shooting fire from all around me to burn the disgusting filth of my magnificent body, my eyes suddenly went wide at the difference in quality. As if all life around me was being devoured, I saw the chandelier and various books shelves turn to dust the longer my flames remained.

As if it had a mind of its own, my flames coiled around me, protecting me like its child...Just like the darkness. Smiling, I patted my flames, only to get an odd reaction. I could feel my flames jumping with joy as though it was alive. Chuckling, I extinguish my flame as I appeared before Yura like a phantom startling her.

A jealous look could be seen coming from her as she looked at the subtle dark light shimmering around my body. A small, subtle detail I missed as I arose.

"Take me with you," a powerful voice said.

Turning my head, I saw an average-looking man with long blue hair that fell to his shoulders. He stood six feet tall with sharp Azure eyes that seem to pierce into me. The air around him was dark as a seamless killing intent radiated off him.

"Ed?" I asked with confusion.

"It's Edain; only my sisters and brothers are allowed to call me Ed." he corrected with a cold smile.

"Oh, fine, you can come. Maybe you can keep that little girl in check." I coldly replied, pointing at Yura, who was blushing as she turned her head.

"Sh-Shut Up-up, dummy. I didn't do anything weird Ok," She said, stuttering over her words.

Laughing at her antics, I turned to Nora, Zed, and Winfor, " Do you all wish to join as well."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Edain suddenly commented, "Nora, Zed, and Winfor, are heavy hitters. They lack small-based attacks. If we get into a battle, they shall cause a larger commotion."

He is smart, or at least he knew his allies very well—smirking, I nodded, " Than it will just be us, I look forward to working with you, Edain." I lightly said, sticking my arm out to shake his hand.

Gripping my palm tightly, he beamed with a radiant smile, "Yes...Yes, it will be an interesting trip."

Looking at us, Yura tilted her head, probably sensing the odd tension between us. Personally, I don't even know why there was one, but I am always ready to piss someone off—it was, after all, one of the few joys in my life.

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