Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 80: Meeting

Chapter 80: Meeting

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" The familiar voice of Mother sounded as she appeared.

Yet, the only thing within my eyes was the young girl I held within my arms. Lowering my head, our lips touched. Isaella might have been the best thing I have ever tasted, but as Yura and I connected, my mind suddenly understood something.

Pushing my tongue in, I felt Yura quiver. Her grip around me slowly grew tighter as we played a game of 'Hide and Seek' amongst each other. The misty aura of lust seemingly clouded our minds as I coiled around her sensual tongue. Opening my eyes towards Yura and her towards me we separated our breath heavy with passion.


"Call me L~i~l..."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING" mother bellowed, pushing us apart as she covered her nose. "Damn it, what the hell did you two eat."

Confused, my vision suddenly turned to black as mother tapped both Yura and my head, knocking us both out.




Snapping my eyes open, I looked up at my ceiling. My mind slowly getting clearer as memories of what happened pieced into my mind. Touching my lips, I smiled, remembering her soft lips against mine. The subtle scent of Jasmine clouded my very fibers.

Feeling my heart beginning to beat like crazy, I abruptly saw mother glaring at me, "You really have some explaining to do? Did you try to **** Yura?" she coldly inquired with a ruthless gleam.

"Huh!?" In all my years, I have never even considered the thought of something so deprave and I fucking eat people. **** was something degenerates do. While I know I'm a bastard. Even I would never stoop so low as to do something so disgusting. I mean, I was a handsome demon with a body of a god...Come on, who didn't want a little bit of Arsene? But why the hell would I **** someone? It's so cheap...

"The hell are you talking about? Why the fuck would you even ask that?" I angrily cursed, "You did not raise a piece of shit."

Mother seemed dumbfounded at my outburst as she looked strangely at me. Suddenly strange symbols began to appear as mother nodded,


"You didn't lie. That's good," she exclaimed with a joyful smile.

Realizing there was a truth formation, I shook my head in annoyance, "I don't know what happened last night, but why are you here?"

"Grey asked me to bring you over last night." She explained, twirling her hair as she eyed me up and down, with a hint of suspicion, "but after I knocked you out. I decided to wait till morning."

With a cold frown, I arose from my bed, "let's get Yura and head out. She may know more about this than I do." I said as Mother quickly frowned

"That may not be the wisest..."

"It fine, Lady Emma," an enchanting voice suddenly exclaimed, "It would seem whatever beast Arsene used had something wrong with it. The stronger the beast, the higher the effects its final primordial instinct will be. In our case, it was lust. It's a rare occurrence that only happens with sensitive animals that have strong emotions before death, but it seems we fell prey to it last night. "

Feeling my heartbeat thumping like drums, I felt my dragon quiver against my pants as I stared at Yura dressed in a bewitching white dress. Her face hanging low as she didn't dare stare into my eyes. Yet, I could feel her intense intent wrapped around me.

"Yura..." I whispered, drawing closer towards her ear, my voice only for her to hear, "I'm sorry, but I do not regret what happened. Although I am grateful mother stopped us from continuing. I do not condone drugging, those close to me."

Yura's cat-like eyes suddenly shot up as she stared deep into my eyes. Delight, anger, lust, and various emotion could be seen as she shuddered," Although I hope you will tell me your real name one day. All I have is 'Lil,' although I don't mind calling you Lil Yura. "

Widening her eyes, an enchanting smile captivated my mind as she nodded, "umn, Then grow stronger. My name is not for the weak to hear." she said with a hint of sass.

Smirking, I nodded, turning towards mother, "Let's go, we have a major problem,"

Stepping out of my room, I quickly stopped as I gazed at the pale Winfor pacing back and forth as Zef leaned across his door.

"Just let it go," Zef quietly said, his face hidden beneath the shades of his hair. " No one will find out."

Turning to Yura, I could see an intrigue gleam as she drew closer, taking a whiff as if she was a dog. "OH!!!" she blurted out, covering her mouth as she ran back, hiding behind me.

Winfor face had turned even paler like a ghost as he flickered away, yet Zef seemed to smile as he looked towards Yura, "Can you keep it a secret?"

"What secret? What is happening?" I asked, looking at the girl behind me, grinning.

"It's a secret," Said Yura and Zef simultaneously.

Glancing at mother, she too shrugged. Deciding it was not of relevance, I boarded my carriage as we headed to the Snow Estate. It had been about three months since I was last here. Mother seemed to smile as she ran her fingers through my hair, "Richter is also here, although he is pretty angry at what you did to those poor knights."

Smirking, I chuckled, stepping out as mother led Yura and me towards the meeting room. With the scent of sandalwood in the air, I turned to look at a young man with long jet black hair elegantly tied in a ponytail.

There was a graceful aura around him as he turned around towards me, eyeing both mother and me with surprise " Mother, Arsene," He shouted, rushing towards us as his arms stretched around the both of us.

"I thought you said he was angry at me?" I whispered to mother.

Beaming with love, she kissed Richter, "It's still early," she coldly said with a chuckled, sending a chill down my spine.

"Oh, she is quite correct, my dear little brother," Richter added before turning towards Yura.

His eyes seem to contract as he gasped, "Mother said you were pretty, but she neglected to state you were a goddess."

The tip of Yura's ears quickly turned a light shade of crimson as she peeked at me for a second, "It's an honor for you to grace us with your presence Sir Richter."

"Shall we enter," I annoyingly said, glaring at Richter as I pushed to door open?

"Did any of you bitches miss me?" I shouted with a domineering smile.

Slapping the back of my head, Mother shook her head, "I have brought him, Grey," Mother begrudgingly said, taking her place next to father.

Sending father a nod, I turned to look at all the major players in the Snow estate present except Yarmor. Closing the door, I showered the room in darkness as my gaze slowly turned dark and sinister.

"We are all in major trouble." I said, turning to the quiet Yura, "Can you tell everyone everything you know about the Holy Legion."

Yura seemed to freeze as she covered her mouth, "W-Who told you about them...Was it one of the Princes?"

Nodding, Yura took a deep breath, pondering for a moment," The Holy Legion is a major branch created by the Court of Nox, one of the most powerful organizations to exist. This planet, while not controlled by the Holy Legion, is responsible for exterminating Demons and Devil along with anything evil."

A cold grimace covered Grey's face as he rose from his chair, "While we may have done some despicable things, why would such a powerful organization like them find trouble with us?"

"Because all of us hold the blood of B..."

"Do not speak his name to them, Arsene. They are not like you, should they hear his name only death with follow." Yura warned, clutching my arm as she shook her head with disapproval, "All they need to know is that they hold the blood of a powerful demon."

I could see Grey turn pale as Grandfather arose, gripping his shoulder. Father, however, seem cold as he turned towards me, " How long do we have,"

Shaking my head, Yura suddenly spoke, "You all have ten or six months. Although finding a secular world like this is quite difficult, especially when your demon blood is so thin, but they may just track Arsene down. His blood is too pure to go unnoticed. It's hard to believe he is merely a half-breed."

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