Monarch of Death

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 – 12. The End is An Open Door

Alius and Riltain were unharmed. They did not suffer or were injured greatly. They were captured in the early evening, and Karnak and his party defeated Straf the next morning. There wasn’t much time to suffer. The two rescued people were curious about the location.

“What the hell happened?”

The building shook and exploded when they were in the prison, so they knew something had happened. However, after being rescued, they looked around and it looked like there were no accidents. There were dead bodies and traces of the dead all over the place, the big mansion had been destroyed in half, and the whole city was in chaos. How did only three people even make that possible?

“And how did you defeat Straf?”

It was a powerful necromancy technique that Alius had never seen before. It was good that they were rescued, but no matter how much they thought about it, there was no way they could defeat Straf with their own power. If the opponent was that easy, Alius and Riltain wouldn’t have been defeated so easily from the start.

Karnak calmly began to explain, “I was lucky.”

Straf’s necromancy was clearly powerful. They thought they would just die on the spot.

“However, it seemed that he hadn’t mastered the necromancy perfectly, so some of the barriers were canceled in the middle.”

In the meantime, they got out of the mansion. Of course, Straf also tried to capture Karnak’s party with all his might, but he could barely escape with the power of Serati, an Aura user.

Later, an accident occurred in Trist City while they were hiding and thinking about a way to save Alius and Riltain. Infighting broke out within Ranfeld’s faction.

“I don’t know why, but they started fighting each other.”

The entire city was thrown into chaos as the gang members cut their swords at each other.

“I returned to the vicinity of the mansion to assess the situation. And I witnessed a truly terrifying sight.”

An innumerable zombie army was advancing toward the Ranfeld Mansion! Seeing that the mansion’s spirit barrier was fighting against the zombie corps, it wasn’t Straf’s fault.

“Perhaps another necromancer under his command rebelled?”

Alius also agreed, “It can be. The necromancers are impatient because they can’t eat each other.”

In fact, didn’t everyone witness Straf blowing the head of his necromancer? It’s very natural for subordinates to rebel. Riltain had a similar idea.

“Straf showed a loophole while dealing with us, and it seems another necromancer was aiming for that loophole.”

Karnak continued his explanation, “I happened to have an opportunity, so I sneaked into the mansion.”

It was not difficult to find the hiding place because of the evil aura. Straf had set up a bizarre altar and was preparing something when he went down to the mansion’s basement.

“He faced us with ghoul warriors and demon summons. He didn’t use powerful necromancy spells that turned space itself into hell. He probably exhausted himself dealing with zombie hordes.”

Straf, who had already wasted a lot of command power, could fight back somehow, even with the strength of Karnak and his party. He overcame death several times but barely survived, and with the help of Aura user Serati, he exterminated the demon and cut off Straf’s head.

“I didn’t touch the corpse on purpose. I was thinking of asking for a purification ceremony after rescuing Mr. Alius.”


Neither Alius nor Riltain found any loopholes in this story. First off, everything actually happened. Chaos broke out in the city, they fought each other, took advantage of the gap to infiltrate, and Serati fought the demon and won. The one who won was Barros, but the body was definitely Serati’s. Since the incident itself was all real, traces of it remain intact. There was no doubt. He was just admiring his luck.

“Indeed, I have nothing to say besides Hatoba’s blessing.”

Of course, Serati, who knew the truth, was full of spirits.

‘Wow, this is why the necromancers are not caught.’

Since the truth and lies are skillfully mixed, it seemed that he had no choice but to be deceived if he didn’t know the context. After that, Alius quickly started cleaning up. He took out the darkness of the end from Straf’s corpse. Sealing the darkness with divine power, Alius stuck out his tongue.

“It’s a tremendous amount of energy. Compared to the necromancers you’ve captured so far, it’s almost ten times the darkness of the end.”

Barros, who was watching from the side, was stinging. Didn’t Karnak say 30 times?

[Young master? Didn’t you just forget the information and put it back?]

[I kept some in case. You never know what will happen later.]

[I thought you said you wouldn’t live like before?]

[So you left as much as I did. In the past, I would have eaten them all.]

[Isn’t that a problem? What if I continue to raise my commanding power and get caught later?]

[Don’t worry. If you spend some time, you can melt it all down and turn it into chaos magic.]

Karnak’s thoughts were still the same. There was no need for absolute authority like before. All he needed was as much energy as possible to live his new reality. It was just that the standard of this ‘as much as necessary’ had been raised a bit. To the extent of protecting one’s territory, to the extent of being able to safely live in a world that had become turbid.

[Someone like Straf might appear again. I have to raise my magic power, at least to a level where I can deal with those guys.]

[Well, that’s something the young master will do on his own. But the important thing now is not to arouse Alius-san’s suspicions, right?]

[That’s okay.]

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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It was Alius who had first met a high-ranking necromancer like Straf in the first place. There must be a target of comparison for the magic of darkness. Didn’t he know if it was big or small?

“I see… He had this much darkness, so he must have been able to use such a tremendous necromancer.”

Doubt was also a law that he needed to know something. He thought it was natural and moved on. After finishing their errands, Karnak and his party left the mansion. And Alius contacted the Pollard family and the Hatoba Diocese of Trist City.

Even though Straf took control of Trist Parish, not all priests were corrupt. They selected those who were not suspicious and entrusted them with the cleanup of the case.

Of course, in the future, they would also have to cover black and white through interrogation, but it was a necessary help right now. There was no resistance whatsoever. It was thanks to the fact that so many members of the Ranfeld family had died last night that there were no forces left to dare to rebel.

Trist City quickly regained stability. In the meantime, there was one piece of news that surprised Alius.

“Yes? You mean Serati became a knight of Baron Zestrad?”

It was strange that a warrior had found a master to trust, but Serati was not an ordinary swordsman coming here.

“What’s going on?”

Surprised, Alius soon changed his expression.

In other words, “Why did a person who can be a user for an Aura become a knight in such a rural area?”

Excuse me very much.

“No, I didn’t mean it in that way, but…”

‘No, what is it? That’s exactly what it means.’

With a wry smile, Serati told the circumstances.

“Because of last night’s events, I knew that Baron Karnak was someone I could pay my allegiance to.”

She received great help from Karnak and took an oath of allegiance, believing that his wisdom and character were sufficient to serve as her lord. It was roughly like this. There wasn’t a corner that fit this subtly either.

Great help? You got it right. Wisdom? Well, his wisdom as a necromancer was enormous. Character? It wasn’t good. She just said he was worth serving as a lord.

‘I didn’t lie, no lie.’

When the aftermath of the incident was somewhat completed, Karnak and his party left Trist City. However, he did not go to Derat City with Alius and Riltain.

“In the meantime, I felt a lot of joy while doing the duties of the goddess. But now I have to go back to the territory.”

The ostensible reason was Serati.

“I made her my knight, but it was informal. Shouldn’t we return to the manor to be formally sworn in?”

The real reason was that since they’d got all the darkness of the end they needed, they didn’t have to hunt the necromancer anymore.

“Okay. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Though regretful, Alius said goodbye.

“For those who walk the earth, all roads are connected roads, so please be blessed by Hatoba in your future.”

»»————- ★ ————-««
Following Karnak, who became her lord, Serati headed for the Zestrad domain. Her mind was still confused. What had happened the night before was full of things that her common sense could not explain.

Crossing the mountain and crossing the water, they walked for half a day. In the end, Serati couldn’t stand it any longer.

“What the hell are you guys?

Karnak and Barros were not surprised by her sudden question. They expected her to ask such a question soon. She tried to pass it all over once.

“I am Baron Zestrad.”

“I am a knight of Baron Zestrad.”

“Ah, I’m secretly learning necromancy.”

“We secretly cooperate with the young master when he uses necromancy.”

Of course, it didn’t work.

“You know I’m not asking that, right?

It was a law that could be understood only when she showed her skills in moderation. Karnak destroyed a city, raised countless corpses, and created a massive hallucination.

He showed tremendous swordsmanship and experience in a subject that he had not mastered fighting, and he naturally took over the body of others and even Barros, who easily used even fighting skills and eventually defeated high-ranking demons such as Majnun.

Wasn’t it a level that could be explained to the extent that he was secretly learning necromancy? Just look at the ridiculous knowledge and skill they showed right now.

“You both look to be in your early twenties at best, does that make sense?”

Karnak and Barros shrugged.

“Honestly, doesn’t it make sense?”

“It’s too much to believe.”

Karnak stared at Serati. She opened her eyes fiercely, waiting for an answer.

[What should I do, Barros? Can I tell her the truth?]

[Isn’t it okay to leave it as it is?]

[She might make a bad guess and make an accident. I’m sure she won’t betray me anyway since she is a member of my household.]

[Can you believe that I’m telling the truth?]

[You are free unless you believe.]

[Indeed, it is.]

Karnak made up his mind and put on a serious expression.

“Okay, let me be honest.”

Serati hardened her complexion. Karnak and Barros talked seriously.

“I conquered the world before?”

“I helped him conquer the world together.”

Her stiff expression twisted strangely.

“……What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Yes, this is a normal reaction.”

With a wry smile, Karnak continued.

“Listen first.”

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