Monarch of Death

Chapter 8

Chapter 8. An Honorable Lord? Who? (3)

The Jaden Mountain Range stretches across the northern part of the Kingdom of Ustil, from east to west.

This treacherous terrain, teeming with all sorts of monsters, also served as the boundary between the human kingdom and the monster territory known as Chaotic North.

Since these monsters frequently invaded human lands, the Viscounty of Deventor, along with the Barony of Zestrad, played the role of vanguard, defending the northern part of the kingdom.

That was until about 20 years ago.

Since the fall of the Zestrad family, only Deventor has properly maintained its duty to protect the kingdom.

As such, in Deventor’s northern fortress, a group of knights was once again dedicating themselves to training today.


With a shout, the sturdy knights exchanged attacks and defenses.

Their swords clashed, and they pushed forward with their shields, sweat pouring from their bodies amid the rising dust.



A middle-aged knight watching the scene shouted loudly.

“Never neglect your training! We are the true protectors of this land!”

It was Sir Bright, the commander here.

“We can’t rely on those worthless Zestrad scum!”

The Zestrad Barony—just thinking about them made him furious.

Despite failing to fulfill their given duties, they had the audacity to betray Deventor and seek only to satisfy their greed, after being granted the undeserved fortune of a copper mine?

“But that will soon be resolved neatly.”

After assessing the knights’ condition, Bright declared a break.

“That’s enough! Take a short rest, and we’ll start again!”

The knights, their breath coming in gasps, tried to steady their breathing.

Among them, however, was one large knight who didn’t seem tired at all.

Bright approached him and asked, “Are you well-prepared for the Duel Trial, Sir Randolph?”

“I haven’t been neglecting my training, but…”

The knight let out a dry laugh and brushed back his brown hair.

“What preparations do I even need against some mere bookworm?”

“Well, that’s true.”

Bright chuckled and patted Randolph on the shoulder.

“But I’m saying this just in case. Isn’t it hard to understand why he’s doing this? Unless he’s got something up his sleeve…”

The new lord of Zestrad, Karnak, proposing a Duel Trial was far too predictable in its outcome.

“No matter how foolish he is, would he really throw his life away so easily?”

“Of course, I don’t plan to let my guard down, but…”

Randolph shrugged.

“Heard that the new lord of Zestrad wasn’t even a proper heir originally. Perhaps he doesn’t really understand how strong a true knight can be?”

He might just think that knights are only a little stronger than regular soldiers.

“It’s not uncommon for a young noble who’s out of touch with reality to do something foolish, is it?”

Bright smirked.

“It sure isn’t uncommon.”

In life, there were often situations where someone seemed so foolish that you suspected they might have some hidden agenda.

But most of the time, they turned out to be genuinely foolish.

Randolph picked up his sword again.

“Of course, training must never be neglected.”

Now that the break was over, it was time to focus on training again.

“Not for the Duel Trial, but to protect this land and its people!”

One by one, the other knights began to take their stances as well.

Throughout the training ground of the fortress, the shouts of the knights echoed loudly once more.



Bright watched Randolph, who was now fully engaged in his training, with a satisfied look.

Randolph’s powerful sword strikes followed one after another. His unique, aggressive swordsmanship forced his opponents back, even when they tried to block with their shields or withstand his attacks with their armor. Ultimately, they would end up losing their lives.

‘He is indeed strong.’

If he continued to grow at this pace, he might one day learn the battle aura that every knight dreams of and become truly first-class.

‘The only concern is his rough temperament and his habit of underestimating his opponents…’

However, no matter what, there was no way he would lose to a 20-year-old novice who hadn’t even received proper training.

‘I still can’t figure out what that kid is relying on to challenge us to a duel.’

Just then, Bright’s gaze shifted beyond the training ground.


He had the feeling that someone was watching them.

Curious, he looked more closely and saw a peddler beyond the courtyard fence, selling various goods to the women.

There wasn’t anything particularly unusual about the scene. Peddlers like that often came by.

While the main estate was different, the northern fortress was small. The courtyard sometimes served as a training ground, a laundry area, or a place where peddlers sold their wares.

It wasn’t uncommon to see knights training on one side while women dried their laundry on the other.

But this young peddler seemed to be glancing over at them more often than seemed normal.

‘That guy?’

For a moment, Bright wondered if this peddler could be a spy sent from Zestrad to gather intelligence on their forces.

However, Bright soon shook his head.

‘That’s ridiculous.’

After all, it was just physical training time.

They weren’t practicing any unique secret techniques or special tactics that would be problematic if discovered by others.

The really important training was always conducted in private, away from prying eyes, no matter how small the fortress was.

Of course, it wasn’t impossible to gauge an opponent’s strength just from their minor movements or habits…

‘But that’s something only a master who’s dedicated decades solely to combat could do.’

And there was no reason for such a formidable expert to be posing as a mere peddler to spy on them.

If that were the case, wouldn’t it be simpler for them to personally participate in the Duel Trial?

Moreover, it wasn’t surprising for commoners to look at knights with eyes full of admiration.

Clearing his thoughts, Bright turned his attention back to the training ground.

The resounding shouts echoed over the sweating knights.

“Keep moving! The sweat you shed will be the nourishment that protects this land!”

* * *

Various goods were laid out on a mat spread on the ground.

A group of women had gathered around, eagerly inspecting the items. They were all family members of the knights and soldiers stationed at the northern fortress.

A middle-aged woman caressed a handkerchief with an enraptured expression.

“Oh my, it’s so soft. What kind of fabric is this?”

“How much is it?”

“Just 30 Kelin per set!”

“Oh my, that’s so cheap? In that case, I’ll take one too…”

While eagerly bargaining with the women, the peddler—more accurately, Varos disguised as a peddler—smiled inwardly.

‘Business is booming. Well, as expected.’

These goods were specially sourced from the central region of the kingdom, prepared just for this day. They were high-quality items, rare in such a desolate fortress.

Moreover, he was selling them at the exact price he had purchased them for, without any markup.

‘No wonder they’re eager to get their hands on them, wanting to use them right away, hehe.’

Thanks to this, he could comfortably observe the knights’ training from within the crowd of people.

Especially Randolph’s combat style.

‘I’ve got a pretty good grasp now.’

Even if it was just basic physical training, habitual movements inevitably showed through.

And Varos, the second-in-command of Necropia and once the world’s strongest warrior, had an entirely different level of precision when it came to his observations.

With just a little observation, he had thoroughly dissected Randolph’s capabilities.

He understood Randolph’s personality, his fighting style, his speed, and his timing.

‘At that level, I probably wouldn’t have needed six months to prepare,’ Varos thought.

Randolph was a typical knight who specialized in heavy swordsmanship.

To put it positively, his swordsmanship was powerful, efficient, and straightforward. On the downside, it was rather simple and brutish.

In many ways, he was an opponent whose movements were easy to predict.

Varos believed that if he spent just three or four months conditioning his body, he’d have a good chance of winning.

‘Although, if I fought him right now, I’d probably get my head chopped off pretty quickly.’

So, for now, it was best to proceed according to Karnak’s plan.

While Varos was spying on Randolph, one of the women in the group approached him.

“Do you happen to know my brother?”

“Oh! You’re Sir Randolph’s family,” Varos responded quickly, managing his expression with ease.

“Who wouldn’t know of Sir Randolph, the strongest knight in the North? I’m just a country bumpkin, so I couldn’t help but keep staring out of awe.”

In truth, Randolph was only the strongest knight in Deventor, but Varos subtly exaggerated.

“I apologize if I was being rude. As a gesture of apology, I’ll give you an extra piece of underwear. It’s all I have to offer.”

No one would refuse a free gift. The woman giggled and accepted the undergarment.

“Oh my, thank you so much. Hehehe.”

Effortlessly smoothing over the situation, Varos turned his gaze back to Randolph.

‘With this, I’ve completed what the young lord asked.’

A wicked smile crept onto his lips.

‘Now I’m starting to see how I’ll handle that guy. Hehehehe.’

* * *

In one corner of the Zestrad estate stood a secluded private training ground.

Such facilities were common in most noble households, not just the Zestrad family, because revealing the secret techniques of each family could lead to significant disadvantages.

As Karnak stepped into the training ground, he voiced his curiosity.

“Honestly, our family’s swordsmanship isn’t something that’s so amazing it needs to be hidden from others, right? Why bother building a place like this?”

Varos waved his hand, disagreeing.

“When third-rate fighters battle each other, even minor differences can make a huge impact. Of course, you need a facility like this.”

The Zestrad family’s traditional swordsmanship wasn’t worthless enough to be called third-rate. However, since both of them had experience in much higher circles, their standards were set accordingly.

Locking the door to the training ground, Karnak joked.

“Well, thanks to that, we’re able to train comfortably.”

Once Varos returned, Karnak immediately declared that he would begin intense training in preparation for the duel. He also sternly warned that no one but Varos was to come anywhere near the training ground.

Since the fate of the estate was at stake, no one doubted Karnak’s insistence on keeping everything strictly confidential. After all, Varos had always been Karnak’s close aide, so it was only natural for them to work together.

“With this, Varos, no one will find it suspicious if you suddenly become stronger, right?”

At this point, Varos was merely a servant. If he were to suddenly transform into a first-rate knight without any explanation, it would definitely raise eyebrows.

Thus, they needed a scenario like, “While serving Karnak, Varos picked up martial arts by observing him and awakened his hidden talent!”

“For now, let’s focus on what’s in front of us.”

Muttering to himself, Varos placed a set of plate mail armor in front of Karnak.

“Put this on.”

Karnak picked up the chest piece of the armor and tilted his head in confusion.

“How do I even wear this?”

He had never worn armor in his life.

As a necromancer, armor had only been a hindrance, so he never wore it. After becoming Astra Shunaph, his body was far stronger than any armor, making it even less necessary.

“I’ll help you.”

Varos deftly assisted Karnak, securing the gauntlets and tightening the straps. Then, after stepping back, he nodded in approval.

“You look quite imposing.”

“…You’re mocking me, aren’t you?”

“Of course, I’m mocking you. How could I possibly be serious?”

With his slender frame, Karnak in full armor looked no different from a heavily armed scarecrow.

There was so much space inside the armor that it clanked loudly with every movement.

Karnak glared at Varos.

“I should have just turned you into a zombie or a ghoul.”

“Go ahead, if you can. But then, who would you have to keep you company, young master?”


In any case, Karnak began to walk back and forth in the armor.

He raised his arms, lifted his legs, and even drew the sword at his waist to give it a light swing.

“What? It’s not as heavy as I thought.”

The knights he had encountered were always proud of how they could move nimbly despite wearing heavy armor.

“Were they all just bluffing?”

Varos responded as if it was obvious.

“Well, for now, yes.”

No matter how heavy a suit of iron armor was, it wasn’t something that would render a person immobile just by wearing it. After all, it was made for people to wear, wasn’t it?

“Try running nonstop for just five minutes in that outfit. I’m sure you’ll change your mind.”

Karnak’s face turned pale.

“Run for five minutes? I can’t even run that long without armor!”

Varos’s expression also stiffened.

“What? It’s only five minutes. Are you telling me a healthy 20-year-old can’t run for five minutes without stopping?”

The gap between someone who had spent over a century using only their mind and someone who had spent over a century using only their body was greater than either had anticipated.

“That’s strange. You seemed to run quite well when you were escaping before.”

“I was using necromantic power back then.”

“You mean you actually used necromancy just to run through some mountain paths?”

“It wasn’t really necromancy; I just used a bit of necromantic power to strengthen my body.”


At a loss for words, Varos rubbed his forehead and sighed.

“Ugh, we have a long way to go…”

But now that they had come this far, there was no turning back.

They had no choice but to press on.

“Well then, let’s begin your knightly training!”

“Let’s get this straight. This isn’t knight training.”

Karnak corrected him in a serious tone.

“This is training to *pretend* to be a knight.”

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