Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 04: New Building and Skills

Chapter 04: New Building and Skills


A ringing sound echoed in my head, waking me up from my short nap. Half-asleep, I checked the new notification.

[Wolf den construction has been completed]

"Eh?...Yawn!...Already finished building?" I mumbled in a drowsy state, my eyes still heavy with slumber.

Looking down at my two newborn daughters, I saw that they were still sleeping, their tiny hands clutching at my fur as they suckled. It seems they liked my milk very much.

"Fu..Fu~ drink as much as you want, my daughters," I whispered softly, a gentle smile gracing my lips. "Mommy's breasts will always have milk for you."

I quickly noticed that my belly had returned to its normal size, and my body was no longer swollen from the pregnancy. I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. I slowly brought my hand between my legs, checking on my love's entrance.

"Wow! Amazing! pussy was back to its original shape and tightness," I marveled quietly to myself. "No one would believe I just gave birth to two beautiful, lovely little daughters."

The Birth Recovery skill had done a marvelous job. It was as if the rigors of childbirth had never happened, and I was ready to embrace my role as a Breeder once again. The thought of future matings sent a shiver of anticipation through me, but I pushed it aside for the moment. My focus now was on my precious pups and the home we were building together.

I gently lifted my daughters, cradling them in my arms as I made my way to the wolf den. As I approached the entrance, I saw that it was a beautiful, cozy little cave with a soft, plush interior. The air was warm and inviting, and I could smell the scent of fresh fur and milk.

When I stepped inside, I was met with an astonishing revelation. The interior I saw from the outside was just an illusion—a clever facade crafted by the Breeder's system.

The inside was MASSIVE! The cave was a cathedral of natural architecture, with stalactites and stalagmites casting intricate shadows on the walls. Soft, natural light filtered in from hidden openings above, illuminating the space with a warm, golden glow. There were multiple small chambers, deep in the cave wall, organized in layers upon layers.

In the middle of the cave, like a sacred altar, was a flat stone, smooth and wide, resembling a bed. It was clearly designed for comfort and function, a central place for rest and bonding with my pups. The stone was warm to the touch, as if it retained the heat of the earth itself, promising to be a cozy haven for my family.

Nodding in satisfaction, I opened the den description.

[Wolf's Den: A specific home for your Wolf-kin offspring where they can grow and thrive. Within its confines, your offspring will benefit from accelerated growth, expedited pregnancy durations, and enhanced healing capabilities. Additionally, breeding within the confines of the den increases the likelihood of conceiving offspring of a higher rank.]

While reading the description, I felt mixed emotions. I was satisfied with the first part, especially the growing speed. The faster my daughters grow, the faster they can rely on themselves and help me survive in this lustful world.

And speaking of this lustful world, the last part was like a lightning strike to me. How had I not realized it sooner? All the clues were staring me straight in the face. Starting with the protective barrier.

No one can enter this land except me and my offspring. Based on just this building, I could clearly see that I was expected to breed here for better results and go outside to find new races to breed with.

Yes, incest!

Gazing upon my daughters, a realization crystallized within my mind.

"I'm supposed to breed with them?"

Surprisingly, the idea didn't seem wrong or taboo to me. On the contrary, it seemed like a natural progression of our relationship. They were my beloved daughters, and if anyone deserves my love, it's them.

"I guess my mind has already adapted to my Breeder race," I thought to myself, a hint of surprise and curiosity in my mind.

I looked at my daughters, and I could see the potential in them. They were young and innocent, but they would grow up to be strong and beautiful wolves.

And as their mother, it was my duty to guide them and teach them the ways of the world or learn together. This included the ways of breeding and producing offspring.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I considered the possibilities. "Would I breed with them, or would I let them breed with me? Both?"

The decision was mine to make, and I knew that it would have a profound impact on our lives. But for now, I just smiled and hugged my daughters close.

"We'll figure it out together, my lovely pups," I whispered, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future.

Smiling, I swiftly made my way back to my home, eating two loaves of bread. When I saw that my daughters were awake, I brought them to the lake to clean them of all the sticky milk and birth residue. They seemed to enjoy the cool water.

After cleaning myself, I took them to the den and lay down on that warm, bed-like stone. I was still in wolf form, and as soon as I relaxed, my two pups latched onto my nipples, sucking contentedly. I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. This was what being a mother was all about - providing for my children, nurturing them, and watching them grow

As I lay on the warm stone, feeling the gentle pull of their mouths as they suckled, I opened the system and checked on that shop.

There were a lot of things inside, ranging from food and drinks to various items and skills. I scrolled through the list, my eyes widening at the vast array of options available to me.

There were skills that would improve my breeding abilities, items that would enhance my physical appearance and even food and drinks that would boost my energy and vitality.

Sadly, most of them were locked to me due to my low rank. The only things I was allowed to buy were bread—no surprise there—and clean water. Although I didn't need the water since the lake was a system object, its water would always remain clean and drinkable.

Weapons, clothes, and armor were locked. I had been hoping to buy some clothes to cover my naked body, but I thought that if I stayed naked a few more days, I might as well stay naked all the time. Hehehe.

The only thing I found in the system that I could use as clothing was an item called "Living Bandages."

Equipping this item would allow me to control the bandages however I liked. I could use them to cover my body, and they also provided a slight boost to healing and bleed resistance.

I was tempted to buy it, but when I saw the price, I decided to wait. Paying 900BP for it was too much for me at the moment. What if I needed those points later?

As for the skills? There were only two available to me both were focused on breeding, and both were lewd as fuck.

The first skill, a passive one, was called "Cum Nutrition and Flavor." As the name suggested, this skill would allow my cum to provide additional nutrition and flavor to my offspring, making them stronger and healthier. The thought of my cum being a source of nourishment for my daughters was both arousing and unsettling at the same time.

The other skill was "Egg Transfer Lv1," an active skill that allowed me to transfer eggs from another womb to my own through my cock.

This skill held particular appeal if I encountered a female-only race, as it would allow me to impregnate myself. Furthermore, the fact that this skill was only at level one implied that higher levels might permit the transfer of my own eggs into other wombs.

"FUCK!...That's hot" I couldn't help but think to myself. It was a reminder to me that the Breeder's system focuses on reproduction and the creation of life more than anything else.

Unfortunately, each skill cost 600 BP. Unable to afford both, I decided to purchase "Cum Nutrition and Flavor" first. This skill would be more useful to me in the present, and I could always get the other one later when I had collected more points.

Confirming the purchase, I quickly checked its description.

[Cum Nutrition and Flavor: Passive skill. Your cum will provide additional nutrition and flavor to your offspring, making them stronger and healthier. +10% to offspring's growth rate, +5% to offspring's health.]

I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had taken another step toward fulfilling my role as a Breeder, and I knew that I would continue to do so.

"With a lot of sex; hehehe~" 

Looking down, I hugged my daughters tightly as I drifted off to sleep.

"Hmm…I need to think of good names for them…I can't keep calling them pups or daughters," I thought to myself, leaving it for tomorrow. With that, I closed my eyes, seeking a restful sleep.

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