Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 22: You Have My Permission

Chapter 22: You Have My Permission

I stood there, my gaze filled with lust and yearning as I observed my two daughters indulging in each other's pleasure. The urge to join them was irresistible, but I restrained myself. I didn't want to ruin things for them; this was their first time together, and they deserved to enjoy it privately.

"Ah!" I moaned softly as my hands roamed over my body, my fingers tracing the contours of my curves. I could feel my own desire building, my nipples hardening as I imagined what it would be like to be touched by their eager hands, their soft lips.

I was genuinely shocked at my libido, as it never seemed to wane, no matter how much pleasure I experienced or the frequency or intensity of my releases. My body remained ever-responsive to pleasure.

Seriously, Just today, I had an intense encounter with a rabbit queen, impregnating her with my seed. I had also hunted and devoured goblins, a surprisingly delectable treat, and if that wasn't enough, I got DESTROYED by not one but TWO 12-inch dicks. Getting myself pregnant with a world tree.

Yet, despite this wild ride, my body still yearned, now aroused by the sight of my daughters' intimacy.

I guessed this had something to do with my race as a Breeder. I'm pretty sure that if I were human or another race, I wouldn't be able to endure this amount of pleasure. Because DAMN! I had just gotten fucked in both holes by two massive dicks, but a few minutes later, both of my holes were tight as a virgin's. And I'll be damned if I didn't like it; I don't have to suffer from a loose pussy due to sex and birth.

"Ah~...Luna…your mouth is great…keep...sucking," Ember moaned, her voice filled with longing. "I'm so close, sister."

Luna's response was eager and passionate. She took Ember's shaft deep into her mouth, her nose nuzzling against her sister's furry balls. The sight of them together, their bodies entwined, sent a jolt of pleasure through me. I bit my lip, my eyes fluttering closed as I imagined myself joining their erotic dance.

"AH!...Fuck it!" I couldn't deny my longing any longer. With a soft sigh, I stepped towards them, my body aching to be part of their pleasure. I stopped above Ember, who opened her eyes when she felt a shadow above her.

"!!!" Ember froze, her eyes locking with mine, and at that moment, she climaxed, spilling her essence deep into Luna's throat.

"M-Mother, you're back?" Ember's voice quivered as she remained motionless, her gaze fixed on mine. Luna, startled by my sudden presence, withdrew from Ember, swallowing hard to manage her sister's cum.

I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest as I took in the scene before me. My daughters, their bodies entangled, their passion evident, looked up at me with a mixture of shock and desire. I felt a surge of conflicting emotions—pride, arousal, and a hint of guilt for interrupting their intimate moment.

"I-I didn't mean to interrupt," I stammered, my voice thick with desire. "I just—I couldn't stay away any longer."

Luna swiftly pulled away from her sister "Mother, we were just—"

"I know what you were doing," I said, my eyes softening as I took a step towards them. "And it's beautiful and I wha—"

"We're sorry Mother!" the two of them suddenly shouted, burying their foreheads at my feet.

I stood there, stunned by my daughters' sudden outburst and their unexpected display of submission. Their foreheads touched the floor before me, their tails tucked between their legs, and their wolf ears flattened against their heads. It was a posture of apology and submission, and it confused me greatly.

"Girls, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "Why are you apologizing?"

Luna and Ember remained in their submissive pose, their voices muffled as they spoke. "We're sorry, Mother. We didn't mean to disrespect you by engaging in such acts without your permission."

"My permission?" I repeated, more confused than before. "Since when do you need my permission?" 

Since Luna and Ember had matured, our days were consumed by relentless passion. They would suckle on my milk and seed until they were satiated, and I would fuck them relentlessly until they succumbed to blissful exhaustion. Never once had they sought my permission. Yet now, I detected a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Since when do you need my permission?" I repeated my confusion deepening as I gazed down at my daughters, Luna and Ember, who remained in their submissive pose. "You've never asked for my permission before."

Luna and Ember exchanged a hesitant glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. "Mother, we—" Luna began, her voice trembling.

"Speak, my dears," I urged, my voice softening as I knelt down to their level. "What has caused this sudden change in behavior?"

Ember took a shaky breath, her eyes locked on mine. "It's just that…You're our Alpha mother, and when you impregnated us, you claimed us as your mates. Therefore, engaging in any intimate acts without the Alpha's consent is inappropriate."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her words. "How did you come by this knowledge? You've never left our home nor encountered another wolf-kin?"

"We just know, mother," Luna replied.

'Ah…I see,' I thought. 'It must be racial inherited knowledge passed down from parents to offspring. Since I'm not a true wolf-kin, it was likely passed down from their 'wolf mother', their other parent.'

I sighed, my expression softening as I crouched down and placed a comforting hand on each of them, gently caressing their heads. "My beloved daughters, when I claimed you as my mates, it was driven by love and the desire to protect you. It was never intended to curtail your freedom or pleasure. You are both adults now and are entitled to explore your desires."

As my words sank in, their bodies relaxed, their tails uncurling and their wolf ears perking up. The fear in their eyes gave way to relief, and they raised their heads to look at me, their eyes shining with gratitude.

"So, we have your blessing, mother?" Luna inquired, to which I nodded.

"Yes, you do," I assured them. "And let's forget about this whole Alpha thing, shall we?"

Luna and Ember exchanged a glance, their eyes sparkling with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Mother," they chorused, their voices filled with gratitude.

"Now, give your mommy a big hug," I invited.

Luna and Ember needed no further encouragement. They rushed into my arms, their bodies pressing against mine as we embraced tightly. I breathed in their unique scents, my heart swelling with love and protection.

"I love you both so much," I whispered into their hair, my voice thick with emotion. "Always remember that my love for you is unconditional and infinite."

Ember's arms tightened around me, her face burying into my neck. "We love you too, Mother. We're incredibly blessed to have you as our mom."

I kissed the top of their heads, my hands gently stroking their backs. "You're my precious daughters, and nothing will ever change that."

They were my daughters, my first daughters, holding a special place in my heart, and should anyone dare to threaten that bond, my wrath would be untamed.

"Hmm?" I felt Luna and Ember sniffing me for a moment before they glanced at each other. There were no words, but I saw both of them nodding simultaneously. Before they raised their heads to gaze at me.

"Mother, where have you been? And what's that scent on you?" Ember asked, her voice carrying a hint of coldness.

"Well…where do I begin," I said, searching for a way to share the day's events with them. "I paid a visit to a friend who will be giving birth to your new sisters tomorrow."

Luna and Ember exchanged a glance, their eyes widening in surprise. "New sisters, mother?" they inquired.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, and in the future, you will have countless sisters, more than you can count."

"And is Mother the one carrying these new sisters?" Ember asked suddenly, her voice tinged with concern and a hint of jealousy.

I smiled reassuringly, sensing their worry. "No, my dear. I'm not the one carrying your new sisters. Perhaps in the future, but for now, I'm only the father."

Luna's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, Mother. That's incredible! And then what happened?"

"Hmm.." I paused, recalling the day's events. "Oh…I hunted some goblins."

"Goblins?" Luna and Ember exchanged a glance confused by the name, their eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue. "Goblins, Mother? What were they like?"

I chuckled, remembering the spicy encounter with the goblin I had devoured in more ways than one. "Well, they are short, green, and really ugly. They have a penchant for abducting females to breed and force them into labor. But rest assured, I will never let that fate befall you."

Luna's eyes widened in horror. "That's terrible, Mother!" 

"And how was your hunt?" Ember asked, her eyes eager for more details.

I described how I had pursued, trapped, and slain the goblins as we made our way back to the den. I recounted the sensation of their warm blood on my hands and the taste of their meat as I devoured them. I also shared how I had toyed with one goblin, forcing him to pleasure my dick, and how I fucked his ass to oblivion before ultimately devouring him as well.

Ember's eyes widened in surprise, her tail wagging playfully. "Mother, you're such a tease! I can't believe you made that goblin suck your dick."

"And took him from behind too," Luna added with a giggle.

I chuckled, enjoying their reactions. "Well, it was certainly an entertaining experience. And I was in such a state of heat that I couldn't control my actions."

Luna nodded, her eyes reflecting her understanding. "That makes sense, Mother. I can only imagine how intense your heat must have been."

Ember giggled, her tail wagging faster. "Mother, can we go on a hunt? I want to taste goblins too."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by Ember's request. "Of course, Ember, but not now. We still need to wait for our pack to grow stronger, and don't forget that you're pregnant with my pups."

They blushed, their eyes dropping to the small bumps in their bellies. I had recently discovered an offspring page on the system, which showed the rank, condition, and pregnancy status of all my daughters. According to the page, Ember would give birth in ten days, while Luna would follow a day later.

"Mother, can I ask you something?" Luna asked, hugging me from behind.

"Of course, my love. What is it?"

"Can you change to be like us?" she requested.

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