Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 102 - Suspicious Doppleganger

Accidents happen in life. We can’t avoid it no matter how hard we try to. Accidents are a part of life. But the outcome of those accidents entirely depends on us. How we will act will choose our life. Life likes to throw us down. It’s life’s way of challenging our limits. In other words, there is no such thing as accidents. It’s all part of the game that life plays with us.

Xu Mey stayed unconscious for an hour and all that while, Zhu Qinyang, He Jian’s mother made her brother Dr. Zhu Chen wait beside her. Dr. Zhu didn’t know the relation between his sister and Xu Mey but he figured that Xu Mey was quite close to his own nephew He Jian.

Zhu Chen always thought that his nephew was indifferent and cold kind of person without any feelings. But the way he cared for Xu Mey cleared up that he had feelings as well.

When Xu Mey opened her eyes, she found herself in a familiar room with familiar faces looking at her anxiously. "Are you coming back to senses, Xiao Mey?" She heard the familiar concerned voice and it curled up her lips slightly.

"Auntie Zhu!" She called in her hoarse tone. He Jian passed her a glass of water as Zhu Qinyang helped her to sit up. She took the water and let the cooling sensation soothe her stinging throat. "What happened? How did I get here?" She asked.

Everyone’s eyes shifted to Zhu Chen who was innocently sitting in a corner. Feeling all the gazes on himself, he raised his head. "You had a small concussion from the accident’s impact earlier and it’s not a huge issue. But your ankle was badly hurt and I had to stitch it up a bit. As for being here, " He looked around for a bit taking a pause. "I just brought you to my sister’s place for treatment. I didn’t know that my elder sister was this close to you." He answered her question.

"Oh!" She nodded. "Doc, you are Auntie’s brother?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Unfortunately." Zhu Chen muttered as he walked up to her side to take her pulse. "Ouch!" He screamed as his sister hit the back of his head. "Sis, stop using your authority of being my elder sister."

"I will use it until I’m alive. What can you do about it?" Zhu Qinyang challenged him with her hands placed on her waist.

Seeing the way Zhu Chen cowered, Xu Mey chuckled. "Auntie didn’t your brother lived in Country A?"

"He did." Zhu Qinyang replied looking tenderly at Xu Mey. "He recently came back to the country." Xu Mey nodded.

Dr. Zhu Chen asked a few questions and checked up Xu Mey before telling her to sleep. As he was leaving the room, he heard Xu Mey’s soft voice, "Doc, this is the third time, we met coincidently."

He smiled thinking about how she first came to him for consultation and the second time, they met when she had the allergic reaction and had to stay in the hospital for observation. This time, it was another coincidence that he was coming to see his sister and saw her getting into an accident on the way. "It indeed is our third coincidence." He replied turning to glance at her.

"My Sensei once told me that when coincidences happen too often, it becomes fate. Looks like, doc and I have a stronger fate." She said looking at his familiar and yet unfamiliar features.

Zhu Chen smiled at her words. "You should inform your husband." He suggested thinking about her caring husband.

"He’s out of the country. It’s better if I don’t tell him just yet. He’ll be worried for no reason." She said.

"Suit yourself." With that, he left her room.

"Jian-Ge!" Hearing her voice He Jian who was sitting quietly beside her bed on a stool tilted his head to look at her.

"Hm." That was his acknowledgment to her.

"Have you noticed?" She started looking into a distance.

"About what?" He asked.

"Your uncle-" She didn’t know how to say it.

He Jian understood her meaning without her saying it and smiled softly. "I did notice that." He replied.

"You did, right? I’m not just the only one." She had to hear him say it out loud to believe that she wasn’t overthinking again.

"The first time I saw Ye Jie I was also very shocked." He Jian said. "He and my Uncle..." He didn’t finish.

"He and your uncle look exactly alike. Like a carbon copy. It’s like they are made from the same mold." Xu Mey was bewildered even just thinking about it.

The first time, she met Dr. Zhu Chen, she had an inkling that he looked familiar to someone. But until today, she wasn’t sure who? Tonight, when Dr. Zhu’s brown eyes looked at her with concern and stroked her hair tenderly, that’s when she realized how much similar he was to Ye Jie.

"Is this what they call having a doppelganger?" She asked staring at He Jian.

"Xiao Mey, don’t think much about it. Take rest." Even though that’s what he said to her but inside he had a turmoil running as well.

As he left her alone in the room to rest, Xu Mey couldn’t avoid thinking about it. ’They say there are seven people with the same faces in this world. Maybe, Dr. Zhu and Ye Jie are exactly like that. The only difference is that one is old enough to be the other’s father.’ She tried to laugh this thought away but her own last thinking made her heart feel weird.

Suspicions are quite dangerous. They don’t just ruin a relationship, they can even kill a person inside. And a person who’s dead inwardly is probably most suited to be called a zombie.

Xu Mey ruffled up her own hair in irritation and laid down to sleep.

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