Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 116 - Sweet Mouth

Every person has some expectations from their life partners. Xu Mey didn’t have any. But now, she slowly developed some. One of those expectations was that she wanted Ye Jie to see her real self and still be the way he was right now.

She’d been waking up every morning for years with a facade.

But he was the person she wanted to show her real self. She was scared more than she had ever been about losing him all of a sudden. But telling him was also inevitable. She didn’t want their relationship to be based on the deceptions she lived.

The girl who was scared of being exposed wanted to show her scars. It was one of those times when someone noticed her presence. He not only noticed her but he was also too solicitous towards her sentiments as well.


Sometimes this word was really scary. Especially, when we believe that we won’t be able to give back what we received from the others.

Sitting under the pavilion with the pink blooms surrounding them, they chatted about random things while enjoying the sushi, caviar salad, along with fresh fruits and other snacks.

Xu Mey suddenly asked, "Isn’t this a private property?"

Ye Jie replied, "It is indeed a private property."

"How did you manage to get inside?" Xu Mey pried a bit.

"Because I own this." He answered. Xu Mey looked at him agape. Seeing her mouth agape, Ye Jie placed a tangerine inside her mouth and further added, "Actually, I even have my own apartment in Joyous Homes it’s right underneath the one we’re staying at. But it’s renovating and that’s why I had to take you to my friend’s apartment." He took a pause. "As for this mountain range... Although I don’t own all of the lands here this particular Cherry blossom forest is my own."

Xu Mey nodded in understanding. "Any special reason for buying this place?" She asked.

"Erm..." He thought for a moment. "I don’t remember. Actually, it was on the spur of a moment." He replied honestly.

After some time, both of them strolled along the flora and fauna, side by side. On Xu Mey’s insistence, Ye Jie had to let her walk on her own. As they came out of the Cherry forest, they reached a wide ground.

There was a man-made cascading waterfall with a pond at one side. It was bordered by purple Geranium ’Rozanne’ and white Lysimachia clethroides. The artwork of stones to create the cascading waterfall along with small pebbles gave it another kind of elegance.

There were Lotus flowers floating in the pond giving it another layer of enchantment. The warm glow of the evening made the atmosphere heavenly. "I almost forgot..." She heard Ye Jie’s voice and looked back at him. He stretched his hand which held a Aster flower towards her making her quirk her brows.

"What’s with this Aster? You always gave me a Daisy." It was true that Ye Jie had been giving her Daisy flowers almost every day. It was the first time, he gave her an Aster flower which surprised her.

"Daisy was for you being so innocent and for our friendship while this Aster is for our thoughtfulness towards each other, fidelity in our relationship and patience which we both need to love each other." Xu Mey felt a tug at her heart. She had nothing to say. She was left speechless all over again by his words.

"We are taking another step?" She was asking about their relationship.

"This is me taking a step towards you." He replied as he did take another step coming closer to her. "I know we have a long journey ahead of us. But the feelings brought by these small steps are worthwhile."

Xu Mey smiled. "Baby, stop smiling like that. You’re making me so want to take a leap and make love to you right here." She instantly stopped smiling.

"No, you can’t!" She retorted.

"Why not?" He asked taking another step towards her with a glint of mischief in his eyes. She unconsciously took a step back. She was about to take another step when Ye Jie hurried up to hold her body with his arm around her back. She instinctively looked back and realized that she was going to fall into the pond if not for Ye Jie holding her.

Xu Mey could hear her own heartbeat mixed together with his in this silent evening. She didn’t know whose heart was beating faster but she believed that her own was the loudest.

"I need to tell you something." She said as she thought it was necessary that he knew about it. "You can’t do that."

"Why not?" He asked even when he knew the answer.

She didn’t know how to say it but looking into his brown eyes, she managed to say, "I have two reasons. First, doing ’that’..." She was referring to s-e-x. "is a very huge step." Ye Jie listened attentively without any intention of interrupting her or leaving her. "I believe that s-e-x is not all about physical intimacy. You don’t just offer your body to the other person, you’re showing them your most vulnerable state. Seeing a person’s naked body is like reading their souls." She paused. "And I don’t want you to read the lies I’ve been living and telling people. Before taking that leap, you need to know me completely."

Ye Jie had a weird kind of feeling. He was feeling touched and also he was feeling proud that his wife made an attempt to talk about the things running in her mind. "My silly wife," he flicked her forehead lightly. "I gave that Aster flower to you because I meant the same thing. If I wanted to take that leap, I would have done it on our wedding night but that would have been meaningless. Just like I need your patience in knowing me and bearing with me, I’m ready to give you the exact same patience in return."

Silence prevailed for a moment as Xu Mey felt a gush of warmth because of his words. He really had a sweet mouth.

"What’s the second thing?" He asked as he remembered she said there were two reasons.

Xu Mey shook her head and coughed awkwardly. "Second reason might be odd to you..."

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