Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

Chapter 343 - You Know The Way Out

"Now, let’s get to business. You were calling me." Xu Mey stayed quiet while Ru added, "Either you wanted to tell me something or you wanted to ask for something. Correct?"

Xu Mey pursed her lips before answering, "Yeah. I actually want to tell you something but I also want to ask something as well."

"Okay!" Ru nodded and held her shoulders to turn her body saying, "First, take a seat. We don’t want you getting tired now, do we?"

Xu Mey listened to her and took a seat at the wooden bench. Ru, on the other hand, didn’t sit. Putting her hands in her pocket, her green orbs roamed around to see the skyscrapers brightly lit even at this time of the night.

"Start with the story you want to tell me." Xu Mey heard Ru’s voice and stiffened up a bit.

Inhaling a deep breath, she started relating the incident of the day she got into an accident.


When Xu Mey came to the office, she was feeling quite refreshed. There was no sign of any nausea or headache. She started her work without any worry and didn’t keep a track of time.

It was close to the lunch hours when someone opened the door of her room and she heard her assistant’s squeamish voice. "Madam, I told you Ms. Xu is busy."

Xu Mey lifted her eyes to see Xin Qian standing at her door with her assistant fidgeting behind her. "I’m sorry, Director. But this Madam didn’t listen to me."

"It’s okay, QiQi. You can leave." Xu Mey waved her off and looked at Xin Qian with surprise. She had only met the woman once at the He Family house. She only knew that this woman was her mother-in-law’s friend and also, Li Qiao’s aunt. But she was confused about why she came to see her.

Feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Xin Qian’s gaze, Xu Mey stood up from her chair walked towards the seating area in her office and broke the silence. "Have a seat, Ms. Xin. I wonder what brought you here."

Xin Qian suddenly pulled her into her embrace taking Xu Mey by surprise. Xu Mey stood frozen not moving at all. She didn’t even know what was going on. "Ms. Xin," Xu Mey tried to speak and squirm her way out of her embrace but Xin Qian tightened her grip.

"I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry for not recognizing you sooner." Hearing Xin Qian’s voice choked up with tears, Xu Mey was confused even more. Xin Qian pulled away a bit and kissed Xu Mey’s face. "I missed you so much. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you."

Not being able to take this anymore, Xu Mey pulled away from her grip keeping a distance of an arm’s length. "Wait! Ms. Xin, I don’t understand anything that you’re saying."

Xin Qian tried to hold Xu Mey’s hands but she stepped back. "Mey, it’s me. Your mom." Her voice quivered but Xu Mey understood her words very well. "Mom missed you-,"

"Stop!" Xu Mey cut her off. "Don’t you dare say that you missed me. Because I don’t believe a single word."

"Baby girl," Xin Qian’s voice got softer.

"Ms. Xin, don’t!" Xu Mey’s voice was stern. "You abandoned me. And here you are telling me after twenty-eight years of my life that you missed me. Wow! Am I supposed to believe that?"

"Believe me, I didn’t abandon you. It was your father. He asked me to leave you behind. Otherwise, why would I leave my flesh and blood behind? And that too, for Xu Cheng? The man who cheated on me?" The malice in her voice incensed Xu Mey.

"Mind your words! That’s my father you’re talking about." Xu Mey spoke in a hostile manner. "And I know my father very well. He never cheated on you. He was tricked and you fell for it as well."

"Is that what your father told you?" She snorted. "He’s lying! It was his mistress who told me that he wants me to leave you behind."

"Ah, and you fell for it? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Suddenly, I feel pity for you." Xu Mey was feeling dissatisfied. "You fell for Fu Lan’s words again! I’m amazed that my father actually fell for a dumb woman like you."

"You don’t believe me? Then go and ask him why he left our son with me? I didn’t abandon you but he did abandon his son!" Xu Mey’s reaction at learning that she’s her mother was very calm and collected but learning about having a brother? She was lost for a moment.

"Son?" She voiced out in disbelief.

"Yes, baby girl. Your twin brother. He’s five minutes younger than you. See, your father didn’t even tell you anything about him at all. How can you trust all that he told you about me?"

Xu Mey scoffed. "Ms. Xin, don’t flatter yourself. My father and I don’t have the time to discuss you. As for having a brother, all I can say is I don’t believe a word you just said. Until I ask my father the details, I won’t be believing a single word that you just said."

"Why can’t you?"

"Because you ruined my f*cking life! If it wasn’t for you, I’d have had a normal and happy childhood instead of suffering from mental instability at a young age. It is all your fault! You ran away! You didn’t want to believe my father and you chose to run away. You threw away your family for your own sake!" Xu Mey finally let out all that she was trying to bury inside of herself.

"How can you say that?" Tears had stained Xin Qian’s face as she kept looking at Xu Mey.

"Ms. Xin, you know the way out. Just leave before I do something I might regret!" Xu Mey’s jaw was clenched as her anger was visible on her beautiful face.

Xin Qian stayed quiet until she reached the door reluctantly and stopped to speak, "No matter what you say, you will always be my daughter. You are also like me."

Xu Mey glared at her with blood-rimmed eyes and said, "I’m not like you. I never will be! I’m not your daughter and I never want to be!"

Xu Mey saw the hurt in her eyes as she walked out of her office but it didn’t matter to her at all. Her pain was far worse.

*End of Flashback*

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