Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 391 Zhang Corp's Shares

After having a good laugh at the man who couldn't deny wanting to get into bed with her, Zhang Liling stirred the conversation further into the details about the private wedding they wanted to have before picking a date for their ceremony.

"When should we pick our marriage certificate?" She inquired.

"Ummm... A day or two before the wedding?" Fang Bingwen replied.

"Why?" Zhang Liling was very curious to know how reason when they could even choose to sign the marriage registry the next day if they wanted.

"Then I would be tempted to sleep with you as by law, you are my wife. But as I would want us to complete the ceremony that is joining us as husband and wife in front of our parents before any other thing, we have to move the date."

Mr. Fang's reasoning was clear and it was not surprising that he would think that way as he had been insistent about them keeping off from each others body until their marriage was official.

Moving over to another topic after settling a little issue concerning their wedding, Zhang Liling couldn't help but proudly mention about the investors that wanted to partner with Glint.

"I never that this day would come so soon. It's all thanks to Jia Li."

"Every one can see the potential of Glint. Including me." Fang Bingwen stated.

It was normal for investors to start coming on their own after the attention Glint suddenly had. Also, studying the small success of Glint from the time of its opening to now, the potential to grow and expand intentionally was proven.

No blind person can deny that fact unless they were too bitter at heart to admit to it.

Even he could see the potential, but he was not reaching out to her because of the profit he would gain, but because he wanted to help her.

Rather than someone coming form outside to come and partner with her and end up cheating her, or trying to gain full control of her brand, he figured he could fill in that brand.

From the agreement he prepared, it was clear that he was not after the profit as his aim to help Glint grow, was visible.

Smiling to herself, Zhang Liling revealed. "My own mother asked me for partnership at the time this idea was brewing in my head but I refused as I wanted the full rights to belong to me. Imagine how my mum would feel if she learned of our partnership. She would kill us both."

This was the reason she sealed he flips on time right as she was about to expose this news to her mother earlier that day

"I don't think she would be that harsh." Fang Bingwen said while giving her the side glance.

It would be too much for Song Jujing to throw a fit because she didn't get to partner with Glint. He didn't think it was plausible, but Zhang Liling tried to prove a point.

"You don't know my mother. Well, you can be right, but I would never jeopardize the opportunity I have to get some of Zhang Group's shares."

She was yet to sign the agreement for the transferred of shares. She was not stupid to annoy her mother before that otherwise, she might end up taking the papers back to Paris and delay it.

Sighing to herself, she continued.

"I remember refusing her so many times, because I wanted to raise Glint myself."

Crossing his leg over the other, Fang Bingwen pointed out something important.

"There is no way you can grow Glint to a value of half a million dollars without good money. If you can't afford to pump that kind of money into it, then you are going no where.

It's either you bring the money from your own pocket if you can afford it, or you bringing in Investors. As for taking out a loan from the bank, I wouldn't advise you to do that."

"You are right." She said while nodding her head. "My eyes opened to a lot of things this past few days. Funds are needed to mass produce the products to meet demands without delay. Also we need money to move into the market properly."

While still on the business talk, Fang Bingwen's lawyer arrived and laid out the agreement before then while trying to avoid paying attention to the romantic set up before his eyes.

Somehow, he was wondering if both of them were okay to talk about business in an environment like that.

After glancing through the agreement one more time, both of them signed it and handed it over to the lawyer who also signed the it before taking it with him.

"After summarizing everything in court tomorrow morning, I will hand it over to you." The lawyer announced.

As soon as he left their presence, Zhang Liling stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"It was nice doing business with you."

Taking her hand, Fang Bingwen returned a firm handshake. "Me too."

"I think we should drink to the beginning of our partnership." Without waiting for his approval, she picked up the bottle of wine and shared the small remaining content in their wine glasses.

Holding her glass up, she said, "Cheers."

Clinking glasses with her, Fang Bingwen thought as he took a sip from his glass. 'Why do I feel like this is an excuse of yours to drink again?'

Regardless of his thoughts, he went ahead to drink.

When it was time to leave, Bolin was there to drive them back home. First dropping Zhang Liling off at her apartment, Fang Bingwen left for his villa after making sure she was in good hands.

The next day, Zhang Liling signed the agreement for the transfer of shares.

Since her mother was going to give her half of her shares, she dared to boast that she was now a shareholder of Zhang Corp from just being her mother's daughter.

She was such a lucky girl.


Two days later, which was Zhang Corp's shareholders meeting, Song Jujing appeared at Zhang Corp with Zhang Liling by her side.

Taking the elevator, they went strength to the conference room.

As if had been a long time Song Jujing's face was seen as she normally attended the meeting through online methods or she wouldn't show her face at all, she spent a few minutes responding to the greetings of the men and few women in the room.

Although many of them were curious about Zhang Liling's presence, they didn't ask since it was not their concern. So they thought.

Not long after, a the shareholders finished appearing. There were only a few seats left, but as it was already 10 am, it showed that those ones were not going to show up.

Soon, Zhang Renshu walked into the room with his secretary holding unto a tab.

Seeing the company owner show up, they all rose to their feet to bow their heads slightly.

Sweeping his gaze past everyone present, he nodded to acknowledge their presence and also to return his own greeting.

The next moment, he sat down and watched everyone take their seats as well.

"Hello, Dad!" Zhang Liling greeted with a smile while putting up her hand in the air so he could find her very easily.

Immediately Zhang Renshu heard that voice, he quickly traced it to her. His eyes widened in surprise on seeing her sitting beside Song Jujing.

"What are you doing here?" he asked curiously. 'Was she here to learn how to lead a company?'

Seeing that she had her own brand, Zhang Renshu thought she was there to learn one or two pointers she could use to run her own company unfortunately, that was not the case.

Taking the cue, Sing Jujing stood up from her seat and glancing straight at everyone, she quickly introduced the new person in their midst who happened to be her daughter.

"Everyone, please permit me to introduce the latest shareholder of Zhang Corp, Miss Zhang Liling, who happens to be the daughter of I and Mr. Zhang here."


"What is she taking about?"

Instantly, hushed voices erupted in the room as everyone stated whispering amongst themselves about the sudden turn of events.

Zhang Renshu on the other hand looked list just like the , but he tried to control his facial expression.

'Since when did this happen?'

"Ms. Song, can you please explain to us in details what you are talking about?" He asked, speaking so formally to her.

He was still surprised that she would take such a bold step without consulting him.

He was Zhang Liling's father, and the owner of Zhang Corp so it was only right that she tells him something of this sort beforehand instead of letting act like a fool in front of the others.

'He looks angry.' Zhang Liling who had wanted to stand up to introduce herself properly, sat back down as her gaze hovered around her old man who seemed quite a bit furious with the situation.

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