Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 113 Does That Feel Better?

After the call with her grandfather, a few more doctors came in to examine her. The nurses gave her a few medications to take, switched out her IV drip, and even offered to help her shower. Zhao Lifei profusely denied the latter, hence, they patiently told her how to properly care for her wound when washing herself. Since she still had bandages on both her forehead and stomach, she would not be able to take a proper shower.

She did not have a choice but to accept assistance with washing her hair. Once that was done, she was left on her own to clean the rest of her body. She meticulously washed her body with a towel and scrubbed her skin squeaky clean. Even so, she couldn’t help but dislike the smell of the hospital soap. Sure, it was of higher quality since this was the VVIP room, but she preferred her usual floral scented body washes.

When she finally walked out of the bathroom and changed into a new hospital gown, it was already dark outside and she can see the twinkling city lights.

She wasn’t surprised to see feel the hospital gown’s material was a lot softer and decent looking than the normal ones. Every time she had unwillingly stayed in the hospital, her grandfather always made sure she gets the best treatment. However, it seemed Yang Feng ensured her arrangement was better than ever.

When she walked back to her bed, the covers and blankets had been changed, but the person changing it must have shifted the bed in the process because the bed was positioned much higher than before. It made it very hard for her to climb up.

She lifted her knee to climb onto the bed but winced when a shooting pain traveled from her abdomen to the rest of her body. She bent over, clutching her stomach as tears stung her eyes. She didn’t think she would ever experience such a horrible sensation in her stomach again.

Even though it really hurt for her to climb up the bed that didn’t stop her stubborn persistence in doing so without any help. She was too busy in attempting to shift the bed to hear the sound of the door opening and closing.

Randomly poking and pressing all of the buttons, she cursed when the bed was positioned into a worse angle than before. "Damn it!"

"Stupid bed!" Her face scrunched into a displeased scowl.

She jumped when arms suddenly came around her from behind, wrapping itself just a few inches above of her abdomen, expertly avoiding her injury.

Her body stiffened and she was prepared to elbow the living daylights out of the intruder until she felt the familiar tickle of soft, luscious hair. She instantly lowered her guard when she smelled the intoxicating scent of freshly peeled oranges and the ocean...

"For someone who had just woken up from a coma, you sure have a lot of energy." He buried his head at the spot where her shoulder met her neck. He breathed her scent in, a soft smile on his lips.

"You smell different." He muttered against her neck, pressing a tiny kiss upon the delectable skin that shined like a freshly harvested pearl.

Zhao Lifei unconsciously placed her hand over his, reveling in the warmth he always provided. She wasn’t even aware that she had leaned closer to him, desiring more of his unlimited heat.

"If you don’t like it, don’t hug me." She teased. She could feel the low rumble of his solid chest when he chuckled.

Yang Feng’s arms tightened around her, squishing her body against his. He held her as if he wanted to merge their bodies together, it was practically impossible to push her dainty body any closer to his strong and firm chest.

"I never said I didn’t like it." He nuzzled his face into her shoulder, enjoying her skin which was strangely always cold, despite the warm temperature in the room. It was such a refreshing feeling.

Usually, he despised hugging people or even initiating any physical contact with anyone because of how warm their skin was. He was prone to getting hot very easily, thus, hated the extra layer of heat provided by other people’s bodies. That was particularly the reason why he always kicked out all the women he had relations with once he had fulfilled his sexual needs.

But she was different. Touching her always soothed his burning temperature and no matter how much he hugged her, her skin never seemed to get warm. It remained cold to the touch. She was his little ice cube.

"Well, you hinted like you did." She mumbled, her voice sullen and no longer angry. Her eyes fluttered when she felt another affectionate kiss on her shoulder.

"You shouldn’t overthink so much, it’s not good for you." He smiled against her skin after kissing her once again.

He wanted to do nothing more than capture her lips with his, but she said she wanted him to wait, and he will. Not unless she instigated it, he wouldn’t give her anything more than adoring kisses. If she wanted more, she would have to get it herself...It was his cruel way of forcing her to want him more and more.

"Overthinking is good because that’s how I can point out all of the flaws—"

"And jump to foolish conclusions that are most likely not true." He chided her, pulling his head back to look at her. She was stubbornly glaring at the blanket, her eyes looked as if she wanted to set the poor material on fire.

"I’d like to focus on the brighter side of the picture." She did not even realize he was staring at her until his warm fingers gently gripped her chin to tilt it upwards so that she was directly looking into his smoldering warm eyes.

She was lost in his eyes that was black like the neverending abyss, yet, it reflected love, adoration, and affection. She didn’t know how to react to it. No one has ever looked at her like that. Her heart skipped a beat when the edge of his lips slightly lifted into a tiny smirk.

She noticed the heavy bags under his eyes. "You have dark circles." She lifted her fingers it, gently smoothing it out. The position they were in was becoming uncomfortable, so she turned around to face him but the minute she did so, he released her.

She cringed, offended by his action. Did he dislike it when she turned around...? But why? Was her hollow face too hard to look at? Was it because he didn’t want to directly touch her hair or—

"Ow!" She mumbled, clutching her forehead when he suddenly flicked it.

"You’re overthinking again." He chuckled, a mirth-filled smile on his face. "Don’t be so dramatic, I barely used any pressure when I flicked you." He liked the way she roughly glared at him, like a grumpy little kitten who was forcefully woken up from her slumber. The angrier she looked, the cuter she seemed.

"That really hurt!" She lied, wanting him to feel guilt and pain, but it never flashed across his face. Instead, his eyes seemed to dance with amusement, a stupid smirk on his attractive face.

"Really now?" He teased before lifting her chin so that he could get a better look at her forehead, but it was covered in white bandages, confirming his suspicion that the flick didn’t even hurt. With such a think bandage, how would that hurt?

"Such a dramatic crybaby." He teased her, earning him a rough kick to the shin. He laughed, the sound bright and joyful. He barely felt the kick.

"There, there, little kitty, retract your claws." He mused, bending down to kiss her forehead.

"I kissed the pain away, does that feel better?" He continued to taunt her, despite the fact that she was practically glowering at him, a murderous look on her face.

"It feels worse because you kissed it!"

He didn’t know why she loved to argue with him on everything, but he just found it more and more amusing each time she did so. Her responses were always so unpredictable and he just loved that about her.

"Really now?" He stalked towards her, forcing her to take a step back until she was cornered between him and the bed. His arms came out, caging her to the spot, a mischievous smirk on his face.

Zhao Lifei blinked at the dangerous expression on his face before lifting her palm to push it away. "Don’t try to seduce me, it won’t work—"

"Who said I was trying to seduce you?" He grabbed the hand that was roughly pushing his face back. He kissed her fingers and then her palms, each tender kiss causing her stomach to giddily flutter. He raised his head and snickered upon seeing that she looked even more agitated than before.

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