Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 130 Wrong Woman

"Mr. Yang, I’m not sure of the purpose of your visit. S-silver Crown hasn’t interfered with the Yang Clan’s business—"

"Bleeding Gun." Yang Feng spoke up, his icy eyes landing on the pathetic man in front of him.

Ren Xiong paled upon hearing the name of the small gang he wiped out. Of course, he knows of them, but what do they have to do with this?! What did those bastards do to offend Yang Feng and even make him mobilize his elite team of people?!

"Yes, they were a small gang working under us." Ren Xiong stammered. He cursed in his brain. F*cking hell, I’m older than him, why do I have to show respect to this little junior?! But he didn’t dare to voice this thought out loud. He was ruthlessly crazy, but Yang Feng was on a completely different level of insane.

"If they’ve offended you in any way, Mr. Yang, Silver Crown has completely wiped them out already!" Ren Xiong was, in all honesty, immensely terrified of offending the great Yang Clan who could wipe them out at the flick of a wrist. Destroying Silver Crown would be child’s play to someone like Yang Feng.

"That is exactly where you offended us, Ren Xiong." Chen Gaonan shook his head, like a father reprimanding a child. It was a funny sight to witness. Such an enormous and older manas Ren Xiong was so petrified of someone half his age. "But of course, that’s only a small part of it." His eyes scanned the room, landing on the large sum of money on the coffee table.

Ren Xiong followed his gaze that was on the cash. "Mr. Chen, here, you can have it all!" He hurriedly gestured for his men to place the money into suitcases. "Why, if it’s just money, I have plenty more that I can give—"

"You think we lack money?" Chen Gaonan sneered. With Yang Clan’s works, they could rake in hundreds of millions in just three days. That small pile of cash could be used as tissues for all they cared.

Ren Xiong took a glance at Yang Feng who seemed displeased and that was enough to send him trembling on the spot. "No, I would never...please, have a seat. Let’s talk about this over some alcohol, there’s no need to be so tense." He awkwardly laughed. He felt if he stood here any longer, he would collapse from fear.

Chen Gaonan disdainfully glanced at the couch. "I hope you don’t expect us to sit on..." He eyed the plush couch worth thousands. "That?" He spat out the word as if it was dirty.

Ren Xiong was immediately taken aback by his words. He spent at least one hundred grand on that couch! But he pushed his frustration back and tried to uphold his appeasing behavior. "Of course not. We have better chairs if you would just come upstairs with us—"

Yang Feng was growing impatient. He didn’t have all the time in the world to waste with inferior people like this.

Chen Gaonan sensed his temperamental boss’ annoyance and decided it was time to finish the conversation, but Guo Sheng beat him to it when he walked into the room with a restless expression on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Piggy, can you shut up? Your squealing is pissing me off." Guo Sheng scowled, twirling the sleek switchblade with his fingers.

Ren Xiong felt his brows furrow upon seeing another disrespectful youngster. Kids these days really deserved a beating! How could they treat their senior like this?!

Besides, wasn’t this one way too young to even be here? He was dressed naively young, like a baby chick with his bright yellow hoodie and ripped blue jeans.

"Hey, human waste." Guo Sheng’s airy expression instantly turned sinister. His eyes turned crazy and his face darkened as if a shadow was starting to cover his face. "Don’t look at me." He snarled, throwing the knife right at Ren Xiong, who screeched in fear, turning his body to narrowly avoid it. However, the knife still glanced past and sliced the side of his neck. Blood immediately spurted out.

Upon seeing their boss injured, Silver Crown’s men immediately lifted their guns again, but they didn’t dare to point it towards Yang Feng. Instead, it was directed at Guo Sheng who looked at the guns in boredom.

"Big Boss, can I blow them up?" Guo Sheng naively asked, tilting his head to Yang Feng. "No wait, I want to cut off the piggy’s tongue first. He’s annoying. What do you think about taking his eyes out? It’d be a nice treat for our bloodhounds."

At his threat, the men shuddered. Had anyone else said it, they would think of it as an empty excuse. But Guo Sheng said it with nonchalance as if he’d done it many times in the past.

Even though he was injured, Ren Xiong still didn’t dare to get offended or mad. He could only grit his teeth in anger and fear and allow one of his men to step forward with some bandages. "I apologize, young man—"

"Did I say you can speak?" Guo Sheng scowled, his face became twisted with displeasure. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another knife.

"Put it away." Yang Feng finally spoke up. His voice, deep and devoid of any emotion, combined with his grim eyes, was enough to make Ren Xiong quiver in his shoes. That voice of his was lethally calm.

Guo Sheng pouted and shoved the blade into the pocket of his hoodie. I just wanted a new dartboard... He looked at his watch and saw it was almost the designated time he usually went to sleep. I want to go home already.

"In case your birdbrain still can’t figure it out, you dumbf*cks messed with the wrong woman." Guo Sheng bluntly said. He too also wanted to rush the process. He had already missed his favorite cartoon by coming here!

Guo Sheng heard a brief gist of why they came here when the uptight Chen Gaonan lectured him about it on the car ride here. Apparently, a woman really important to Big Boss got injured by Silver Crown. Chen Gaonan didn’t disclose who it was, so Guo Sheng thought it was his Big Boss’ younger sister, Miss Yang Ruqin.

"Wrong woman?" Ren Xiong was momentarily confused but then his eyes flickered. It couldn’t be that woman, right? No, it couldn’t be...F*ck! It can’t be her!

The businessman who commissioned them told them that aside from her influential grandfather, she shouldn’t have any connections to the Underworld! Besides that, her grandfather was supposed to only have military influence, not ties to the infamous Yang Clan!

"Y-you don’t mean—"

"Oh, you know who it is? That’s great!" Guo Sheng clapped his hands together. He might be able to go home early! "So, who commissioned to have her harmed?" He couldn’t understand why someone would try to hurt the Young Miss. She was so kind and sweet, why would people want to do that to her?

"I’m afraid that information is private." Ren Xiong carefully said. He immediately regretted his words when Guo Sheng’s giddy expression darkened.

"Would it still be private if I cut off your fingers one by one?" Guo Sheng innocently asked, his words sounded like a genuine innocent question.

Ren Xiong nervously swallowed, his beady eyes shaking.

Yang Feng was growing tired of this confrontation. "Take him to the base." He muttered, turning his back and swiftly walking out. Instantly, at his words, everyone from Silver Crown became guarded. But they couldn’t react fast enough when the lights turned off and the doors slammed shut. Chaos erupted and within two minutes, the door opened again. The lights flickered on and the only men remaining conscious were all Yang Feng’s men.

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