Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 143 Easily Provoked

Xia Mengxi didn’t bother sparing Zhao Lifei another glance as she walked to the checkout counter, but Zhao Lifei decided to stay around just a bit longer to watch the scene unfold. If she remembered correctly, Xia Mengxi was actually very frugal when it came to spending.

The sales associate spoke up. "Ma’am, the total bill is five million dollars. Would you like to pay with debit or credit?"

Xia Mengxi hesitated at the price, her haughty eyes suddenly filling with uneasiness. Her credit card max limit was only one hundred thousand and she didn’t want to use the money given by Zheng Tianyi, especially because she was getting the tie and suit cuffs for him as a gift. What was the point of getting him a gift if his own money was used?

She could use her debit card, but was it really worth five million just to face-slap the vixen? "T-then, without the tailored dress and jewelry, how much would the price be?" She asked in a quiet voice, to which the sales associate sneered at the question.

"Ma’am, you do realize we are Merveille right?" The sales associate scrutinized Xia Mengxi’s outfit which looked shabby and horribly paired. It was clear Xia Mengxi wasn’t made of old-money wealth. She looked like she just brought the most expensive pieces of items and randomly threw them on together.

"Yes, I do—"

"Then I hope you understand that our simplest ties are valued at one hundred thousand, at the bare minimum." The sales associate pressed her lips together in pure disdain. "The tie in your hand is worth three hundred thousand because it is made with mulberry silk with gold threads woven through it. Your personally tailored couture dress is worth 2 million, with the necklace, that comes down to a total of four million. The suit cuff, because of the rare materials used, is worth one million, thus, a total of five million."

Xia Mengxi couldn’t help but wince at the hefty price. This was way more than she had thought it to originally be...Five million...Only the credit card given by Zheng Tianyi would work.

By now, there was already a crowd of socialites gathering to look at the scene. They were surprised to see the future Madam Zheng here, with a distraught and helpless expression, as she worried about the price. Why was she hesitating over a measly five million? That was like five dollars to Zheng Tianyi.

"Of course, how could we forget, Miss Xia was once a commoner." One socialite quietly whispered to the other, snickering upon seeing this. How embarrassing. Even with the money that Zheng Tianyi had graciously given to her, Xia Meng Xi was still unwilling to spend it? As expected of an ex-commoner... She was simply too frugal.

"Tsk tsk, she’s used to making limited money choices and buying discounted clothes, of course, this price tag probably scares her."

"But what about the clothes she’s wearing...oh my god, what’s with that style?"

"Hm, the latest season Valentino neon pink dress, plaid Burberry shoes...yikes. The clothes are pricey, but what’s with that awful color choice and that combination?"

Xia Mengxi felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment upon hearing the whispers. She didn’t think there would be so many socialites present today but then remembered, they were nothing but spoiled heiresses who would never need to work a single day in their life.

Zhao Lifei shook her head. Of course, Xia Mengxi would hesitate to use Zheng Tianyi’s credit card. Given her behavior, it was evident she was very uncomfortable with the idea of spending Zheng Tianyi’s money since she thought it would make her look like a gold digger.

"What? Are the cuffs too expensive for you?" Zhao Lifei snorted, walking up to the cashier and pulling out her wallet.

Xia Mengxi’s expression darkened at the provocation, her eyes flashing and fingers itching to do something to wipe that annoying smirk off that witch’s face. What was she bragging about? So what if she had money? In the end, she had Zheng Tianyi whose wealth could buy out all of this horrible woman’s assets!

The manager scowled upon hearing Zhao Lifei’s words. "Miss, please don’t make a scene. We’re going to have to ask you to leave." She grabbed a walkie-talkie and called for security.

By now, the socialites were close to grabbing the popcorn. This scene was simply too entertaining!

Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes upon seeing this and focused her attention back to Xia Mengxi. She could worry about the security layer. "I’m sure Zheng Tianyi has given you a black card. Why not put it to use? Don’t try to be humble now." She chuckled, deliberately throwing out the fact that the money Xia Mengxi possessed was not hers, to begin with. She had married into wealth and was not born into it.

The socialites understood her message very well. Xia Mengxi can try to deny it as much as she wanted to, but in the end, the woman was a gold-digger who had seduced her way into fame.

Xia Mengxi, who was easily provoked and fueled by the past disdain she felt for Zhao Lifei, instantly took the bait. "Your credit cards were also given by someone else." She said, rolling her eyes.

Zhao Lifei pulled out a shiny and familiar black card, the same one Xia Mengxi possessed but didn’t dare to use.

"I apologize Miss Xia, but I actually make my own money. This black card has my name on it." Zhao Lifei smiled, holding the card long enough for the socialites to see the gold etching of her name, but as fast as they caught onto the last character, the card was handed to the sales associate.

The socialites whispered among themselves. Once again, Xia Mengxi’s background was brought up. She was just a poor commoner who utilized what’s between her legs to earn money. Everything she had was given to her by Zheng Tianyi. How embarrassing to have one’s dirty laundry be brought out into the public again.

"What are you doing?!" Xia Mengxi shouted when she saw the sales associate accepting the card.

"Buying something you can’t afford. Miss Xia, please don’t cause a scene." Zhao Lifei chuckled, making sure to keep the card hidden from the manager’s line of sight. The more ignorant that woman remained, the more amusing it would be later on.

"Who said I can’t afford it?!" Xia Mengxi fumed, rashly taking out the black card with Zheng Tianyi’s name engraved onto it. She had fallen right into the trap. By pulling out the card with his name, all of the socialist saw it, confirming their statement that Xia Mengxi was just a gold-digger who had to rely on her fiancé’s money. Tsk, at least be more shameless about it.

"U-uhm, Ma’am, to use this card, you must have verification from Mr. Zheng." The sales associates spoke up, remembering the company’s policy.

Xia Mengxi felt even more infuriated to hear this. Zheng Tianyi was in a very important meeting right now with an executive that might be able to sneak his revised proposal back onto Yang Feng’s desk! They had gotten into an argument this morning about a close male friend, she didn’t want to irritate him further.

"I’m his fianceé, do I still need verification just to swipe a card?"

"Unfortunately Ma’am, we would still need a verification regardless if you’re his fianceé."

The manager also couldn’t argue against this policy because it was one heavily emphasized by the Head Manager of the mall. Just then, the security team finally arrived in a group of five. Her eyes lit up upon seeing them and she hurriedly called them over.

"Mrs. Wen, what seems to be the matter here?" The head of the team, Mr. Mu, spoke up, his eyes scanning the crowd of dazzling beautiful socialites and the two blindingly stunning women standing by the cashier.

One looked like an innocuous angel with the perfect golden halo over her head, whereas the other woman was more charming and had a charismatic aura eluding from her. Despite being dressed in casual and plain clothes, he could tell she was of a rich upbringing.

"Thank goodness you’re here, Mr. Mu! This young lady here is causing a disastrous scene! She’s disturbing and insulting a customer as well! It’s terrible how she behaves." The manager put on a very pitiful and distressed expression on her face, her arrogant eyes suddenly reflecting a sense of distraught.

Mr. Mu felt something was off and decided it would be wiser to shut the rambling manager up first, but Mrs. Wen ignored his expression and continued to babble on. "I mean, can you believe the poor commoners these days? Simply shameless! She thinks the clothes here are cheap and even tried to bring a fake black card here to show off." She rolled her eyes, ignoring the way his expression darkened when she said "poor commoner," for she had forgotten Mr. Mu came from a very humble upbringing and despised blatant disrespect just because of a person’s wealth standing.

"What do you think? Shouldn’t the police be called for fraud and public disturbance?" Mrs. Wen motioned for Mr. Mu to hurry and apprehend the woman. Because he was quickly growing annoyed of her nasal voice, he wanted to quickly put an end to the woman’s rant by going along with her wishes.

He stepped forward, accompanied by his team of men. But the minute he stepped closer, he was taken by surprise. Because of his poor eyesight, he couldn’t see the lady properly from afar, but now that he had walked closer, he saw her face very clearly.

She was the type of woman that poets died to write about, the dreams of many writers, and the muse that artists would dedicate their entire life to. Her eyes were sharp, clear, and beguiling — the polar opposite of the other woman whom, despite her angelic appearance, had very clouded eyes. He remembered where he had seen such an appealing face before! She was none other than Zhao Lifei!

Goodness, gracious! That manager has truly offended someone she shouldn’t! He cursed himself. He should’ve recognized her the second he walked into the room, for she was there when the ribbon to the mall was cut, the perfect woman standing at the front of the line.

Instantly, his side switched. "Miss Zhao, are these people causing you any trouble?" Mr. Mu hastily asked, glaring at the manager and sales associate.

Miss Zhao?! As in Zhao Lifei?! The manager nearly fainted on the spot! How could I be so stupid to not have recognized the face of the woman whose grandfather owned a hefty amount of shares of this mall?!

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