Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 331 Throne

Yang Ruqin wondered what sort of delusional reality she was living in. She had known her brother for all of her life and had never seen him this happy before. She had never witnessed such a smile on his face. He only shows it around Zhao Lifei. This tiny woman was the source of his happiness.

She wondered if she could ever find someone to hold and love her the same way her brother did for her best friend. Yu Pingluo’s face popped into her mind. Then, the most mind-boggling thing happened. Another man’s face flashed before her eyes. Frozen to the bed, she was flabbergasted. What just happened?

"Are you just going to leave me alone like this?" She pitifully said, her bottom lip jutting out, like an abandoned puppy. She perfected her act by poking her fingers together, looking up from the bed, and then looking down. "I-I’m lonely..." Truthfully, she didn’t want to return to the studio. The deadlines were approaching and so was the Summer Fashion Week.

Yang Feng was not buying her stupid act. "The main mansion will keep you occupied." He turned his back to her and ignored the gasp.

"You big meanie!" Yang Ruqin felt like she was getting bullied by him. She tried to catch Zhao Lifei’s eyes. It was already too late. Yang Feng had already distracted her by whispering loving words into her ears.

Yang Ruqin fumed by herself. Why were both of her loved ones so easily distracted?! She huffed, crossing her arms and pouting to herself on the bed. She knew she couldn’t comment on that question because she was the most distracted person out of everyone she knew.

- - - - -

"You remembered." Zhao Lifei commented when they got into the car. They received strange looks when she was carried out of the hospital and into the waiting black car. One earth-shattering glare from Yang Feng was enough to send everyone’s eyes to anywhere but her. He made her wait in the car for a brief minute so that he could officially check her out.

"Hm, remembered what?" Yang Feng motioned for Hu Wei to start the car. Then, he placed up the partition and turned his undivided attention to the love of his life. He used his fingers to push away the hair framing her face. He gently cupped her face, lightly squeezing the skin beneath it.

"That I didn’t like hospitals." She answered. Her eyes fluttered shut when he leaned forward to press a tender kiss on her forehead. He replied with a hum and continued caressing her face by moving his thumb upon her skin.

"Will you ever tell me why you do not like it?" He asked her out of the blue.

Zhao Lifei’s smile slipped a bit and she averted her eyes. "It brings back a lot of bad memories." She said, shifting her eyes back to him when he gave her a small squeeze.

"Is that so?" He said, pulling back his hands.

Zhao Lei immediately missed his warmth. It was a cocoon that wrapped around her, reassuring her that everything was fine in this world. His touch kept her calm. When he kept his hands to himself, she thought he was angry at her. She turned to face the window, watching the world go by in a blur.

Yang Feng realized the misunderstanding that would erupt if he did not do something about it. She was not going to say anything, and her blank face bothered him more than he desired. He placed a hand over hers and said, "I’m not mad."

She turned to face him, her face a bit hopeful.

A small, uneasy laugh left his mouth. Did she think he was this petty? "My love, I will respect your boundaries. If you are not comfortable to tell me this right now, I will wait until you are. And if the day never comes, that is also alright."

He tucked strands of hair behind her ears and wrapped his arms around her waist. She placed her hands flat on his chest, staring up at him like he was the most interesting thing in this world. To her, he was. She had never met a man as patient and loving as him. Her past experiences were enough to scar her for life. If it was not for Yang Feng, she wondered if she would ever heal from them.

"I love you." She blurted out, her hands sliding up his chest and settling behind his neck. She clung onto him, climbing onto his lap. He did not mind it at all and hugged her back with equal desperation.

The walls around Yang Feng were nonexistent. He used to have them as a defense mechanism to prevent himself from ever being hurt like he was in his youth. She knocked the barriers down with three simple words and action. His arm pressed her body to him. One of his hands rested behind her head, kneading her scalp and using it as a method to hug her tighter.

"I will continue to love you until my last breath." He responded, bending his head to press a kiss onto the temple of her head. He wondered if she could hear his loud, pounding heartbeats. Little did he know, she had the same rhythm.

- - - - -

After returning home, Zhao Lifei ate a delicious, freshly-cooked dinner by Yang Feng. When he asked her if she wanted desserts, the only thought that came to mind was, ’I thought you were the dessert?’ She kept that comment to herself.

Later, she took a shower and was currently lying on her bed, scrolling through the emails. She wondered what happened to the gifts left in the hospital. She hoped he had it delivered home. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up on the first ring.

"Did I need the news delivered to me by my men? You had twenty hours to notify me that you were awake. Yet, you did not. Do you enjoy stressing out your old, aging grandfather with too many white hairs to count?" Zhao Moyao’s disappointed voice was the first thing she heard. There was no greeting. He did not care about a trivial and insignificant exchange of words.

"I’m sorry, grandfather. I thought you would have known by now. Next time, I will call you right away—"

"Next time?! You mean to say you will get hospitalized again? What type of person curses their fate? If your body is this weak, eat more. You’re too skinny. Ginseng and red dates will help. I’ll have Li Xuan order you a set of health-conscious food and dried things that should be boiled and consumed." By the time Zhao Moyao finished his words, he had already sent out the message to his secretary.

"Also, I did not get to wish you a happy birthday. It’s belated, so I will not bother with it. Just wait until next year. Next time, do not put yourself under that much stress." His heart was heavy as he said the last part.

Zhao Lifei’s lips quirked into a barely noticeable smile. His words were so typical of him. "I will keep everything in mind."

"Nevermind, you will forget my instructions. I will consult our doctor and have him write a note for you on the food to consume. The most important thing is that you are being fed well. Did you eat dinner yet?"

"Yes, I have."

"Good. Desserts should not be sweets. After your meal, you should always eat fruits with natural sugar." He nagged on without realizing it. If someone had told him a while ago that he would spend the majority of his time stressing over the wellbeing of a grandchild, he would’ve laughed in their face and send them to a mental institution. Zhao Moyao did not care for just anyone.

"Yes, grandfather."

"Also, did Yang Heng consult a Feng Shui master for the layout of your furniture?"

"I believe so."

"Bah, I will visit and ensure everything is correctly laid out."

"But you don’t know the new address—"

"You think I can’t get this information out of your puppy? He told me when you were still in your coma. You’re lucky I did not beat him with a cane for getting you into a situation like that." Zhao Moyao bit out. It wasn’t easy extracting the address from Yang Heng. Damn brat. He behaved like he was never disciplined once in his life.

"Who are you talking to?" Yang Feng’s frosty voice traveled to Zhao Lifei who glanced up from her computer. She salivated. He came out freshly showered wearing a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. Her eyes wandered from his rock-hard chest to the unbelievably carved abs, and then they lingered on the striking and prominent v-line resting on his hips. She gulped.

"My eyes are up here." He pointed to his face to which she absentmindedly nodded with a small "mmhm." Her eyes were glued to his body that looked like it was created by the best sculpture known to man.

"G-grandfather, it’s getting very late. Why have you not gone to bed yet? It’s not good for your body. Please rest well." Zhao Lifei breathed in and hoped she was not caught drooling. She discreetly checked.

"I’ll go to bed right after you sleep. Was that Yang Heng in the background? Make sure to give him a thorough smack on the head. The boy needs it." Zhao Moyao wondered why Yang Mujian never placed a collar on this rabid dog. Seeing how hard it was to control Yang Feng, he knew exactly why. The odds were beginning to turn against Yang Mujian’s favor. His influence was beginning to dwindle a bit because of the shift in Masters. Yang Mujian did not see the problem with this, since it was very expected. A King can never sit on his throne for too long.

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